What's the point of these?
What's the point of these?
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fucking up tightly packed infantry. The bolts travel through and hit multiple units
look kind of cool
Fool your opponents into thinking you have airplanes
"What is the point of these" is not grammatically correct.
actually good question
looks like they are supposed to be siedge shit with some aiming so mayby destroying some particular shit on the other side? Their trebushets/gates/or so?
No idea 2bh
yes it is. "The point" is the subject, not "these"
for close groups
onagers are neat too but they are more fucked when they get closed in on than scorpions
Because all types of scorpions are cool.
Scorpions are also cheaper to build and to upgrade.
>Rise of Legends on a digital distribution platform never ever
anyway siege weapons aren't that great if you're playing against people who spread their units more
>eurypterids and meter long scorpions never ever
>able to pierce through 11 units, though doing half damage to those that isn't the focused target
>won't potentially fuck up your units like onagers
They travel trough units, they dont damage your own units and have bonus against infantry.
if you can get a choke point, put some halberdiers in front, scorpions in the back, you can mow down a good amount of units.
cheers bro
I thought we are about actuall real life/history besiedging weapon, my bad, blame /mbg/ :^S
>active predator beats ambush predator
who would've guessed
humiliation factor
they were fucking awesome in-game
You need to make a ton of them to be effective, leaving little population left for foot soldiers or cavalry. Otherwise they just get cut down fast.
For killing sub 1100 elo people's trash mixes. After about 1300 they lose all use. They're not anywhere near as cost efficient as mangs and their one saving grace is lost against players smart enough to have even a smidgen of trash micro beyond rally points.
t. 1650 elo in AoE2
Onagers are made for unit spreads.
And they make for good anti-siege, because siege weapons aren't ever fast enough to escape their splash.
>because siege weapons aren't ever fast enough to escape their splash.
>gets Drill
back the fuck off?!
>1v1ing an old friend.
>Black Forest.
>Know he's about to balls deep me with a tonne of two-handers and skirms.
>Invest in a handful of scorpions (the slightly upgraded version, where they have a larger head).
>His entire army is D E D.
>Instantly resigns from the pure VALUE he just witnessed.
Yes we were both shit players which is why it was allowed to work, but it was still good memories.
dude, delete this
Come the fuck on dude, there was absolutely no way the tarantula was going to win that.
That was an execution.
so do the spiders ever win
I was hoping Tanty was going to hulk the scorpion during that second-wind before nobly succumbing to his wounds.
Fucking destroyed