UH you were gonna say something?

>UH you were gonna say something?
>nah go ahead

Other urls found in this thread:



they love sucking walt disney's frozen dick

They literally go to disneyland at least once a month. It's nuts.

Very cool, very cool.

was their latest video a lame attempt at ripping of rlm?

I love how they pulled that unboxing podcast after RLM made a much funnier shorter and just flat out better podcast in the process



Please tell me you have seen the one true unboxing kino


yes you need to watch every second of it.

Is she single again?

Rocco's ex. Still don't understand how this guy reels in these girls.

rocco ex that got cucked hard
if you know who's dating who right now please tell, I'm not up to date.

This is kino, of course I've seen it

that's the same guy that embarrass himself on public constantly for videos, he just doesn't care. He loves showing himself nude on podcast, videos etc

Honestly I just find it amazing that girls have the tolerance to date Rocco. He really does seem like an incredibly annoying piece of shit and the only person in the group that I would really not like to hang around with for an extended period of time

Garret a best

So the girl's just like him because he's internet famous?

Girls, especially young dumb ones, throw themselves at internet guys.

some women are dumb. shocking revelation m8.
that's the same girl that fucked sam hyde. so yes.

>that's the same girl that fucked sam hyde

Really? I thought that was some white girl who looked like she was 12 years old?

that's not really his sex partner number though, he explained it on the podcast he didn't know what to say so he said his age.

I don't know if that was her, point still stands, there's a girl that fucked both rocco and sam hyde. She was on Sup Forums once and explained the whole thing.

I believe the point still stands

Well, I think it's more than 35, Garrett definitely fucked the most out of all of them. I would argue Rocco fucked more girls than Eric.

Garrets so cool, Cross dresses, loves ps2 era games, isn't hyper pc, knows how to make stuff. Wish he was my actual friend.

Refer to the chick hereThat white chick fucked Sam Hyde and Rocco while knowing Rocco was dating Ashley V.

Any news if Ashley is single now?

I have to believe that Garrett is loyal to his girlfriends so, while he's definitely fucked more than Shawn, Rocco's Disneyland Whores outnumber Garrett's Good Girls.

all eceleb faggots should be banned

the only time these faggots were relevant was for their sexy64 video. fuck off

Did their podcast quality get back to how it used to be or is is still shit audio with the same Jared Leto jokes every week?

If you check Rocco's instagram, he's there at least once a week.

No more Jared Leto, but the sponsorships are worse than ever.

suicide squad is over, also joker updates were great you goof
but podcast is basically the same shit, lots of advertising, the usual vidya/movie/tv show talk, some funny moments here and there skype calls in the aftershow

I'm more surprised he's 35. Shit, time flies.

>real quick
>just wanted to say that

>joker updates were great you goof
They were funny the first couple of times but they ran it into the ground

this, Sup Forums is a pure board we don't need these threads knocking out quality threads

>Shut up for a second, I gotta do this ad read

Why is Gus so based?

Why does Rocco have to justify every bad game purchase he makes? Can't he admit some games he bought were terrible? It's like he's afraid of offending someone in the industry.

So they're definitely all on coke right?

>its a frank or brian episode

hes also an extremely hard worker, i think he builds almost all the sets they use, as well as convention stuff?

this is correct

He wants to BECOME walt disney
he's the oldest one, but all of them are in their 30s already
rocco has shit taste, but that still better than shawn "no time for vidya" chatfield.

>tfw you're the Shawn of your friends group

Wish his stream wasn't so centered around call-ins. The dude is easily the funniest and most interesting member when he's allowed to just ramble on his own.

gamez alive was the best thing mega64 has done in a long time, they need to stick to that instead of le goat basketball xDDDD

>inflammatory comment
>wait a second, did you all hear that?

You had 3 kids and don't want to be there more than like 45 minutes at a time?

They're just that out-of-the-loop when making certain spoofs. Like the new "Dark Souls of ___" video, as if people haven't been making fun of that line for five years.

so I take you're a literal cuck then?
gamez alive is actually old as fuck

ive been following those guys since 2005.

how are they not popular? they moved from myspace to youtube when it started.

I know he does a ton of their props and makeup, plus unlike the main three he has a regular day job.

>Wish he was my actual friend.

Atleast you have friends

The dark souls video was kind of funny, and the loot crate video would've been good too if it weren't for the fact that RLM beat them to the punch and made a much funnier video

We can be friends.
You giant gay, be my friend.

Has he ever said what his day job is?

their most popular videos were the "doing vidya skits in public shits" but their hardcore fanbase doesn't care about that, they would rather watch the podcast and buy their shirts

hes an electrical engineer


expensive and not great

Combination of several factors
>don't always follow trends (look at best-selling games of 2016 and then look at the videos they made that year)
>videos often aren't timely (weeks/months after a games release, when competition frequently uploads within days)
>no set schedule for non-podcast vids (often weeks at a time between videos)
>poor SEO-style promotion (random frame from video for thumbnail, title just says "MEGA64: GAME" which doesn't explain it to newcomers)

not saying that they "should" change their style to become massively YT famous, I think they're mostly comfortable with the niche, style, and pace they've found.

electronics technician

Kickapoo is just a slightly tangy Sprite ripoff that stores around here sell at a permanent discount because nobody wants it. I hope they get paid a lot to suck that corporate cock as hard as they do.


>I think they're mostly comfortable with the niche, style, and pace they've found
It's not that, It's just they have a very cult-ish fanbase that will buy anything they make, shirts, dvd, fucking anything. they make the most money from the merch

>tfw you're the eric

eric wanted to fuck barbara, but she fucked garrett instead, and the best part is eric and garrett lived together, so eric had to hear them fuck all the time.


why wont they just use discord

same reason why other people dont use it.

>Im use to ts/skype/vent/mumble

even though anyone could navigate through discord in seconds, god forbid a little change.

go to rocco's tumblr, it's full of him getting mad as fuck at people asking him about discord


Honestly, I'm really surprised that they've stuck together for this long. Considering the fact that their popularity has been pretty stagnant for ages, that anxiety would've kicked in inside me a long time ago if I were them. Being 30 something and catering to several tens of thousands of people at most for entertainment purposes is such a precarious situation.

Definitely, but then they started a patreon and gave themselves a huge "raise" to their wages... as if anyone but Shawn and his eight kids needed the extra cash.

Don't think age matters as much as you worry.


The older you are, the harder it is for you to adapt to change. It's just kind of a sad truth.

Mega64 was so good but it feels like they have consistently gone downhill. The worst point was when they opened their patreon and did that skygoat shit despite getting nearly 10k a month. 07-13' seemed to be their greatest era

at least garret has an real job to fall back on. rocco can sell his toys and consume his own blubber for months before he starves. sean and eric are fucked though.

never forget their greatest video

Not inherently true. You'd be dumb to think you have it figured out completely like this.

God, that lasagnacat vid was perfect. LasagnaCat is miles above anything.

doesn't rocco have an IT job? my memory is poor, but I remember them saying nearly all of the gang has jobs outside mega64

>sean and eric are fucked
>$10,000+ a month via Patreon

yeah sure

Eric has a day job doing tech shit at a TV station.

>shawn and eric
both have other jobs though

Garett does construction, Eric is some works or worked for a production studio or something and I think the rest of them are self-employed or sustained with Mega64 skills or the patreon.

Can they top last year's Christmas Cast?


haha I love that one. This one was also up there:

feels like they lost something... :/

I'm surprised they don't all have solid outside jobs, considering they live on the west coast

I think the only think that's left is rocco literally eating his shit.

faggot64? isn't eric like homophobic?


Why did nobody tell me the aftershows existed, and were better than the actual podcasts?

Is the Unboxing Ring the greatest thing they've ever done? I think so.

I wish they'd do more shit like that. Also, their main channel vids have been absolutely terrible for months now.

He called without watching the vid?


californians really are soulless

he said he was watching the video as he was calling the phone line, he didn't know what to say so he said his name and age.
a lot of them are borderline gay, garrett, shawn, fucking derrick visited gay bar once.

holy shit garret is a legend

I was pleasantly surprised by their Nintendo E3 video a few years ago. Even today, I'm still enjoying their content. There's a certain charm that the group has.

Does anyone live a comfier life than Rocco?
>Make shit loads from your niche YouTube audience
>Live in a house with your bro
>Live in a tight knit family who supports everything you do
>Work with your best friends all day at your own business. Could just not even go into work if you feel like it.
>Get to collect all the toys and nerd shit you want
>Go to Disney Land with your friends all the time
>Live in San Diego where it's warm and sunny all year round
>Get to fly in 9/10 and 10/10 girls to fuck when you feel the need