What's the best Simpsons game?
What's the best Simpsons game?
The original arcade beat em up of course.
They're all pretty shitty. The ones people profess to be the best are Hit and Run, which is a poor replica of GTA/Crazy Taxi, and the arcade game, which is just a totally average beat em up.
Virtual Springfield
Is this one a decent 7/10. I just saw it at a gamestop and it peaked my interest. Is it any fun to play?
I remember really enjoying it. No idea how well its aged, but its worth checking out.
I liked it but I was a massive underrage when I came out so, maybe ?
Thanks.. I figured this had to be a hidden rare gem. I hope it's fun.
That game was pretty shit iirc, beat it in one session. Had a few ok laughs but not nearly as much as it should have
Hit and run you mongs.
fuck off with your e-celeb shit
What's the name of that latino bart meme where they just draw a really shitty gangster bart everywhere
What do you mean e-celeb shit? I'm saying It's a good game, and just cus someone somewhere said so too It's e-celeb shit? What fucking world are you living in?
It's Matt Hazard with modern Simpsons.
The one where they're in Undertale
The Arcade game for me, although the only other ones I've played were the few NES ones and those weren't fun. So glad I got the Arcade game on PSN before the game was pulled.
Remember Skateboarding and Wrestling?
Although Hit and Run has it's charm by being filled with references
Which version is this? That's not the NES version.
Well if it's not the NES version it can only be the Genesis version considering there's no other version of this game besides these two.
fuck off, you never even heard of the game before grumpcade I bet
I think I'll play it again just for giggles. I remember some worlds being fun. Marge levels were shit though.
Hit and run
my fucking nigga
The rest aren't even close
Best game coming through.
Think that's nostalgia speaking.
At best, it's a worse version of crazy taxi.
cabeza de pito
Una vela?
fuck yeah that's the one, thanks
el vela and run estaba mejor
This one was glorious
if your old is a shoemaker
good thread
this followed by pic related
First game I ever rented. Never got past the first stage.
my mom lived in a apartment that had this with free play
so good
>there's no other version of this game besides these two.
user, I...
Spanish is my native language and I don't understand one word in that image past the fact it's about weed
this guy knows whats up, very comfy point and click you get to explore Springfield and find hidden items.
Plus that doom reference was cool
/lat/ get the fuck out.
>tfw los negros cumbieros se apropiaron de Los Simpson culturalmente y los pendejos memeros de Taringa de /lat/ ahora los shillean en Sup Forums
I fucked your mom
9 months later she shat a turd
hi son how are you son
te lo tuvimos que matar papu
The Halloween game for GBC was neat. The best was Hit and Run imo
Pero qué meme mas gracioso, despues paso por taringa y te dejo los puntos.
Pero si vos sos un chetito de Belgrano que se la pasa memeando en internet y ni tiene calle.
A candle?
jomer = yo
flanders = vos
nelson = /lat/
Memes aside, Hit&Run is still GOAT
nuevito y putazo
south america was a mistake
I wish you could actually carjack people instead of just entering their car though
No te enojes memerito, en serio te lo digo después te dejo los puntos, a pesar de que son imagenes que tienen fácil 5 años de circulación en internet.
At this point in history, few countries in the world could be said that weren't a mistake, if any.
Tanto te jode que alguien que no está en tu movida memera de quinceañero te saque la ficha?
That's argie speak with sone chilespeak borrowed.
Malditos sudacas, hambrientos y haraposos. ¿No teneis nada mejor que hacer? Largaros de una buena vez a su hilo de contención.
Definitivamente fue un error mandar a putas y a presidirarios a colonizar ese endemoniado continente.
This is my favorite one, still holds up too, unlike Hit and Run, that game needs a remaster like no tomorrow.
I remember a chucky cheeses that had this on freeplay.
even better than golden axe
Nobody even owned those no name systems.
el galle
este habla como en la biblia jaskasjk
Hola España
Moros apestosos
throw me the gum
Latino memes are confusing
Latino memes are fucking cancer and you should not look at them much less try to make sense of them
For someone who considers himself a Simpsons fan, I never played a lot of the games, only Bart's Nightmare.
are nu-Simpsons games as bad as nu-Simpsons episodes?
I don't remember the episode with the statues with Bart's shitty mud statue.
That weirds me out. I thought I knew all Simpsons.
it's the one where he gets caught stealing the video game before Christmas
Arcade game for me. I love that it got put on PSN just long enough for me to get it. A shame it was pulled because everyone's fighting for copyrights and whatnot. Same thing happened with Scott Pilgrim.
Those were snowmen. They left Bart out of building a snowman family (because Marge thought she was babying him too much) so Bart had to use the snow under the car.
>Simpsons have black heritage
>Marge was a lesbian
And people say Family Guy ripped off Simpsons too much.
jesus christ, i remember family guy did that too but they were funny, i bet the simpsons one was terrible and forced
I think the scene of Marge being a lesbian was Homer's day dream.
so progressive
Grampa Simpson is gay now?
not just him
no, they just thought he was. in actuality he was a cross dressing wrestler or something like that
>Lisa's leg
>H&R a replica of crazy taxi
confirmed for never playing it, that would be road rage you idiot
no that's 100% argie speak
I hated that game. I beat it too. Arcade game and nothing else
this one speaks like the bible
haha re gifted himself.
>Andy Dick guest starred in the simpsons.
Fuck this gay earth.