what videogames can I play to feel less lonely?
What videogames can I play to feel less lonely?
oh shut the fuck up, you're probably some normalfag with a ton of friends or some shit but they left to go to concert and now you're lonely
getting a job is the best one for that. not even joking im diagnosed with autism and even i have irl friends because to get money i had to be nice to people
multiplayer gaems with dedicated servers and voice chat
Buy me a game and we can play together
Neko Nin
I usually turn my brain off and play D2 or D3. Otherwise if I get into a JRPG, I can shut the world out and get invested into that, so try and just throw a bunch of RPG's at the wall and see what stick, least that's what works for me.
I ended up having a lot of negative experiences with "close friends" and can't even bring myself to play some games because of it,
so it feels somewhat nicer to just stick to single player shit.
>Tfw moved away from friends for money.
Miss them everyday.
I lost motivation to play vidya after years of being a neet, it didnt full the void in my life for companionship. After I was forced to make relationships with my coworkers when I got a job it made me look forward to vidya
Y z ket sed?
Second Life.
I imagine you did so for work, in which case just make friends with the people who work with you.
All my friends left my city to pursue careers elsewhere so I just made new ones, it isn't difficult.
z oner fed 2 manny fud
How about you stop reposting this thread and actually play some games faggot?
rep en p ;;;;__;;;
dik in asshole
literally the first time I'm posting this, what are you talking about user
thanks for the suggestions anons, still wondering
I don't understand this
Any anime waifu game, they will make you feel loved
I recommend Persona, Steins Gate, and Muv-Luv
Is that guy afraid of milk?
just go out and make friends you stupid norman
I've never been employed and I might aswell self disgnose myself for being an anti social autist
I was that fat quiet kid in school
Hoping to get a part time job that forces me to interact with others just to break out of my comfort zone and just be more productive in general and
>literally the first time I'm posting this, what are you talking about user
Is the exact fucking thread we occasionally have, same image and context, play any game and fuck off you fucking sadfag.
Play DOOM. All those demons are waiting to become your friends
Battlefield is good for making friends desu
There is no escape from the dark corners of your mind, and video games make it worse.
I got a job half a year ago
Still no friends
People there are either normalfags or old
I'm tired of being alone ;_;
they say doing exercises improve memory and health I don't know OP, get outside and take walk to change your mind?
You get used to it.
Persona 4
That's what I thought too but it only gets worse
I can't imagine living completely alone for the rest of my life
How the fuck do I get back into being a part of some kind of small community or group?
I used to go to a forum that was small enough that the regulars knew each other, and had a group of friends in an MSN group chat thing in my teens. It was drama central but it gave me something to follow.
I'm in my mid-20s now and have two online friends I consider important to me and basically nothing else, and while they're great, they both have full time work while I'm a fucking NEET. Which means spending any time I'm not playing games on Sup Forums, and the constant arguing-for-arguings sake here is awful for your mentality when it's your only form of socialising for most of the past decade.
I've tried joining random forums, discords, etc. but I never feel like I have anything worthwhile to say and finding friends is a long as fuck process. I've tried thinking of a hobby or project I can help people with or work on but I have no talents.
----> /r9k/ is that way
/k/ is this way
Get a fucking job.
It absolutely blows my mind how many people on this site are NEET and are confused as to what they should do to get happy.
Gee idk, maybe earn some money, stop sucking off the tit of the government and your family, become a functional human being, meet people in the real world, maybe get a fucking girlfriend in time? Literally get outside of your comfort zone and stop being a waste of life or just end it.
but they're both to the left, user
I had a job. I lost it. I'm looking for another job. I felt even shittier when I did have a job, so finding new people to talk to is probably something I need either way.
Tried it, shit sucks even more than being a NEET.
How about instead of falling into the same lame, aged trap that is online communities, you grow up and try something in real life?
You're not actually giving advice, you're just promoting being some kind of vague normalfag.
>have studies
>try to get a job
>can't even get a dishwasher job
my country fucking sucks
are you cute? if so, I'll be your gay friendo.
Friends aren't supposed to fuck each other
Not at all. Sorry to disappoint.
so happy to be the one to introduce you to the concept of "friends with benefits"