We're too special to be in /vg/ edition
We're too special to be in /vg/ edition
The last one is not even on page 10 yet. Opening like that is exactly why we get people complaining about generals.
This is just asking for trouble at this point
No, it's a sprite replacement but I hope they add that feature. Custom paintjob for maybe only one ship per fleet to stop fleets from being a rainbow colored mess.
we should really move to /vg/, but we can't use /ssg/ because that's already used, what would we use instead?
False flag/10 OP
false flag.
Well Sup Forums moves very fast so it's only a matter of minutes before that one is gone. The generals must flow.
>Actually making a /vg/ thread
Absolute trash
Why don't you just use /vg/? Literally the entire point of that board.
false flag OP, ignore thread.
sage and report.
Starsector threads don't last long enough for a dedicated general
>created over 4 hours ago
>its only got a handful of posts
nice thread
/vg/ threads get no exposure. For games that have communities it's great but for something like SS that is still new in Sup Forums being on Sup Forums is more beneficial because casual onlookers can land here. No one browses /vg/ to actually find new shit.
That said we don't need constant threads, hence why OP dun goofed.
What's the point in trying to jam Starsector in with Elite and SC? The only similarity is that they take place in space
>We're too special to be in /vg/
I mean come on now, user. At least read the OP.
Post shipfus bros. For me it has to be the Morphus.
*awaiting eagerly for
>crack when
Where do I get those XBAWXHUEG ships? Do I need a commission? Or can I salvage something somewhere or buy independent/pirate?
stsg if it's free
sfg from "starfarer", older title, or smth
Not sure about 0.8 but in the previous version you needed a commission with that faction. You could technically get one by boarding but that shit was extremely rare.
I just got a message about me playing on a pirated copy even after I cracked it. What's this about a dummy code?
If you don't try to put some code before cracking you get error:null or smth like that.
Is there a FAQ somewhere? Like how to get a decent start etc?
Salvage or commission. They are really fucking hard to find in the wild though.
You don't need a commission to buy from independent military. With at least friendly relations (around 50) you can buy cruisers, but cooperative is needed for battleships.
>10/10 unique outlines and sprite detail
>stupid color scheme
I would love this faction so much if they didn't look so silly, but I usually don't use them in my games because of that.
The Scylla is so much fun to fly though.
I didn't do it and it worked for me, but when I started the game and was halfway through the tutorial I got a message about pirates and RNG.
>find an Onslaught XIV
>kill it
>it breaks apart
I like the color scheme and aesthetics, but I picked it just because its a really good ship that combines light cruiser firepower with strike craft rearing capability.
What are the best ship mods?
Depends on what you want.
I always use Blackrock, Diable and Neutrino.
Sometimes use Shadowyards and NGO.
That's it. Don't care much for anything else.
you faggots don't know the meaning of ship superiority
Diable Avionics and Blackrock Foundry are the best in my opinion. Avoid Knights Templar, they break the game balance.
Templars are boss faction, they aren't supposed to be balanced.
I find ss boring since it lack too many things compare to the X series but the craft are just gorgeous.
>ship superiority
>with moras and legions around
But I do, Appro-chan!
I wonder if starsector dev would ever make a more straight forward shmup. Star Sector reminds me of when I had Rayforce.
>game is now post-WWII space combat
>he's a battleship fag
lmao go back to the 19th century grandpa. Battlecruisers combine speed,power, and efficiency to create the perfect capital ship.
I hope not, shmups are garbage.
So im finding that recruiting basically every ship i come across is a bad idea. I barely get enough supplies+fuel from expeditions to cover the next one, which gets worse since the fleet is now bigger and everyone runs from me
Those are some sexy pulse lasers
>shmups are garbage
>plays a game which is basically a shmup with an overworld
Dunno if False flag or being retarded
actually id say its a age of logistics now, since good salvage and fights are on the ass end of the sector
t. fisher
You really should not pick up ship whenever ppssible unless it would be useful as a support ship. Even then it depends on the ship.
My dude. So much fun zooming in front of bomber wave, absorbing all their bombs and then spitting them back out at some unfortunate ship nearby.
The new skill tree is complete trash. Almost every skill is superfluous shit except for a handful of automatic gets, including the entire Industry tree if you want to play the new survey/salvage content at all.
>he doesn't know what starsector is inspired from
Are scavenger rigs worth having in a fleet? I have a medium sized fleet currently but still can maintain a burn of 9 without the rig. Is it worth the drop in burn speed?
So how do I run a sensor package for the Survey missions?
The skill tree has always been trash. It's just there so the dev can slap "with RPG elements" on his game. People always compare this game to M&B. When you look at that game, the way you develop your character as you level up drastically changes your performance in battles. In this game it's just an afterthought, the same way it is in many AAA games like the nu-Tomb Raider.
And they're a shitty boss faction.
They should be better than other ships but still in line with the conventions of the game while being unique
Not throw design to the wind and just make ships that have insanely high hull, armor, flux, range, 360 turret coverage, and have a super version of burn drive that allows capital ships to chase down frigates.or the ability to instantly purge flux while also doing aoe damage.
Interact with "(!)" things.
I'd say yes they are. +25% salvage is useful
You have to find the thing they're asking for, its a "chat" option when you interact with it.
This one's even worse than the old one. It didn't directly punish you for diversifying, and you actually could spec into specific weapon types and get something out of it unlike this where even weapon specialization grants worthless shit like +15% projectile speed.
And no, character development in M&B is terrible. If anything this patch made it more like M&B, because your character development choices matter less than ever before.
i don't feel that way at all, i think that you are in fact retarded and looking for (you)s
find and interact, you get the money instantly, plus you can salvage the thing
Except in M&B you can use equipment you weren't able to use before, you notice significant improvement in your performance using the same shit you used ten levels ago, you get the sense of actual progression. It's as good or better than what just about any action RPG provides. If that's terrible to you than list some below average, average and great action RPG level up systems and explain how they shit all over M&B's.
That's a great argument in favor of the skills' agency, you braindead animal.
>tfw OP is a falseflagging autist that wants Starsector to be banned but you want to talk about Starsector here anyways
>tfw the paranoia starts creeping in
>People always compare this game to M&B. When you look at that game, the way you develop your character as you level up drastically changes your performance in battles
No it fucking doesn't. In M&B when you're actually participating in combat you're either:
>For field battles
A) Doing drivebys on a horse
B) Doing horse archery
For sieges
A) Sitting on a ledge doing archery
B) Standing on a ladder spamming verticals
I like mount and blade. I have hundreds of hours in it across various mods (including PoP).
But the idea that the skill system is good or game changing, much less worthy of praise period is just dumb. Once you get your basic character set up in the few hours of your run, then you're just making numbers bigger.
Huh, you like Mount & Blade but you've completely forgotten a 3rd form of combat whereby you are actively just commanding your troops.
I thought that the previous skill tree is better than the current one, however I disagree on your last point and that leveling up does really change your character. in tech a lot of hull mods were locked behind skills so investing in tech skills not only gave you more ordinance points to work with, but new hull mods unlike now where everything can just be bought from a market. Old leadership allowed you to field large fleets that could constantly engage in battles due to lower supplies cost and extremely fast CR recovery.
Anyone got a link to the mod for the cute 2D girl portraits?
smdh if your sunder doesn't fit three phase lance, two dart launchers and two railguns
>based Rayforce
You've gone one step too far, nigger.
phase lances are fucking rare, man
Where can I pirate a copy?
There is only one probe in this whole system and I don't get any chat option. I can only kill the automated defenses and pound it for scrap.
Yeah, aside from all the ranged weapon types you can barely aim with initially, or heavy armor you can't run in and then suddenly you can once you level up athletics enough, getting better horses and even shitty horses perform fairly well once you're a good rider, your weapons just bounce off doing zero or one damage until you learn how to use them, the size of your force and the various utility skills you can get. In this game there isn't anything in a battle at character level 50 that I feel would play out very differently at character level 1 i.e. what you get in mission mode from the menu.
>Once you get your basic character set up
Wow yeah. Once you set up your character, you no longer need to set up your character. That's wise, user.
did it have the (!) thing?
Sometimes i wish you can post more than one image.
>Sitting on millions of credits
>Run around the entire sector still unable to find the weapons I want
Like fuck, why can't I commission someone to get this shit for me or something? Why is it so hard to find specific weaponry?
If its some other domain probe I cant find it. The intel says "outer reaches" but there is literally nothing else in this syste,
try being me, i desire a fucking apogee, and they just dont exist
Sometimes if you scavenge the thing it will reveal the location of nearby other things that might be hidden.
I have gone to systems before and just not been able to find the thing being referenced despite tons of searching. There may possibly be a bug that causes the thing to sometimes not spawn where it says it will.
outer reaches is like beyond the rings. Just go around the outer ring using sensor scan occasionally. Also it says Beta Knossos, are you sure it wasn't in a nearby system like Alpha Knossos?
>I have gone to systems before and just not been able to find the thing being referenced despite tons of searching. There may possibly be a bug that causes the thing to sometimes not spawn where it says it will.
I've had this happen a few times as well, wouldn't be surprised if there was a bug here.
Yeah, that sounds all well and good until you realize that your progression from a total scrub to a competent character literally occurs, like I said, within a couple of hours.
>Wow yeah. Once you set up your character, you no longer need to set up your character. That's wise, user.
If you're going to quote, then quote the whole statement.
This is the only problem I have with 0.8 it's like Alex for whatever reason decided he wasnt going to add Outposts & shit, this is the perfect fucking patch to do it.
Fucking christ, I'm tired of depending on his garbage ass Economic Simulation to keep my fleet supplied.
if you think those are rare, imagine how much trouble i'm having finding those dart launchers right now
But seriously it's second post in the previous thread, go fucking find it
I'm honestly disappointed with industry. Ship, weapon, and outpost manufacturing was the reason I cared about it in the first place.
Not just an easier way to get cash.
Unless there is just another one with the exact same name.
Does this game let you make spacestations to actually start constructing ships?
i think that you have a better chance at it with research stations (just get it from a mission, it always has uncommon/rare stuff)
nope, proably next update, if we are lucky
So I've been playing about 2-3 hours now, still have starter fleet (Perma damage Condor/Hammerhead + start ship). Few questions. First, when I do damage to ships and their shields fall, it seems like it takes 10-15 seconds for hull damage to start to register, why is that? Second, what's with all the books/LPCs? Are those used on bigger ships? Third, is taking a commission with hegemony a noob trap? It seems to buy any nice ships from them, you need to have one, does it lock me in to them? Thanks!