Boss has more than 3 forms

>Boss has more than 3 forms

>Each transition is at 1% hp
>The boss fully heals each time getting faster and stronger each time

>Boss has 13 forms

fuck this fight

>boss is unbeatable

>final boss turns into an airship

What game?

Or are you just laffin?

The final boss of La-Mulana doesn't have quite that many, but it gets close.

He's referring to Persona 3. The last boss has 13 "forms" (though they all look the same, a better word would be "phases")

>Accidentally triggering the boss's next phase threshold with minimal damage
>Have to fight a harder boss with higher health now

>the actual endboss is killed with one shot

>Boss can be healed back into a previous form/phase

>boss destroys you on the first turn
>you're actually supposed to win

>Final boss is DLC

this was such an underwhelming fight

>final boss is QTE

>boss has 10 life bars

>the boss IS THE LEVEL

You're gonna hate a certain dragon in the next dlc. Good thing is that he's optional. Bad thing is that you need him dead if you wanna have fun becoming the boss for other players

Is it just me, or did DS3 overuse the fuck out of >Oh no, you have defeated me!
>HAHA! Just kidding! Now it is time to deplete another health bar!

It was a cool surprise at first, but after a while it gets to the point where you just expect it

>The first 3 life bars are the same color so it looks like you aren't even damaging the boss

That was so weird. It felt so out of the blue. Also didn't help,with those phallic growths on it

>Boss makes your teammate heal them


>damage capped at 9999
>boss has 50million hp
>can cast a spell that heals for 100% of it's max hp
>shields dont work
bravo squeenix

I like it when you can force through phases by dealing damage quickly. This is pretty much only in Souls games tho.

>boss has armor with no real lifebar on the armor so you just have to hit him for a certain amount of hits or damage that is uncertain until you can actually hurt the lifebar

Is that fucking Dai-Gunzan?

>Have to turn the camera to face the chest before you can open it

Well, at least with the Nameless King, it wasn't really a fake out. Once you see that you can only hit the dragon, and not the rider, it becomes obvious that there's going to be a second phase.

>boss heals to max health if you deal too much damage in a given timespan

>Boss has three phases
>Boss rush adds an extra phase to it

So wait, hold up, you just have to hit this shit 5000 times and hope to god during that time it doesn't think to heal itself?

>Final boss heals you
I'm looking at you Yu Yevon

name seventeen (17) vidyas that do this

no cheating, they have to have come out this or maybe last year.

I'll wait

>boss has a ton of hp compared to past enemies in the game
>you start hitting like shit
>reach a point and you got buffed, now you do more damage
>kept getting buffed at certain parts
>last quarter of health is gone in fucking seconds

>Boss has more than 3 forms
>Music transitions seamlessly through each

It only heals if you dawdle out of its range for too long. You can leave the arena it's in to go heal up and buy items, and it'll still be at the same amount of health when you left, assuming you didn't take your sweet ass time fleeing.

If it does heal, it's your own damn fault.

The final boss of Dragon Quest 4 on ds had 5 forms. It was beyond bullshit.

name ten thousand games that do this

Do they have to be real games or can I just make shit up?

>boss's lifebar auto regenerates whenever it hits 0, eventually the hero gets so pissed that he pulls the lifebar into the game as a weapon and you literally beat the shit out of the boss with his own lifebar

>final boss turns into a giant machine dragon and you have to chase him on airships and systematically dismantle him piece by piece while also slicing buildings in half and throwing it at him to then hitting the the boss on his throne

the fuck?

Midir doesn't have stages really though

>Boss a has a final one shoting attack.
>its the only one shot attack in the entire game

Even three is too much

Fucking Frieda just die already you scarred whore.

>beat boss
>cutscene plays and shows me losing the fight


>lose to this boss
>it is a game over, you still need to "win" to progress

All of my rage

The fuck did you expect? His name was Seven Force!

>It's Oda Nobunaga is the boss and transforms into a giant golden evil statue episode

>boss uses the same abilities as you do

>do so much damage in a single attack that the boss skips a form

>Boss has an insane amount of defense and 3 health bars
>Once you defeat him, he regenerates and gets 4 bars of health with more attacks per turn

>Going into a boss fight knowing there is more than one form

>bosses ultimate form is easier than it's penultimate form

Kingdom hearts