Favourite AVGN episode

>Favourite AVGN episode


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Nintendo Power.

Big Rigs

i bet he is lookin at wife being fugged by black LOL

The glitch gremlin one





RIP cinemassacre. Absolute shit content ever since the feature film a few years ago

the one where he hates a movie before watching it

>He hasnt seen Paper Boy and MMPR

Trailers are supposed to indicate whether a movie is for you or not.

James says it isn't for him.

Anyway, I will say it to the end of time, Swordquest because I never knew about it and it sounded very cool. And I'll say this again, I am sad it will never happen again due to datamining and every youtuber having "guides" to shit.

The Nintendo peripherals one. I did not expect to laugh as hard as I did.

the one where he sticks his dick in a goat's ass while mike watches from a corner and masturbates then james shuffles up to him still with his dick in the goat's ass and shoots him in the back of the head


Need i say more?

The Tiger Electronic games

32 BITS!

Zelda or Mario?

Dark Castle ON C D I?!

>hates a movie

please refer me to the timestamp in his video where he expresses such things



Tiger Electronic

64 bit


Nah you're right, I also enjoy when a comedy classic film is ruined by 4 Amy "Whale" Schumer level comedians and try to ride off the success of the original film.

Why would anyone even hate it??????

>AVGN moments that always stick in your brain

When ever i see a large adapter i think, WHAT THEY FUCK WERE THEY THINKING?

Dick Tracey

Ninja Gaiden and Bible Games.

Silver Surfer

I actually have been enjoying a bunch of the newer episodes. But it seems like its less imaginative now? Maybe thats not the right way to say it, but the older episodes just seemed like he was having so much fun

Kill yourselves all of you. Eceleb cocksucking faggots.

lol u mad bro?

bugs bunny birthday blowout is a masterpiece
whenever i think of avgn i think of that episode

it looks like he had a lot of fun with the latest one (sonic 06)

the one where he invites a white supremacist is in pretty bad taste

Glitch gremlin.

Sword Quest. I also like his console centric episodes, since he actually shares cool tidbits about technology that's turned obscure.
Generally the calmer nerd episodes are good, as are the ones where he finds some value about the games. Street Fighter 2010 was a good one.


If James is losing his hair, he can always update the nerd look to the modern times by adding a fedora.

The Castlevania retrospective for sure, watching through it reminded of a Castlevania romp that I went through a few years before that video came out.


I like the part when he swears alot and eceleb drama xd

What if you were dating a girl and she wanted to introduce you to her father. You go over to her place for dinner to find him. What do you do?

fucking BROWN DICKS is the most fun you can possibly have getting cucked.

Eat the dinner.

It's a plate of video games.

call him a nigger to his face, slap the daughter as hard as i can and leave

I only watch real gamers

I think Deadly Towers is a super underrated episode. It's one of the episodes that consistently makes me laugh every time I watch it.

Pressing up to jump is fucked up!

that Sonic 06 review was so vitange

felt like an old avgn episode

Ghost busters
Bible Games
Jessica Rabbit
Shitload of fuck
Drinking a Rolling Rock... while on a rolling rock

08 was the best nerd year

Debate me

>Drinking a Rolling Rock... while on a rolling rock
Laughed well at this scene

Can someone find that parody of the AVGN? The one where they start off Sonic 3 by walking left and being like "WELL HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW??"

holy shit I remember that but I have no idea what it's called

nvm, found it


i assumed this was a parody of irate gamer

>his name is Miles? I thought he was a monkey, not a measure of distance!

This was fucking terrible.


check me out, im avgn
>this game is ass
>the controls dont even work
>dumb design
>id rather eat out a squirrell shitting baked beans than play this game
>this game made my scrotum explode

Plumber Don't Wear Ties

>this game made my scrotum explode
Fuck off, Mike.

Not bad, where can I subscribe?

Heres a quote for yall:

down at the bottom of the page where it says "report". Kill me off before I plateau

Castle of Illusion


Or the Battletoad pause music jammin'

Him landing the top gun airplane with the fucking powerglove

Are top three, as per episodes it's really hard to pick one

Fuck wrong link


Stop this meme. He uncucked himself during the Ghostbusters fiasco.

As stupid and unfunny as it was, the sole crass idea of him shitting on a bugs bunny costume was hilarious.


>alright we got another game on the gameboy
>to play the gameboy you need the game
>this is the game
>thats the boy
>this is the gameboy

>that couch dance
Reminds me of that robot dance of Krabs's.

Silver Surfer makes me laugh

>I can't touch that red pot?

I own a ColecoVision and I hear that line everytime I look at the power adapter. Thing is a fucking beast.

any hardware one



>Wuddam I doin' heere...mudderFuckers
>Super nen ten dohh...d'Fuck izat?


Whos this guy? He looks like the real guys retarded brother with downs or somthing.

>He had the chance to make a really comfy episode with the sega accesories.
>Came out with a clusterfuck of a video.

Sega CD/32X

I actually learned some shit. Wish he'd do more hardware reviews

His Megaman episode.


and even after james says it has nothing to do with the female cast the femnazis still rip on him for not wanting to see it.

Obvious newfag.

Not him, but it's not close to being the best.

> see this space here? If it's empty you may be replying to a newfag.

It's not about being the best, it's about what your favorite is. He's an obvious newfag because he left a gap between the No. and had a one word response.

Only newfags leave the gap

Sonic 06 LOL

how did this cuck shit even start?

Jackass Sup Forumsfaggots don't know how to shut the fuck up. Dumbass kids do something to death.

The last episode was great. I just wish he had attempted to play Silver's story even for a minute.

Tbf James looked more like the left when he was not too old for this shit.

James is an ok guy

I'd watch more James and Mike mondays if it was just James and game mondays

>Only mention of women is when he says people are referring to the new Ghost Busters movie as the female Ghost Busters and nothing more
Just goes to show the people trashing him never even watched the video.

>Bad game cover art series is almost 2 years old

AVGN more like Angry video game redditor amirate? Hahaha shit! Diarrhea! Shitpickle, bugsbunny hahaha

Not him, but there is only like a real AVGN episode every three months now. Go look at the Ryan and Mike playthroughs, 6000 is a victory, apparently.

The cuck thing comes from that there was supposed to be a kiss scene in the AVGN movie with James and some girl in the movie. His wife freaked out and they reshot the scene with some nigger.