Who is to blame: IGN or Nintendo?
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Why didn't they just remove the review?
oh shit, i was unaware they did console reviews
Who knows, Switch is kinda shit currently. You can't even send messages or move data from the internal storage to SD card.
He's right you know.
IGN finally gives good review with a positive score, and dude gets let go?
>the absolute city of nintenbros
>ninty would never pay for reviews
How do we know that he was let go for that review?
Fun fact: Vince left on his own accord because of the insufferable nature of IGN commentors and their general audience.
How do you even review a console wtf
also fuck whoever made dro-nes switch to bros.
Reviewing consoles on launch is stupid anyway. Features get added over time and there's no games so of course you'll feel underwhelmed for the first year or so.
We don't. Sup Forums is shitposting, per norms around this cancerous asshole of a board.
>reviewing consoles
>deleting things from the internet
Hillary Clinton couldn't do it and she had a literal meme team on payroll, why would IGN be able to?
You can review things like the dock scratching the tablet, the joycon bluetooth not working if your hands are too big, the color scraping off the joycons, etc.
Because he didn't follow the rules. Everything is a business and you're supposed to do what you're told, that's all. I've seen it happened before at my workplace. They aren't paying you to be honest and opinionated, they're paying you to follow their rules/guidelines.
you guys should help him find a job, it's the least you could do
He's correct though.
As a portable its too large and clunky, and has relatively poor battery life.
As a home console it's too far behind the graphical curve and has a mediocre controller (unless you pay extra for pro controller, be review assumes you will not)
And he didn't mention any of those things
He is going to KindaFunnyGames
ba dum tsss
I'd be surprised if he could find a job as good as the previous.
the thing that makes me mad is that people still visit ign,destructoid,gamespot,etc.
>large and clunky
at least it doesn't take an age to turn on
I just realized the Switch is nothing more than a bad, proprietary tablet with controllers.
I wonder if this years Call of Duty is gonna go back to its roots.
Didn't even need to read the thread to know the thoughtless responses this would garner. I'm not saying he wasn't fired for his opinion. But for fucks sake can this board not be an embarrassment for once? I mean I know most of you are children but just because you agree with something you normally disagree with doesn't mean it's the one time it's right. Fucking retards I swear. IGN is absolutely fucking terrible at reviews and have literally been confirmed caught participating in payola. Fuck off idiots.
The funny part is it won't.
>local user wonders if Activision bring Call of Duty back to it's roots
because of people like them is that no one takes gaming seriously. That's why companies treat gamers like they are brainless easy to manipulate retards. A small -- but vocal -- minority of western shills destroyed the entire community and now we are slaves of the bad practice sof Ubisoft, EA and Steam(Valve). Besides no one supports GOG and other good initiatives.
>giving any shit about what corrupt nonsense is peddled on IGN under the guise of 'honest' reviews
Who the fuck unironically reads this kind of shit anyway?
>Too large
Fuck off kid. Phones are as large as it.
but putting it into a simple 0 to 10 scale? that's just retarded
besides, a console should be measured by its games, who the fuck simply buys a console
Local user Wonders if Activision will bring Call of Duty back to its roots.
"local user wonders if Activision bring (sic) Call of Duty back to it's (sic) roots" - Sup Forums greentext
>As a home console, it doesn't have the fancy graphics or multiplats that everyone miraculously hated on PS4/XBone/PC but the Switch should have anyways
>As a handheld, it doesn't have the battery life to be used as such
I can see where he's going with this, but then again:
are you seriously trying to appeal to any semblance of intelligence on Sup Forums?
I don't know if I should laugh or pity you
>who reads IGN
other than paid reviews how do they pay their hipster staff?
PS2/PS3 were the cheapest DVD/Blu-ray players at the time.
>no one takes gaming seriously
Well, they're electronic toys, after all.
you are too young to remember but DVD was a fucking must buy in early 2000s. After 30 years of tapes, bad quality and rewind we finally had a decent way to play movies. Too bad they decided to go with the 16:9 meme too early in 4:3 tvs
I only subbed to ign for the vidya news back in the day. Way way back in the day I used the site for cheat codes (how the fuck is anyone supposed to know how to do a fatality?).
I unsubbed from them because they kept spoiling shit like TV shows. Now I use this place for my vidya news.
>Too bad they decided to go with the 16:9 meme too early in 4:3 tvs
Well when the fuck were you supposed to upgrade to 16:9?
The normie audience today have nothing to do with video games. They are there to spread/support an agenda or to get invited to private events.
It has nothing to do with "toys" or whatever your trying to meme.
the only 16:9 tvs were released by Sony and LG in mid 2000s and no one bought them because they costed more than 800 dollars. People ended up playing all movies with two black lines due to "Dude cinematic experience :D at home!"
I can't even find myself a FUCKING JOB.
deserves lower
I love my Switch but there's too many problems with it
my biggest gripe about the Switch is the garbage wifi chip they used
They released both 4:3 and 16:9 versions to begin with, but 4:3 was a raw deal as they were almost always bad crops.
>muh new world order conspiracy
You need to get friends, user.
>As a portable its too large and clunky
By that logic a fucking iPad is way more large and clunky.
why do i recognize the name greg miller
>They released both 4:3 and 16:9 versions to begin with
I still remember the VCD's and how shitty they were.
>People ended up playing all movies with two black lines due to "Dude cinematic experience :D at home!"
the fuck has anything what the user said to do with new world conspiracy?
are you retarded? do you just stamp everything you've never heard of off as some conspiracy?
just take a look at "video game journalism", it's not even a joke anymore cause jokes are funny, it's just a fucking tragedy and embarassment
>PS2/PS3's were the cheapest DVD/Bluray players
no they weren't
PS2 had gaming as well but was still expensive and costs $300+ and even than other DVD players cost MUCH less
PS3's were even more over priced, and while the blu ray's was good, hardly anyone had a good tv to support it
you can't pay for memes, they're a force of nature
5/10 bait
Fucking retarded eat shit
yeah piss your money now with dreams of it being better in the future
woah that's super smart
i see you have the mental capacity of a turd, any more words are wasted on an idiot like you
Conclusive proof that Nintendo has started paying for review scores
>82 vs 35
Argue this when the critics are on par.
>no one takes gaming seriously
eSport are actually taken seriously in some country if you count them as "gaming"
>Too large and clunky
False. It's slimmer than a a 3DS.
>relatively poor battery life
False. It has a better battery life than the Vita. Performance takes battery. That's how physics works you fucking mong.
>It's too far behind the graphical curve
False. Any port transferred to FP16 would be able to be close to a PS/XB level of graphical quality.
>has a mediocre controller
False. Split joycons are not only superior to the pro controller, which in and of itself already surpasses every other console controller, it is the best controller ever created.
Why would the expanded game with a bunch of improvements, new characters, levels, and modes not be rated higher, exactly?
>It has a better battery life than the Vita.
You're full of shit.
nintendo game with a bad revew
nintendo game with good revew
Not even close, retard. Switch drains 2 percent a day on sleep mode. My Vita dies in less than a week, max, with location turned off. Vita games are less intensive to run by at least 30-40x, because that's how much more powerful the Switch is. Get your head out of your ass.
I feel actually sad that people are paying for Mario 8 with ""DLC"" full price after 3 years.
It's just sad. Also it's sad the online servers for the wii u version were horrible even though it was their best selling game.
>I own a Vita, PS3, and PS4
Sure feels DRONE up in here!
>literally been confirmed caught
Except no. No major site has because it doesn't exist.
Honestly, does anyone on this site actually know how the real world works, or do you all sit in your fantasy land thinking the whole world is conspiring against you?
You'd be surprised kiddo,
There's a lot about the meme underworld you can never know about...
Every major meme is now backed by lobbyists with a specific agenda, you're just too feeble minded comprehending.
Heh, I guess some of us are the pawns and others are the players
why? i didnt pay for the game on WiiU because the console is shit. Now that i have the switch im going to pay for it to play it.
i dont find a problem with that, now if you are buying the same game twice well in that case you are a fucking retard
>because it doesn't exist.
So you really think IGN being invited for 2 private events by Bioware is just a coincidence?
An alpha build with so many bugs and glitches it cannot be finished without a patch gets 8/10 and it's just a coincidence?
>Ports are bad
>Unless Sony does it
>paying full price for a 3 year old game with bad netcode
that's why the west is the laughing stock of the world.
You can review a console at launch and at different stages of its life. I'd say every modern console is like a 3/10 at launch because they come in overpriced with hardware issues and nothing to play.
Pretty sure Call of Duty never left its roots.
>Remove battle mode from main version
>add battle mode in the port
>add 2 meme characters
>Sell for full price
>call it deluxe
>this is now acceptable
Even neogaf wouldn't go this low.
The same can be said with eny "Game of the Year" edition. And no one crys about it
And they fixed the online, thats part of the positive things that you can see in diferent revews
>Ports are bad
>Unless Sony does it
This proves how fucking crooked and hiveminded thsasewet "game journos" are, Fucking scum. HJe ddnt play ball and like Nintendo like all of them, so they let his ass go.
You know what they say...................................................
You can't spell ignorant without IGN
When IGN rolls out its "IGN First" exclusive look at Shadow of War or whatever they are plugging - how do you think that happens? Some random editor meets a developer in a back alley and they exchange money? Or that editor gets to go to a secret event and 6 months later 10/10?
Or perhaps, someone whose job it is to handle preview coverage pitches the game dev/pubs on showing off content. Game gets exposure, IGN gets web traffic, and down the line the game is reviewed by someone NOT involved with the preview process. And yet people look at preview coverage and scream "shill" when its their literal job to show off upcoming games that get people to visit their website.
>Except no. No major site has because it doesn't exist.
Except yes. It was even on mainstream news sources when it happened. IGN admitted themselves and claimed they corrected the problem.
They employ a f-f-feminist? How dare they?
Woah, a cougar..
If it was on mainstream news sources when it happened I'll assume you have a source then? Would love to read about that.
You understand that reviewers dont just directly publish things to a website like IGN right? There's editorial oversight that approves articles before they go live.
I mean. this seems obvious. You guys can't actually be that stupid. If a dude gets fired for something like that, which I honestly have trouble believing even in concept, you can bet it's going to happen before this shit even runs.
They also review individual graphics cards with a numerical value out of 10. It's pretty embarrassing.
>Come home from a hard days work as a Wendy's chef (I make 120k a year)
>sit in my lazyboy and whip out my 16" dick for a nice fap
>pop my girls gone wild DVD into my PS2
>what the fuck are these ugly bars? Why would I want blank bars in my tv screen?
>set ratio to full
>tits are even bigger now
You'll understand when your older kiddo
horizonfags will defend this
meant for
Partly true. Vince worked at the office as an editor, as opposed to a freelance reviewer who work with a lead editor to publish a review. Still, even an in-house editor would have oversight - especially for a console launch.
Still, there's a difference between being "let go" and "fired". Companies switch up how they work and what positions they need all the time. But most people don't know how companies work and so we get your average Sup Forums poster.
It had nothing to do with the review. Reviews go through peer review. This mean his boss and college all seen it before he could publish it.
He was let go for other reasons.
>cutting off the review itself because it has nothing to do with feminism
only some deviant who watched fuzzy porn from scrambled channels or shitty .mov would do this
>Nintenbros implying