Did anyone on here post on GameFAQs back in the day?

Pretty comfy forum circa early 2000s. Seems to have died out a long time ago. Before Sup Forums, they were pretty much number one in the meme game (or fads, as they were called back then)

Anyone remember when LUE (the father of Sup Forums) got closed off because they raided a dead girl's Livejournal?

Other urls found in this thread:


I migrated here from IGN in 2009 or so. Looking at the Vestibule now, it's completely inundated with high level normalfaggotry that I may as well see on Facebook.

I still go there regularly
It's not dead, believe it or not

I actually still post there sometimes, but only to ask for help (or help others) on smaller boards. I hate their social trash.

I used to bully Sonybros there, It was fun.

yea, and i got banned for posting a gif of a dog and saying it would die if you dont answer my question

Still using the same GFAQs account I've had since 2001.

i used to post on the megaman forums (mostly megaman x).

I used to go there, but I rarely posted. The layout was atrocious though.

I still post there sometimes, I made my account in like 2002.
I'd use GameFAQs for specific games and IMDb for specific movies, but they shut down IMDb message boards because they're retarded

pretty much every oldfag used to post on gamefaqs

I stopped using mine when they forced you to upgrade to a C-Net account around 2005-ish.

I used to post in there all the time but never really got into LUE, it was too chaotic for me and most threads weren't even interesting.
I think my account may still be able to access it

I went to gametalk and tried every "secret pokemon cheat" retarded little faggots posted even though they never worked

I used to, in the PS2 era. Was useful for early online console games like MGO and Resident Evil Outbreak that had relatively small communities.

stopped reading at the word meme

I still use it but mainly just for their guides.

Best threads I used to follow were the ones doing research on stuff like L is Real 2141 and stop n swop

best readings I ever did

oh also I enjoyed bloopers thread, even though nowadays I'd just consider them absolutely cringy

LUElinks represent.

I used to get all my shit from there.

If you didn't post on GameFAQs, you are a newfriend. Pretty simple. It's where Sup Forums culture really started and even after Sup Forums came a long there was a ton of crossposting.

Of course the community was even more underage and retarded though. Also, the mods were out of control.

Still got my 2000+ Karma account from the good old days... But it is an actual dead husk these days.

Damn this was the place to troll back in the days. I still use it for some guides.

i got banned from luelinks because they were niggers. that's when i stopped caring about gamefaqs in general 2bh

I remember the trinity - Goatse, Tubgirl and Harlequin Fetus. Clock spider and limecat were from there too iirc.
Also there was a guy who made videos with peeps or something.

I was in LUE before it got closed off. And then when they started banning everyone from it they made LUElinks which was like reddit of just pasting links from the internet that get upvoted. That place cool but I lost my password and it wouldn't let me reset it.

Man, I haven't thought about that in like 15 years...

My account is old enough to be a LUEser but I missed the window because I didn't really post on GameFAQs up until mid-2004ish. Kind of tapered off posting there about the time FFXIV ARR came out.

GameFAQs is still useful for guides for old JRPGs/WRPGs that you can Ctrl+F through. Far less cumbersome than using a Youtube video guide

Their community is utter garbage, though. It's like below Reddit, a hugbox of kiddies that still haven't moved on to other less cucked sites

I used to post it in there until the mods started abusing of the banning system, funny thing is that the same shit is happening in here now.

sucks when retarded newfags become mods

not really related to GameFAGs, but
>tfw I used to post on the old YTP forums from '06 to '09
>they had a huge data purge years ago and I lost my account
>just came here instead of reapplying
Good times.

Its still the shit.
Whenever I google a question for a game, the same questions is usually asked on GameFAQs and usually has an answer.

The mods were just fine on GameFAQs. It's a site that even a child can go on and ask questions. Getting moderated for acting like an asshole is appropriate there.

Holy shit, I forgot they used to ban people on sight for posting LUEshi. They had the most uptight mods on there.

i'm waiting for PS2 to be /vr/ to get an authentic early 2000s experience.

Man I used to love that board but looking back the humour was just so lame.

>*Buttseckses j00*

>*Throws toaster at j00*

No but I posted on Ugoplayer.

I have a space in my username, have 4600 karma, and feel like a special snowflake because of it :^)

does anyone still use ETI?

>Not suiciding your account on MBH after reaching level 30

>tfw never posted on GameFAQs and only ever lurked

Anyone else do this.

>When people threatened legal action if anyone plagiarized their Faq

You forgot the classic, "

5683 Karma, space on username, 14 years old account here. Karma could be much higher, I don't even care anymore

I was once a KOS user, AMA.

What did you do? I bet it was some lame shit like spamming LUEshi outside LUE

tfw missed thousands of karma

Just kept suiciding my account every time I got bored with the place kek. Got banned so many times to the point where that happened.

Probably did post LUEshi a lot though, I remember people would include it in their suicides.

I actually just recently was browsing through my old forums for nostalgia. Like, back around 2005-2007, 360 vs PS3 just taking off. Or all the old GBA games I used to find walkthroughs on in like 2002.

Or hell, the Paranormal/Conspiracy board...

I used to like it until mods deleted your post for "trolling" just because you said the game was shit

Where do you check that?

It's kinda dying FAQ wise since wikis now exist.

I used to have an older account back then to look up Final Fantasy 9 stuff.


That should be marked as trolling. You don't critique a game with "it's shit". All you do is look like a dumb fuck when you do that. Discuss why the game is shit or you're just being an idiot.

That place is Sup Forums central so I'm kinda happy they don't like sjws

>It's kinda dying FAQ wise since wikis now exist.
I'd still take a FAQ over a wiki most times. I hate how many different pages wikis are usually broken into probably for more ad clicks, much prefer a single plain text page I can control and f through

the amount of rampant faggotry on Gamefaqs' forums in the modern age is disheartening.

it's not considered trolling here,

It used to be comfy in the early 2000's. But they got crazy with the board rules and what you could and could not say. You couldnt use words like retarded or gay withou to being flagged.

youtube also exists for finding specific shit

Well yeah, but this is a different place. You do take note of site/board culture before you post right?

I liked newsgroups back in the day before ISPs cut access, but shit if I didn't have a killfile a mile long due to all the shit posters. If you think this place is bad, try one where there really are no moderators.

Random Insanity

I was banned 11 times.

>Well yeah, but this is a different place. You do take note of site/board culture before you post right?

of course I do.

You were saying?

some of these boards are still more active than i expected

Gamefaqs is Infested with weebs.

be honest Sup Forums, did you go to CE or RI?

Same, not as much as I did before though.
Only for specific games, never went for the more general shit.

You got modded for saying the word shit, even if you self-censored it to s***. The forums were 13 and up so there's no excuse. You also got banned for all sorts of weird reasons.

>complaining about weebs

>has facebook

Hello, mod.


Why are the Mods so corrupt there?

of course it was

Karma: 1011
Possible karma: 4036
Karma Missing: 3025
Percentage Of Total Karma: 25%

RI. CE just seemed like it was for normies.

CE for only a little while when I was like nineteen.

Had an account since 2001. I think my account still works but I don't remember the password. I basically stopped using the forums when they merged with GameSpot, the sudden influx of shitters was real.

It's still the best place for JRPG guides so I still use the site itself every now and then.

all the social boards are dead now ;_;

I don't wanna watch a video when I can find the same shit in text.

i remember the GTA3 meme being 'how do i horn?'

Ever since cjayc left the mods all moved on and got replaced by people who didn't know much about the site culture.

RI was my home for most of high school. i checked in again after graduating college and it was a weird mix of comforting and depressing to see the same people posting, the same famous polarizing users being worshipped or shat on...

I used to. Got back on it again when Pokemon X/Y came out so I could complete a living dex. I noticed that if I were to take my gamefaqs account # and switch 2 number positions with each other I'd have my drivers license number

kinda spooky

I spent all of middle school on RI. It was so cliquey.

Has Canti committed suicide yet?

Used to hang out at the This Stife comic forums for a while. Then the place got hijacked by an asshole mod that loved brandishing his banhammer too much and a troll that could ban evade like nobody's business.

Wouldn't hang out at the 3DRealms forums since they were too cliquey. If you weren't one of the in crowd, your posts got thoroughly ignored. Joe Siegler was a surprisingly effective empowerer of bullies and bad behavior.

good times, checked it recently and not much has really changed


sup niggers. Oldfag reporting in. I remember LUE and LUElinks days.

Is LUE finally dead now? I checked it like a couple years back and people were still posting on it, abeit very slowly. Now when I try to go it says "Life, the Universe, and Everything has level restrictions for reading and posting messages, and your current level (30) is not high enough. This board is restricted to GameFAQs staff (site moderators and/or administrators), and unless you're one of them, you can't have access. Sorry about that."

I can still access it. pretty unremarkable board now

guess all those fags grew up and turned into normies

god, sometimes i wonder where some of those people are these days

Canti, Yams, Lyrm, BalanceLost, GuyWithOneEye...

I used to have this game, I can't find it.

I don't get it. I used to be able to see it with this account, but now I can't. My user ID is below 888113 as you can see, mine is 844680.

Kinda weird. I don't really care all that much though.

balancelost still regularly posts on CE

also who /CE/ here

I got my start on the SSBB board, then moved to the SSBB social board, and now I still occasionally talk to some buddies from then on an off-site offshoot.

I regularly contributed to the absolute shitfest the Kingdom Hearts forums were in Gamefaqs. I can't even get nostalgic about it, it was one humongous fanwank 24/7

The original 1999 Prince of Persia 3D was awful even after patching. Even tits couldn't make up for that awful QWEQWEQWE combat or the constant blind platforming. That amazing 2002 reboot came out of left field.

Yams is still on RI almost daily.

>Joe: I need to lose weight
>Joe: I have gout