Syberia 3

Look Sup Forums, they made this shot just for you

fuck yeah amputee porn!

So, is the game any good?

Yes buy the game

wait that's new Lara Croft

*sniff* mmm yes my dear

So this came out of nowhere?

What the fuck is wrong with graphics? It looks like cartoony shit. Did they fuck up the godlike steampunk atmosphere too?


No, new Lara Croft was a Kate Walker ripoff. Syberia is old, user, that's why there was a mixture of hype and fear when I saw Sokal had signed on to make a third. Which, apparently, isn't very good--maybe I'll pick it after checking out the Steam Summer Sales and give it a shot.

Post soles

dem feet

I pre-ordered the game and stopped playing after 12 minutes. The audio seems out of sync. Guess I'll have to wait for the game to be patched.

You're supposed to play in french

Is this true?

Does Kate have the same VA in french? Its one of the reason why I fell in love with her.

The original language is french and the lipsyncing is for that language. I would assume it's not the same actress.

Todd? Is that you?

>Syberia is old
Not as old as Tomb Raider

NuLara has nothing to do with classic Lara Croft.

What is this game even about?

I wanna smell those soles

It's an """""""""""""""""""adventure"""""""""""""""""" game, i.e. a shitty walking simulator.

I loved the first Syberia, but this one doesn't look good

The only point and click/adventure games that sell are made by Tell Tale, Have faith

Do they think everyone on Sup Forums loves feet?

All these guys obsessed with feet have never smelled one before.

This argument would have made sense if Syberia 3 was a good game that was ignored by the masses who have never heard about Sokal. As it is, a brief look at the steam reviews and forums tells us that the game is buggy mess with tons of performance, graphics, sound and control issues.

There's such a thing as nice-smelling feet, you know.

Only if you perfume them constantly. Their natural state is in sweat and stink.

I figured if they didn't love feet they'd love armpit, and if they didn't love armpit they'd love ass and if they didn't love ass they'd love amputee like that one user

Holy shit they do look the same


The only things that came close were that old Russian base and Oscar and those were pretty coalfire and clockwork respectively.

>he thinks vaginas and asses are any better

>sweaty feet

My mom is a foot fag and would have me massage her feet and do other stuff to them all the time. I smelled them a lot. I like how they taste better desu.


But that's the best
Good taste literally

Why is Sup Forums filled with such strange people?


Reminds me of nu lara croft

the horrific cringe voice acting that sounds like it came out of a lifeless machine is what ruined the hype