Was he gay?
Was he gay?
gay no, autistic yes
I wish he was, then I could date him.
he's artsexual
Gay people can't be persona users.
>never played persona 2
>Persona 2
What are you talking about? There is no Persona 2.
he just wants to paint dicks
No, he's autistic.
I don't think so, even though he claimed that he wasn't interested in Ann as someone of the opposite sex he got quite horny while she was stripping for him. He's just too autistic to focus on anything that isn't art.
No, but Kanji is bisexual.
>while she stripped for him
huh? she never took off all her clothes
I bet he faps to Mona Lisa.
>not Sayuri
Where did I ever say that she took off all her clothes? He just saw her clothes flying around and he started panicking and thinking stuff like "n-no, you're doing this for the art!".
Wait a minute...
Oh fuck me, I didn't even realize that.
>fapping to the self portrait of your mother who died of a seizure after completing it.
Yusuke more like YOU'S GAY
>Not Bi.
Yusuke was pure until Futaba got to him
>Yosuke's persona is Susano-o
>Yusuke's persona is Susano-o
Are they the same person?
Don't compare best boy to the bootlicker.
Don't ever mention best boy and most obnoxious character in the series in the same sentence again.