This is Taranza. He is a bit shy and wants to confess to the girl of his dreams, can you give him some advice?
This is Taranza. He is a bit shy and wants to confess to the girl of his dreams, can you give him some advice?
She's a little ashamed of her looks. Get her a mirror and show her what she's made of.
an Amazing Mirror
Just be yourself and tell her how you feel.
Maybe give her one of these. She'll love it, I swear.
I guess this is the new Kirby thread.
ITT: What do you expect from Blowout Blast? What are your hopes for the secret third game?
If the Miiverse post was too believed I think the third game is another fighters.
>still no NTR comic with Tara and Secc
Tell her this is my rape face :P and then slap her sillly.
if you're going to bump the thread, at least attach an image
I'm on phone sorry
Who would be the one cucking him?
Haltmann obviously
Just make a big buffer version of whatever race is Taranza
The mirror.
Please get this shit off this thread
Dark Meta Knight
I'd forgotten that I had saved so many pics of Taranza back when TD came out.
Well, Taranza is the best Kirby character, so that's perfectly normal.
The only answer
Why not Dark Mind?
my solo taranza folder is looking a little low in art, thanks.
No problemo.
I wanna be the magical girl (Kirby)
You couldn't save her
I blame mirrborb
Truly, this is a bad orb.
He's one of the villains that is just a dick for no reason.
Dark Neblua was so strange. He kinda felt like an afterthought and had the most boring design of a dark-matter esc thing.
I colored this awhile back
>Second most popular pre-RtDL villain, maybe still up there today.
>least loved.
holy shit very nice work.
>got the hat colors backwards
6/10 you tried
Yeah squeak squad felt a little rushed in general, it's not a bad game but it's very lackluster.
If only beta spider could save you amrite?
>Mirror Taranza looks like corrupt!Sectonia
What did they mean by this?
Thanks man, I've been looking all over for this pic again. It's probably one of the most touching that I've ever seen.
his own dark/mirror self, obviously
and then halfway through that, dark mind comes in
it's what sectonia would look like if triple deluxe was released a bit later
>tfw i'm stuck in an endless grinding hell in TKCDX to get enough apples to fight parallel susie
>tfw i'll probably have to do it again to unlock whatever comes after
Nani? What does Susie have to do with Magolor?
Nothing, she's talking about Haltmann
There's two battles
180 and 200 each
get your credit card
Aren't you doing your heroic missions, senpai?
You could also do what I did: assuming you have no friends, and possibly have a spare 3DS lying around somewhere, download the game on that and play multiplayer with yourself to get the link quest achievements. You get yourself a nice handful of apples that way.
i've done literally all the heroic quests i could do by now
only things i have left are wirless quests (which i don't have a spare 3ds or friends to do) and grinding
oh, and i guess also "get x amount of equipment pieces" and "buy level x of all codexes" but that'd probably just use more apples than i'd gain
Best boss theme.
you mistyped the URL
here, let me help you
It definitely embodies "crazy" very well. I love it.
But for me, you can't beat the classics.
Nigga, that ain't even thr best Triple Deluxe boss theme. This is.
>you will never wipe those tears
considering her size it might actually be impossible
>vs. final boss
>entire team is dead except for my doc
>he runs away from the pile of dead Kirbys and starts throwing fucking gems at the enemy
Fuck this game.
Perhaps you should try not dying.
she's not that big compared to kirby, and kirby is not that big either
Fuck that, Marx is overrated as fuck
Is shadow Kirby in pic related the same as the shadow Kirby in AM?
At least your 3DS works ;_;
why must you lie to me like this, user
i already spent too many apples on getting the platinum gear and now i'm back to not being able to unlock the next quest
Fucking this
Zero would beg to differ
i'll get the box of qtips then
>Least loved
>Extremely bad orb
kirby literally has deeper lore than dark souls and zelda combined
Zero is canonically the least loved creature in the universe.
Looks like Kirby threads are dying if this is the kind of OPs we're having now
It's so much harder to love something when there is no sex or gender involved with its biology
It was my first try. I hadn't fought it yet before then, so I was still learning. That said, it would have been nice to actually win my first attempt, even with a bronze.
Cactus penis.
It's better than treating them like literal generals and calling them "___ Edition".
What would happened to Turanza if she got ahold of that
Looks pretty average to me. Just seems like a big mini game
But that pissed off autists, which was funny.
Using a shitty meme as the OP like this one is not funny at all.
It's based on the Shadow Kirby from Kirby Fighters classic. It's never said if that was a redesigned Shadow Kirby or a completely different Shadow Kirby (him exploding rather than shattering and being star-patterned instead of just drab suggests the latter)
Even less than Dark Mind and all tbose other Eldritch abominations? Who could possibly love any of them?
What if it was really Parallel Kirby you fight in that minigame?
Why do people even say Dark Souls has deep lore?
While bees may have actual vaginas and even little microscopic clits, spiders don't have actual dicks.
Poor taranza. No wonder why some often confuse him for a her.
>finally beat landia and then tarzana
>wasted 3 apples ony to find out that I needed literally only 5 more seconds for tarnzana
.unlock and buy the drawicia set and upgrade from the rose set
>find out every level now cost 30+ to unlock
>grind and get 220 gem apples via missions
>I could get the EX set or unlock most of the missons right now
being a poor fags is suffereing
but at least I can kick ass now
>doing 50 second pyribbit misson
>3 seconds left
>not going to make it
>Ai gets to 4th tablet finally
>all get perfect and btfo the lava froggo
god that felt good
also what class are you
if you can't tell by now I'm the meme mage
>tfw easiest class and picked it without knowing
>It's so much harder to love something when there is no sex or gender involved with it's biology
Then why do we love Kirby so much?
Kirby doesn't have eye periods constantly
Dark Mind has Dark Meta Knight at least.
>spelled taranza's name incorrectly
>two different ways