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Was this the first commercial dota clone?
Early Dotalike when WC3 Dota was still too strong, got swiftly forgotten
Never got super into it, but GPG was a solid dev
I remember building a new computer around the time this game came out, and I remember playing it on the highest possible settings and it looking absolutely gorgeous. I bought it in hopes of Warcraft 3 style custom maps making their way to it, but nothing ever happened with that game.
How did this fail and not LoL?
Demigod came too early and it also wasn't F2P.
>9 years ago
Time flies pham, feels like yesterday
LoL came out while Dota2 was unplayable to most people.
Dont worry guys, im gonna bring RTS back.
LoL is F2P, so every 12yo and 3rdworlder plays it. Then idiots started to play it because a lot of people play it and millions of flies can't be wrong. All while
Game was shit. Unbalanced, boring, small heroes roster. Plus it wasnt free like doto
Wasn't that OK? Expensive and nocontent, though
Had to pay.
And there were only about 8 characters to choose from.
it was alright. Had some good ideas. It came out in a very unenjoyable state because artillery ignored all defense stats and was broken. After they fixed that it was better but the meta was still frustrating with beta being awful and humans being OP.
Now it has more content but the damage is done with a regular playerbase of about 80-100 players
Leave MOBA's to me
"MOBA" looked like like it was going to become the "me too" genre for a while, but that impetus seems to be already dying down
>acronym is DIE
>game DIEd
This was a really solid game after balance patching. Since it wasn't F2P with a giant roster of unmaintained heroes, it was swiftly buried.
What the hell happened to all the ex-Westwood at Petroglyph? It's like they forgot how to make a game.
F2P doesnt fully explain it.
Hon was not F2P and did quite well before Dota 2 was out and crushed it.
>What the hell happened to all the ex-Westwood at Petroglyph?
8-bit armies is constantly discounted on Steam, so I guess they're not doing too well
Hon was not F2P and couldn't compete with LoL. Then Dota got it small playerbase.
Hey guys, what's going on here?
Yeah, now it's the era of the dumbed down dotalike shooter, a la Overwatch
Yeah i never claimed that it did as well as LoL.
But overall it did well for a competitive multiplayer videogame and Demigod did bad by any standard.
So it wasnt B2P alone.
Like anyone would care about that after the JUSTing that was Spore
I even played the beta of that game, it was pretty forgetable and dull.
Didn't this require always on internet and has now been shut down?
Its like you dont even want to do ANYTHING
Also pic related for forgotten games
HoN was literally dota in a better engine without dealing with bnet. That was its own appeal and it bought them the dota market, Demigod was its own entire game.
>March 2016 server closure
>The online servers of the game were shutdown permanently on March 1, 2016.[9] The game is no longer playable, even by illegal methods. The move attracted criticism, with Techraptor stating that the failure to migrate away from the always-online requirement before the server shutdown was tantamount to "banishing the title from gaming history."[10]
kek I guess, a good example of DRM fucking legit customers.
fuck this game. the dog guy was op as fuck and if you faced more than 2 you were fucked
the only good dotagame i ever played
I was gonna shit on you, having 100%'d Strife Veteran Edition (the re-release by Night Dive) then I realized it's not the same game and apparently two games called "Strife" exist
*unsheats tacticool bow and grapple hooks away*
Yes its a shitty moba that deserves to be forgotten, i didnt mean the fps
A mediocre game memed to be much worse than it really was due to being the weakest entry in the stellar series it's part of
Probably true, the saddest thing is that S2 kept fucking up and made so many anti-customer retard moves right when dota 2 was around the corner.
Its like they literally waited to throw out their biggest fuckups at the worst possible time.
I alpha tested this at an EA building. Feedback was not listened to. Fucking EA.
Got $60 out of it though
i thought that said demjoos from the thumbnail
Hey guys, Remember Me?
Why do they even pretend they listen to feedback when they want to make a quick cash in.
EA could literally save the money for QA and testing for most of their games, because its just pretend QA anyways.
Good moba - Dawngate
It was better LoL but EA never promoted it and shut servers down fairly fast.
I want to live in a timeline where it got popular.
The game was so busted on so many levels. One class was actually playable, the others were busted or hilariously unbalanced. Online was shit since servers constantly kicked players and they were obnoxiously about getting people into paid multiplayer despite having no meaningful perks. The party system was busted and getting together was unreasonably difficult. Losing a connection to a level instance meant having to start from the very beginning; this was great after spending 40 minutes on a later level and seeing the infamous animation stop. The writing was lazy with Dirty Jobs mentions and other reference humor. Instead of fixing the fundamentals of the game, the devs just shoehorned more shit like nonfunctional crafting system.
The best part in all this? Servers shut down six months after launch. People who bought the obnoxiously large special edition or shelled out for lifetime paid multiplayer were royally boned.
There were six or so real characters and a boatload of variations. The game only had a six hour campaign. It was kind of fun with randoms, but not worth the full retail they were asking. Then they shut the servers down on everybody.
There were only 8 characters. 8.
I'll never forget Hellgate. I wanted it to succeed so bad, my friend did too. He got it and we alternated playing back and forth.
Started okay and then we quickly realized what a disaster it was. It was so disappointing.
Hellgate was OK for what it was, but people's expectations for MMO anything were really high, it was WoW's heyday. It was first-person Diablo with less variety and unfun runs
No you're not.
This game was fun, it just had no content outside of the few starting areas.
>mfw I preordered
At first I thought this was a reference to the '96 game. Strife: Trust No One was somewhat infamous for using the DooM engine long after FPS were supposed to go full 3D. It took a beating in sales as a result.
A lot of people wanted to see it work, but the devs just didn't have what it takes. Then bliz finally released Diablo III with the RMAH and it was a complete disaster.
Did you play the Korean reboot or the original?
Great game that got fucked over by the publisher who thought their shitty wow f2p clone was better.
Fucking Germans have to ruin everything.
That's an... interesting lane setup.
Man, Diablo 3 still sucks in my opinion. Diablo 2 with expansion is still a more enjoyable game.
What is this?
Chronicles of Spellborn
>friends are trying to convince me to buy this game days before I leave for a week-long vacation
>Are you guys still going to be playing when I get back? I'm gonna hold off on buying this.
>Yeah, totally, you're missing out!
>Alright, I'm back. You guys still playing Demigod?
I got some LotR moba in a humble bundle one time. Had no idea that existed.
>Diablo 3 still sucks in my opinion
Yes and RoS was a disgustingly overpriced patch for people who were burned by the original release. You didn't even get a full 10 hours of content for the money, which is a crime against expansion packs.
I will give Bliz credit, the RMAH is a good idea in theory considering how much of a gray market DII had. The main problem is that they just tried to cash everyone out as hard as possible instead of trying to put together a reasonable economy. The devs behind the Eve MMO actually hired economists to make sure their game market doesn't go to shit, don't know why Bliz didn't do the same.
>this game never came to the west
Remember the pre-Wall st. days of gaming when developers were allowed to branch out and try new things?
never forgert
First ever console moba?
My friend bought this the day it came out in store in Gamestop physically.
I made fun of him for it then and I make fun of him for it now.
fuck you
one of the worst coop modes in a game ever.
It was pretty but damn if the AI wasn't obnoxious as shit.
>nearly ground down the enemy base
>AI sneaks off two peasants
>they have a full base and half an army by the time I finish knocking down their old command center equivalent
CCP actually cares about their game and is willing to invest money into the depth and balance. Blizzard sees that as an additional expense, and they don't give a shit about their games; only that they sell.
Shitty Sacrifice.
Rook is one of my favorite game characters. Having your character be a literal walking castle that is about 10 times the size of the next biggest character is fucking dope. Not to mention he was also strong as shit.
>>It's totally going to revolutionize the RTS genre guiz!
It was Magic and Mayhem with a candy coated 3D shell. Game play in Sacrifice consisted of hoarding most of your units together and hogging control points while sending off one or two mooks to deal with the point grabbers.
I remember getting the demo for this from a PC Gamer magazine. I remember enjoying it, but I was a young lad with no money, and I was too dumb to pirate.
Aw shit. This game was fucking amazing and I loved it. Also the multiplayer was the tits, I'd do anything for a proper sequel
Anachronox is a love letter to the JRPG, a very good one. Shame Tom Hall never got to finish the trilogy.
American McGee's well polished GTA clone got a stealth release and quickly sank into the bargain bin. Kind of sad that the game got overshadowed by the awfulness that was Bad Day in LA.
there was a time where I was interested on trying mobas and I would try any moba. Strife had some cool characters in my opinion. This game gave me the dream of having a moba crossover. Dawngate was hella cool. It didn't deserve to die.
Manigga. Dawngate was the shit.
>neo Sup Forums will shit on sacrifice
Does any moba have the base and minion upgrades like Demigod?
>defending Sacrifice
It wound up as a packin game for video cards. M&M was just better with a good variety of spells, bestiary to match, and an actual selection of levels of play.
The thing about blizzard is that they know how to sell games. This is what they do and they are one of the best of it. I can't even imagine how it feels like to be part of the concept and early building just to see your project get oversimplified for the best economical release.
What happened to that moba? I don't remember uninstalling that shit.
It was an okay shooter featuring David Duchovney as the protagonist's voice. Remember when he tried to break into voice acting? Nobody does.
I still can't figure out what this game was trying to be. It is pretty much unbeatable without a walkthrough and nearly unbeatable with one.
Renegade had some of the best multiplayer I've ever played, I loved the mods too. A Path Beyond was a favorite.
Made a lot of friends playing that game.
Nobody really wants to acknowledge the first wave of consumer VR and the VFX1. It was a really sweet piece of kit and everybody thought we were going to go full Lawnmower Man or whatever with mobile versions of these things.
The second wave came and it looks like nobody learned the lessons of 1995:
>difficult setup
>wonky controls
>proprietary everything out the whazoo
>lack of game support
Other than Sony, which has to justify the price it charged for its headset, most devs appear to be moving away from this faster than movie producers dropped 3D TVs.
>Be vehic combat fag
>Miss this game
Was this at least decent?
I got up to some part where you have to take down one of the c'thulhu blimps with an AA gun. Felt like they just stopped giving a shit around that point.
It was a cool 90's VN with awful Clinton jokes shoehorned in and a sloppy sequel (Adam: The Double Factor). Whatever happened to C's Ware and Himeyasoft?
>whole map is a giant dick some screaming dude is holding
why the hell did this game fail?!
The devs seemed more concerned about juicing their subscriped multiplayer base than making a functional game. The whole game was loaded with nonsequitors like that.
The plan originally was to make them avaliable to the average consumer at a price point of like 200-300 dollars, which wasn't unreasonable. That morphed into 800 bucks by release.
>proprietary everything out the whazoo
Blame Zuckerberg. Everyone else but Facebook seems willing to play ball and be cooperative, especially Valve who've been very open with giving their shit away to other people and trying to raise the tide to raise all boats.
Its a shame he never got to finish the first game. That fuckin ending sucked dick
How is this the "best" part
Also, there are currently private Hellgate servers. And people can still play the game, it was not online only.
I remember. If they actually hit that magic three bill price point, resisting would have been a lot harder.
Let's be rational, user, if somebody walked up to you and offered you two billion dollars, would you really say no?
HTC attempted to hit the magic dollar mark themselves and just couldn't produce a decent unit for less than $600.
Microsoft could have developed a proper implemented a proper DirectX API for VR headsets and that would have helped a lot with developer and engine attachment.
This was one of the few decent FMV games to be made. Getting the thing just to start was next to impossible due to all the config hoops you had to jump.
Game required a pretty good computer while ALL other Mobas usually never have high requirements.
8 heroes + it was too expensive.
EotA for Warcraft 3