battlestation thread
Battlestation thread
What's the story behind this?
see wall
it's just your generic nintenbro
can confirm, am nintendofriend
Why the fuck do you have a tiny monitor miles away from you? Why not put it in that huge empty space?
Because it's for when I'm laying down and I just want to watch something as background noise.
>perfect battlestations don't exis-
>when you finally get around to remodeling your childhood room
>implying i ever have guests over
no user, my shame is my own
tfw iwata is ded
>No books
This is sad
l want a good big TV to play all those retro/old games that look like complete shit on monitors.
this photo has always made me depressed. there was a time in my life when this could have happened to me
Here's mine
what's up the ladder?
Looks like some kind of waiting room.
the monster
Shilling your room for the 2471 time I see..
guess i'll join in this one too, there was one about 10+ hours ago
Books are on a bookshelf halfway up the steps.
and retro game room in basement.
and half-assed webm of basement setup since it seemed to go over well.
I havn't vidyad in weeks.
Just that kind of year I guess.
GTA with a PS3 controller
so this is a thing now, huh?
why are Sup Forums users such niggers?
is that a trailer user?
w-we dont do upstairs a-anymore..
>"Battlestation thread"
>Posts someone else's battlestation
>having cats
lmao what are you a homo
>comfy sofas
>comfy chairs
>lcd and crt tvs
>good consoles
>good controllers
>metric ton of games everywhere
>drawers with more games
I'm taking 0.1 of your note because you bought amiibos.
Ignoring all the autism/NEET of this, what is with the ladder? Does it lead up to an insulated attic or something?
Not bad.
Pls r8, kind anons.
Someday I'll straighten out my hodgepodge of monitors.
I remember this, you posted a picture that had a funny looking kid in it playing at the computer and people started calling the kid retarded looking and then you deleted the pictures
Sorry that happened to you.
iirc, the original post was about a dude whose parents kicked him out, but it turned out that he actually moved in to the crawl space in the basement of the house. user said that he'd just wait for them to go to work and would go shower/use bathroom/eat/etc.
nah, just the first floor of a very vertical townhouse.
it leads to a small attic that's been converted into a bedroom. it has a skylight that i leave open 24/7 so my ~5 cats can come into the house anytime they want.
the attic is now a drug den and the place where my cats leave gifts (dead rats)
I've straightened it out a bit since the picture was taken, but haven't updated it yet.
This looks very nice, but those lights look very harsh. Is that what you use all the time while playing?
qheh verga
Whats that thing with holes on?
the camera makes it look way worse than it is, the basement gets pretty fucking dark without these 1600 lumen bulbs. i do plan to put in lamps for low-light preferences though.
Hey brian peppers. Haven't seen his face in a long time.
>cpu is 45 degrees and gpu is 50 degrees
>water cooled and a ton of fans
Was that at a full load test? If not, those temps are fucking awful.
>1600 lumen bulbs
I have no idea how you do it, I can't stand bright lights at night when it's dark and I'm trying to relax. Some low-light options would make it perfect IMO.
is it really true that he died?
I hope you don't mind me stealing all your pics to get ideas for my battlestation
A fucking Wonderswan, 10/10
Wow, that's really dumb.
>February 2012 at the age of 43
Do you actually play like this?
I would find it so annoying with the gaps between the screens.
Beer cap collector in the shape of Minnesota, as this user said.
wew user, what is the name of those comfy looking arm rests?
Asuka is literally pleb-tier.
From a 'post your shitty rooms, worst one wins a prize' thread in Something Awful a long, long time ago.
i probably did overkill it but the basement has a total of 5 sockets to cover a 900 sq foot area with walls to block light, the previous bulbs were 1600 lumen compact florecent and it was pretty dark down there, i replaced the bulbs with LED bulbs and found the old bulbs to collect dust like it was it's job which was why it was so dark before.
i probably should of used 900-1200 lumen bulbs since standard bulbs of 600 lumen would of been dark as shit.
i'll just need to add some lamps so i can do low light as needed. if it helps i did run an led strip though i don't really use it.
>closet shelf
Do you think you're in the closet or something?
I love leds
>inb4 underage
They are comfy
Pretty good
i have that same desk