Redpill me on WoW Legion's class balance

Redpill me on WoW Legion's class balance

The leader of the balance team plays on a tablet

>the year of our lord current year
>playing MMOs

theres ur redpill

If I were playing I wouldn't need the pill now would I

It's a standard blizzard way of balancing taken to it's logical extreme. FOTM is actually FOTW now.

One of the reasons WoW died is all this retarded parsing

A graphics tablet and keyboard. Unless you're a clicker, this shouldn't affect your rotation in any way.

But because this is Sup Forums, you mouthbreathing fucktards parrot everything you hear.

And no, not a WoW fanboy. Game is Diablo 3 now.

>fire mage
What have they done to my class?

>Frost best mage
>feral better than rogues
>rogues still mediocre af
>fire mage last place
Glad I finally dropped this game.

i can guarantee that a fire mage will be kicked from groups dispite the dps difference only being marginal, but it comes as no surprise because the wow community is retarded

balance is only bad in pvp though

Classes with multiple dps specs tend to jump back and forth like that. Whichever one has 2% higher theoretical damage this patch gets all the tryhards switching to it because they feel like they have to do max damage no matter what, and the parses of the other specs suffer from only the people who don't really give a shit about doing less damage being on them.

And honestly, that dps spread looks like one of the tightest wow has ever been. But then again, I quit years ago so I'm probably out of touch.

That's actual well balanced. The balancing at the start of legion was much worse.

>rogue still in charge of not being top DPS despite being a melee squishy
>combat rogue is now outlaw rogue
>subtlety rogue is now top DPS
I'm so glad I stopped.

>ret in the top 5
what the fuck?

>BM is doing more DPS than Marks
>Marks is twice as hard to play
>tfw it's too much work to switch specs

What were they thinking with spec specific weapons and legendaries? Fucking morons.

those first two are the same thing tho. In a vaccum disregarding legendaries MM does more damage, but legion's fight design overwhelmingly requires bursty movement which kills mm.

What am I missing? It looks pretty balanced if you ask me.

The damage difference is minuscule

>those first two are the same thing tho.

Maybe if you include the entire playerbase the bad players will bring the MMS average down, but even in the 99 percentile BM is a large chunk ahead of MMS. They buffed marks by like 3.8% last week which wasn't nearly enough.

It's still bizarre. Last I played subtlety had almost nothing going for it that would boost your performance in PvE. It was almost entirely long cooldown moves that had use in PvP only.

In fact all three rogue specs being that close together has me wondering if they didn't just drop a lot of the things that made each tree unique.

they have a flat strength bonus as one of their new traits currently, for most rets it translates from +5% to +7% damage, which gives them a huge bump in the ladder. a nerf for that is in 7.2.5. also most of their other traits are extremely mediocre damage increases (they have exactly one good one, which is the +2.5s crusade uptime), which is why they're going to end up middle of the pack or below again once tomb of sargeras comes around, because tons of other specs have 'old' traits where a single new point is 0.5-1% extra damage which is huge.

overall rankings are meaningless. lots of classes are boosted in the ladder a lot while they're actually mediocre (retribution paladin top example, gets tons of extra dps on fights with even minimal add amounts because of their new golden trait + secondary trait, but that doesn't make a difference in progression and how easy a boss is to kill)

also tomb of sargeras is a single target fest exactly like emerald nightmare, so if you want a good feel for how it's gonna turn out in current balance (which is meaningless because of 7.2.5) you should look at krosus

why don't you just google it?

specs have never felt as diverse as now. that includes subtlety which is one of the 5 or so specs that actually has a somewhat interesting rotation / feel to the gameplay.

I'll never give up on monks

blizzard has