ubisoft and ea paid marketers will deleted this thread
Still buying western games Sup Forums?
I only play Doom mods
yes i am thank you for asking
no problem goy. Don't forget to subscribe to daily fix @ign and buy a new razer pad for your long gaming sessions :}
>implying razer isn't 10 times better than whatever chinkshit garbage you use
stop being poor
razer is literally chink shit
fuck off back to Sup Forums, you don't want to talk about games
Yeah, I'll buy Battalion 1944. I hope it has a decent long-term NA community, but if the netcode isn't bad then playing 150 ping to EU won't kill me.
>If you dare to say the word goy get out of Sup Forums
neo/v/ everybody
fuck off, weeajew
just shut up
Can we get other maps than Omaha beach? Plus the actual beach didn't have those metal tank traps for cover.
No, i cant say i do. Western games aren't worth my attention.
Yeah I can't wait to see my SS officer dab at the end of a multiplayer match
did they post a new video or something??? i wanna watch
No not really desu. I'm ashamed of the western market at this point. That's just what you get when you make something mainstream out here.
>defending the alienware of mice
Just barely. Most games that I don't buy are made from californian and canadian devs. It's not hard to not buy them because they aren't appealing to me in the first place.
Why is it always a region war of east vs west with you pathetic fags?
This happens literally every year.
>CoD comes back
>Sup Forums threads pop up
>everyone says that this is going to be the CoD that will save the series and bring them back to the franchise
>game comes out
>no threads
>people forget it exists like every other CoD post-2011
Honestly I'm convinced that it\s one guy who makes these CoD threads before a release, it's quite apparent no one gives a shit about them, or they get severely disappointed like every other yearly release.
>make the same fucking bait thread for the 10th time today
>Huuuurrrr if you "deleted" this Thread youre all shills durrrr
You are the cancer of this board