Vidya buyfag thread
What do you guys have on preorder?
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Vidya buyfag thread
What do you guys have on preorder?
Post your collections!
snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?
This is on it's way. Right now it's at the mercy of the japanese mail service, then it must cross and ocean and somehow survive ups.
Waiting on Wario Amiibo then I am starting on the Smash Collection (SM4SH is pure Trash so only for MK8 suits and the Figures)
How much did you pay for that?
Do you have to hot glue these models together?
No brap posting pls
It's a shame the game turned out to be such a steaming pile of dogshit
The statue is really, really damn nice
I won't lie, I would definitely fuck a chick that looked like Pochaco if she wasn't horrible to be around. That shape and the supple skin feels great.
>When OP has to samefag this hard to get your thread going.
Mods are on patrol, i wouldnt count on this surviving for long
Judge me
Makes me want to play the game just cause of the statue.
I want that and I'm not a big fan of castlevania
They are horrible to be around? How, exactly?
After shipping and tax, almost $60, I think. Got it from ami ami, was like 5k yen.
Waiting for when this ships, too. It said it also released in may.
Quickly realizing how much these Taiwanese barbie dolls add up. It's only been 5 months into the year and I've already broken $300 in pre orders.
$60 for my favorite door? Thanks for the reference.
And you wonder why you are single
>tfw no Pochaco thighs to bury yourself in
The photo doesn't do it justice since I took it with my phone
You can see the detailing on the side of the throne is really minute. The paint job's fantastic too.
As for the game, it does have a couple of good moments but it drops the ball really, really fucking hard in the third act
Mostly not vidya.
does anybody know were i can buy this one and source>
>I'm not a big fan of castlevania
That certainly helps if you're planning on playing that game.
Why would you taint your 07th expansion shelf with NGE?
Not him, but as a chubby chaser myself: most fat women are horribly needy in my experience.
Honestly I would jizz all over that.
>you will never be this much of a tool
There's not quite enough of them for their own shelf so they ended up having to share it with something, sadly.
Ah, I see. Well, at least they know they're screwed without you :^)
>tfw the biggest Porkchop you can get is a 1/3 scale
I want a 1/2 or 1/1 scale of my fatty
>vidya buyfag
>posts nonvidya
Every time.
What do your tinder dates say about these? They look huge.
1/2 would be heavy enough to fall through your floor
1/1 would be heavy enough to reach earth's core
I think you're better off with 1/3
>implying I get tinder dates
why do you jews need to post sex memes 24/7 here? fuck off
Got this on the way.
I fucking wish there was Pochaco vidya.
They aren't, to be fair. There are always guys who are either desperate enough or actually are into fat girls, like I am. I wish I wasn't.
>Tinder date
Get the fuck out normie
>try to get a buyfag thread going with actual vidya in the OP
>zero replies
>this faggot continuously starts buyfag threads with not vidya shits
>plenty of replies
Fuck this place.
The only figures I've ever wanted were the samus figman and the fucking 300 dollar kino figure.
I guess nothing stopping me from getting the former, but it always seemed weird to just have one.
When it comes to fat, Pochaco is the fattest I'd go to. But yeah I was joking. Women need their rights stripped so they can learn to be more appreciative, again.
Good choice.
Damn, am jealous.
Aw, sweet! A cringe thread!
Would you care to explain, their foolishness?
Thanks. Which of these two should I get?
Waiting for Mika
Disgusting cow tits
The one on the right.
>statue review
I thought that was a meme?
Thighs arent thick enough.
pre-ordered this
>the Shad of man
own these
ignore the ones with x's ;)
Still waiting on these fuckers to come out. And the BLU Spy.
Waiting for this.
Ya sure?
I do kinda want them both.
>that fucking cripple accelerator sitting in the front
why the fuck is that even a fig, and why did you fucking buy it? also, I don't see a single decent on in that entire thing, why did you waste so much money and low quality garbage and/or worst girls?
noel main?
I don't have a lot and mostly non-vidya. I've pre-ordered the Akko Nendoroid and I'm thinking about getting another Vocaloid figure.
Get them both. I have multiple boob pads that I switch out depending on my mood.
Link/name of these? Never bought figurines but Id like the one on the far right.
Yeah, what kind of animal doesn't main his waifu for each respective game?
Pochaco isnt Sup Forums.
Be honest, Sup Forums. How many Amiibo do you own?
Thanks user.
Now if only I could find good furfag tittypads
If you have to decide on one: yes, I'm sure. Otherwise I agree that you should get both.
Who's the fatso on the left?
I don't need more
Let me guess: not enough shitty fotm harem shows for you?
Aside from Evangelion trash, it's ok
>he wasn't around when all of those were a fotm
every popular show at any point in time was a fotm when it was airing, you fucking tool. Basically, you have a ton of NGE figs and that means you should kill yourself for enjoying a pisspoor story scrambled together by a no talent college dropout. Lucky Star was also fotm as fuck, and it was shit too. Those are the two things you have the most figs of aside from touhou, and both are shit, what does that say about you as a person? Higurashi is shit too. why do you enjoy shit?
Ok got em both.
I'm not getting any figures till at least July, so I guess the Morgana plushie I got with Purse Owner 5 is all I got.
I was you fucking donut. Sup Forums has just always had a hard-on for harem shows which I've always despised: see Haganai etc.
Newsflash for you: the famous shows get all the figures. Good luck finding that one (1) non-garage kit Mushishi figure in existence, for example.
Got this figure yesterday. He is pretty cool. Have him paired up with my Elizabeth D-arts.
I got one too, along with a Femui figure.
Honestly, about the only figures I would consider are Tamamo from Fate/Extra. At least I liked that game and like the characters. Shmup ships just don't get made anymore, and it's not as if puzzle games get figures.
Although I will typically just get limited editions of the games instead of anime figurines.
Tharja and princess solange are video games
Every thread. Every single thread nearly every figure posted has a fantastic body, but looks like this shit from the neck up.
Why the fuck don't any of these have halfway decent faces or hair it infuriates me
>Shmup ships just don't get made anymore
I wish there was a figure of Mushihimesama.
>yfw no anatomically correct fit male figure
Waiting on these two.
They expect people to buy based on the body using their dick and never look at the face.
>go to find a statue of Monohime from Muramasa
>9500 yen
No wonder cheap shit like Funko took off here.
I wonder if we'll ever get another gen as good as gen 5 again.
there are some very well made figs, but you are gonna have to pay for it if you want the quality. personally, I would prefer 1 decent one instead of a dozen shitty ones, but that's just me I guess.
The thing with women shaped like that is when that bra comes off the tits slide off into their armpits or flop down to their gut.
Source: I've run through a lot of fat women in my day.