Does Sup Forums remember to take a 15 minute walk after every hour of gaming?

does Sup Forums remember to take a 15 minute walk after every hour of gaming?

there are worse things that could happen

Why? If I die I'll be too busy being dead to care.

He took the picture, not MySpace.

Dude, if you sit playing fucking videogames for longer than an hour without taking a break to piss or grab a drink, you're probably some sort of degenerate that shits in buckets

So unfair that people are just dying doing nothing while I have to live.

>still using Myspace

Does anyone remember the kid who died from masturbating 40 times?

Spazzkid, nooooooooooooooooo

Feels good to not be a fat fuck who sits on his ass all day

>died from a blood clot at a young age

Yeah, gaming, had nothing to do with him being an unhealthy fat fuck. I'm sure his physique wasn't the major contributing factor.

Be careful parents, if your child is fat and he likes Xbox, he might die.

If you're pissing every hour, that could be a sign of a serious medical issue. Go to your doctor before your kidneys seize up, dude.

What is the difference between sitting for hours playing a video game and sitting for hours at a cubicle answering phones?

>if you sit playing fucking videogames for longer than an hour without taking a break to piss
You have diabetes friend.

Are there any signs that you've got a blood clot or do you just die without warning? I sit all day every day

That sounds like a very painful way to die. I'll just gas myself with He or CO when I'm ready.

ostensibly you're supposed to get up and stretch every hour at work too


Reminds me of those cases where Firefighters have to knock out a wall to rescue some fat fuck who has fused with this chair.

I have no idea how someone remains in the same place for even 2 hours without getting up for a piss and some snacks.

Your'e being a productive and respectable member of society goy I mean my friend

>he was passionate about computers posting this picture on myspace


Don't forget "too stupid to move even an inch while sitting in his chair for 12 hours".

You know what the funniest part is? He literally COULDN'T have died alone. Not when he's that fucking fat, unless he stocked up on snacks around his couch beforehand.

Chances are pretty good that mommy brought him some dinner that night, and he still couldn't be fucked to move.

>missing the point this hard
Be it piss, grabbing something to eat or drink, or just taking a break just because, not solely pissing. I can't really stay seated for so long without wanting to stretch my legs and have a break, may be just me tho

One leads to a stomach full of whiskey and a bullet in your head, the other leaves your image to be used in those "vidya gam is bad"

every time i eat nuggets & coke from mcds my heart starts to hurt and my hand shake a little bit. what should i do?

Not him but I piss every hour, but I drink a lot of tea and water. Is that bad?

I always assumed it was just flowing out of me rather quickly.

The other one gives you a steady pay check.

Could be diabetes. But it also might just be a bad habit.

Just depends on how quickly you drink. I can down a good amount of water pretty quickly and then I end up pissing twice in an hour

Stop eating nuggets and coke

i've watched porn that long while sitting

>I can't really stay seated for so long without wanting to stretch my legs and have a break
You have ADHD friend.

The difference is that the media is being payed to attack the video game enthusiast at every opportunity by Mr Shekelbergstein because they are deciding that playing video games all day is a preferable life to sitting for hours at a cubicle answering Mr Shekelbergstein's phones.

but it tastes good

Keep doing it and find out what happens.

If you aren't overweight, and you shift in your chair occasionally or have a footstool, you'll never have an issue.

Eating something every hour is a worry too. DVT is only really an issue if you're incapable of moving your legs because you're trapped in an airplane seat for 12 hours, I can't imagine anyone willingly not moving for that long.

6-10 times a day is the regular amount of urination so you're a little on the high end but not worryingly so. If you're concerned blood sugar tests are pretty easy to get now

Or maybe he's not comfortable with be a lazy fatty who just sits for hours on end

I go on regular 30 hour gaming binges.

Almost sure something poped in my brain yesterday.

>if you don't slouch at your computer like a lazy fat fuck for entire days you have ADHD
Ok friend

I wonder what makes some people get blood clots?
I've done nothing but sit at a computer, eat, and sleep for the past year and I've never gotten a blood clot.
This dude sits for a day for 12 hours and gets one and dies.

>masturbating 40 times
>mfw I've masturbated way more than that
Am I going to die?

I lift so no. Cardio interferes with my gains.
I'm actually just a fat fuck who hates cardio a lot.

>and you shift in your chair occasionally
I guess having restless leg syndrome comes in handy then

>6-10 times a day is the regular amount of urination
Lol what, no it isn't. You're supposed to piss once a day, twice tops.

you probably don't drink enough water

>You're supposed to piss once a day, twice tops.
Maybe if you don't drink any water.

This. I mean I can hold it in and piss twice a day if I need to. I'm not gonna be walking out of something important because I need my 10th piss of the day. But If I can I go whenever I feel the urge to. It's gotta be unhealthy for you in the long term if you dont.

Are you actively trying to dehydrate yourself to death?

Can't stand sitting still for an hour is ADHD. At that rate the dude wouldn't be able to read a short novel in a single sitting either. Or attend any class without getting annoyed.

>season 3 of League of Legends
>got 1550 MMR last season, they just introduced ranks
>want to be diamond 1 like my friend
>spend literally 28 hours straight playing
>piss into bottles, poop into a can, eat precooked meals from the previous day (fairly healthy sans the fact it was out of preferable conditions for ~6 hours)
>still alive
>didnt even break plat1

How the fuck does someone masturbate 40 times in a day?

>Maybe if you don't drink any water.
Well, I'm never thirsty so I don't need water

I think I have a drinking problem.
I drink a lot of bottled water. I think I go through 3-5 bottles a day.
>6-10 times a day
This sounds like me.

Your body isn't stupid. Every few hours of being motionless will actually make your legs ache from the poor bloodflow. Most DVT cases are from people who fall asleep on planes.

You have to have something legitimately wrong with your brain to sit motionless for 12 hours. Normal people at least have to get up to go to the bathroom or get something to eat once or twice in that timeframe.

Is this a joke?

You wiggle your benis around with your hands, like a lot

you can't be serious
is this nigger serious?

where do you think you are

fucking lel

>tfw when stopped watching movies in theaters because after an hour of sitting and not moving my tailbone begins to hurt like a bitch and my head starts spinning
What the fuck does that mean?

It's not about being thirsty its about being hydrated. You do realize when you begin to feel thirst it means you've gone way past the healthy point of needing a drink?

Was he at least playing a good game when he peaced out?

you mean like the average student/office worker?

that's ADHD, buddy

I usually get out of desk at work and stretch my legs at least once an hour and I pace when I'm in my study at home, I wouldn't class myself as having ADHD, just don't like being sat down for ages is all..


He was on Myspace so probably not

>good game
Of course not

>You do realize when you begin to feel thirst it means you've gone way past the healthy point of needing a drink

You're cutting off bloodflow to your brain.

I just got a blood test to test for DVT and my score was so low that there was no risk at all of a blood clot, plus my cholesterol is optimal, my blood pressure is perfect, and my resting heart rate is healthy as fuck at low 60s.

So I don't give a fuck.

>tfw an organism made of 80% water says they don't need water


you don't get to "class yourself" with ADHD
actual doctors do that, people with an actual degree you stupid bumfuck retard

>3-5 bottles a day.
What size? 500ml? That's reasonable enough depending on your body weight.

You should seriously just get a water filter. Plastic bottles aren't good for you.

See I was drinking a ton of water and pissing like all the fucking time 2 years back, let it go on for a while until significant weight loss and other symptoms like being just really out of it at times, like I was sedated or something eventually convinced me to go get tested and it was type 1 diabetes

enjoy your bladder/kidney stones

get some compression socks Sup Forums I don't want to see you on the news like that.

>It was candy crush

>gf makes me drink a full glass of water every time I lose to her
>won't let me use the bathroom unless I win
>she's too good
>blocks the doorway so I can't leave
>she won't even let me change or clean up until she eventually lets me win

If it's anything like facebook, they claim copyright on anything you upload. Whether or not that claim would hold up in court, I can't say.

>actual doctors do that
Good to know everyone in Sup Forums is a fucking doctor then


You should drink before you feel thirsty. When you feel thirsty it means you haven't been drinking enough.

Being thirsty means that you're already dehydrated. I dunno' if it's really "the healthy point of needing a drink" but you should drink a bit of water every so often even if you aren't thirsty.

??? I lived 23 years of my life without needing to drink water, the water my body needs come from the food I eat
If I was dehydrated I'd clearly notice

He's right, what you probably think of as thirst is more of a parched throat, which means you're dehydrated.

You don't wait until you get hunger pains until you eat another meal, right?

Your post is borderline gibberish

>Cardio interferes with my gains.
So don't do cardio on gym days? Or do it before working out, like a normal fucking human?

>plastic bottles aren't good for you

i for one want to see every single person here to be on the news like that

He didn't get up every once and a while? Dumbass deserved that PE

Facebook doesn't claim copyright on your work, it just requires you license the rights to use your work on their servers in connection with their service.

>There are people who are this retarded
Hey dumbass you're supposed to drink at least 2 gallons of water a day

>Wake up in the middle of the night
>Roll over onto my side
>Arm has fallen asleep
>Hit myself with my dead arm
Is there a worse feeling?

who was counting?

Well, normally people work 8-9 hours a day with a 30 min - 1 hour break in between. This is not the same as sitting on your fat ass for literally 12 hours a day.

You know what I meant, I don't exhibit any other characteristics which are associated with ADHD.

Which is more bumfuck retarded, my statement or your asinine claim that anyone who perhaps doesn't like being sat down for an extended period has ADHD?

23 years without drinking anything ever?

So you're a doctor then?
Because otherwise I'd shut the fuck up before telling people they "probably" have a disability.
Like how you're probably retarded.

3-5 plastic bottles a day? Those better be liter-sized because otherwise you aren't drinking enough water for a 10 year old