Rank Fallout 3,4 and New Vegas, give reasons if you want.
Can't decide which is worse 3 or 4.
Rank Fallout 3,4 and New Vegas, give reasons if you want.
Can't decide which is worse 3 or 4.
4 is worse just because of the lack of skills.
New Vegas>3>4
4 just doesnt have that wasteland feel imo
Correct answer
You should play Wasteland for the wasteland feel
4 is worse simply because every year that passes while Bethesda is just recycling what are essentially pimped and tweaked versions of Oblivion the harder it is to swallow.
new vegas>4>shit>3
NV for overall best experience
3 for best wasteland atmosphere
4 just sucks
people were actually pretty fed up with their bullshit this time around though, even "normies" admit fallout 4 could have been a lot better, and bethesda fucked up.
it wont continue for much longer, similarly to bioware.
New Vegas>>Cuz you gotta love a game that gives you choice and reflects who you are as a person, 3 had skill checks and dog elements and all that, but it got progressively linear as the game went on. fallout 4 is fallout 4.
Also new vegas is the only game in the series where I got spurs.
Todd even admitted the voiced protagonist thing was a mistake
NV > 3 > 4
I liked the power armour in 4 but that was about it.
fallout 2> fallout new vegas>fallout 1(timer is infuriating)>fallout tacticks>fallout 3=fallout4
New Vegas has some of the best writing in any video game ever. One of my favorite games of all times. 4 has actual fun combat, but the story and world is mostly shit. 3 is just fucking stupid, top to bottom.
3 had some really good side characters and side quests. The main quest line sucks, but at least you can break it in funny ways with the stealth armor.
I'm playing the 4 and I'm surprised how bad it is. Some new functionalities are great, the graphic style is cool, but god the RPG elements are fucking awful that's just sad
>new vegas is the only game in the series where I got spurs
/r/ that Dead Money spurdo edit
im glad that they at least tried something a little different. But it was an obvious blunder
NV > 4 with mods > 3 > 4
Wasn't the timer patched out of FO1?
Objectively correct
It was also a mistake to make the protagonist's main motivation his or her stupid kid. I guess this is what we get now that devs are in their mid 30s getting their own babies.
>the graphic style is cool
All the characters, weapons, and armor look like shit out of a third rate comic book.
The environments look fine I guess.
Also 1 and 2 are unplayable pieces of shit
t. never played them
How is he supposed to play them if they are unplayable?
>NV > 3 > 4
I know I'm boring, but not only is NV the best Fallout game, it's one of the best games... ever.
Dead serious here, find me another game with this level of mission complexity.
>fallout 1(timer is infuriating)
Keeping Dogmeat alive is even more infuriating.
4>New Vegas>3
4 had the best gameplay. New Vegas is buggy and boring. 3 honestly didn't feel like a fallout game
New Vegas>3>4
4 is worse than 3 because while 3 was a terrible RPG, 4 was so bad that it forgot what the RP stands for.
NV > 4 > 3
NV for obvious reasons, it actually has a story that continues the themes of classic Fallout games. 3 and 4 are both mindless dungeon crawlers, 4 is just the objectively better one. Anyone who says otherwise is either blinded by nostalgia because they played 3 when they were 14 and it was their first experience with a Bethesda sandbox, or they played 4 at launch and were so booty-blasted by bugs that they can't have an unbiased view of it.
>All the characters, weapons, and armor look like shit out of a third rate comic book.
I really don't understand what the fuck do you mean with your stupid analogy
>All the characters, weapons, and armor look like shit out of a third rate comic book
That's how it has been since FO1.
>That's how it has been since FO1
>shows pic of FO2
Honestly I loved 3 the most. The huge wasteland and ability to explore and find weird vaults I loved where NV felt small and cramped
Same art style.
As long as you ignore everything having to do with the nonsensical primary questline, Fallout 3 isn't all that bad.
New Vegas>>>>>Fallout 4>>Fallout 3
Somehow Fallout 4 managed to have more choice in it than Fallout 3 which is amazing from Bethesda
While FO2 was basically a standalone expansion to FO1, it still seems stupid to post a picture of it when expressly mentioning FO1.
You also have to ignore the broken weapon damage calculation, shitty perks and barely functional stealth.
Not him but I preferred no VATS with bolt action weapons
Fallout 4's perks were worse, frankly. And I don't know why anyone would stealth through a game with power armor and heavy weapons.
>Direct nuke hit does 1600 damage
>Stealth attack with shotgun does 2500
3 = NV = 4
Fallout doesn't work in 3D. If you love New Vegas but hate the other two you are a MASSIVE hypocrite.
New Vegas = Fallout 2 > Fallout 1 > Fallout 4 > Fallout 3
if you get stealth blade on an instigating combat knife you can do like 20k damage from VATS with the Blitz perk, it's fucken silly.
In all honesty this but it's still worth your time to play 4 over the others simply because it's newer (and has better gunplay)
you can't compare 1 and 2 to 3 onward
completely different genre
>shitty perks
Just why
New Vegas >>> 4 >>>>>>> 3
3 does nothing better than 4. They're both terrible RPGs with bad stories, but at least 4 has decent exploration and gunplay. It really alleviated 3's severe lack of weapon and armor variety, too.
>why would someone want to roleplay in a roleplaying game
>roleplaying game
People will tout Mass Effect and Final Fantasy whatever as being rpgs but if there is only 1 or 2 ways of doing something then how is it an rpg?
The closest I can think to that picture is Dishonored with level design or LISA with how it treats companions and whether or not the player makes sacrifices to keep them alive.
that's what bethesda calls it :^)
3 does sidequests better than 4.
All the stupid random shit like Republic of Dave was more entertaining than FO4.
best answer
>break it with the stealth armor
How so?
if you want an RPG NV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4
if you want an exploration-based shooter 4>>>NV>>>>>
The people saying that 4>3 must be forgetting that 3 actually had skills lol. These are rpgs we're talking about, 4 is shit in that regard. New Vegas still reigns supreme though.
Yeah, I don't understand how so many people can say 3 is better than 4.
They are all fine.
The only outright stinker is Dead Money.
That should have gotten someone fired.
>F:New Vegas
Why didn't you like DM?
I thought it was pretty good, especially the writing. Though I can see how it could suck hard if your character didn't have any skills in unarmed or melee weapons.
If you have Silent Running, you can just walk past everything, sometimes leading to stupid shit like you battling enclave soldiers while Liberty Prime and a random trader circle each other in the background.
The gameplay in DM is unbalanced as fuck and can be piss-easy or hair-pullingly frustrating depending on your build and level. He was probably unlucky.
New Vegas/3 > 4
Tolstoy and Shakespeare working around the clock for an Aeon could not make that DLC palatable.
There was just too much "Not only no but fuck no" for me too enjoy it.
The air kills me
The radio kills me
I kill the freaky deaky zombies but "Lol I was merely pretending"
Eli "I have a dangerous mission I want you to undertake and you should gather some weapons so Here(gibs Holorifle)"
Me thinking (I had a shitton of kickass gear that would be really useful why can't I use that?)
I'll try this later "Fuck you, you aren't going anywhere"
I now save before starting any DLC.
It is the only DLC I have ever just walked way from.It almost broke my autism to do so but I just couldn't.
Do they jingle jangle jingle?
NV > 4 > 3
4 and 3 are both terrible RPGs but 4 is unironically a good fps
The point of DM is that you can't just plow through it, you have to use both in-game and your own INT and PER.
>They tell you how to kill zombies permanently, police pistol specifically has a +gib effect
>Most of the speakers are marked with graffiti and destructible
>You can regain health by sleeping at the police station
>You can get a weapon repair kit for the holorifle before facing a single enemy
>It's the only DLC I ever walked away from
For me, it was Honest Hearts.
4 > new vegas >>> 3
Everybody saying otherwise is either a bait poster or a child with no brain.
Fallout 3:
>game literally ended when you completed the story
>the dumb subway system that nobody likes
>looks like ass
New Vegas:
>boring black and white story with shitty quest design
>absolutely not fun to explore compared to 3 and 4
>looks like ass
Fallout 4:
>they fixed the gunplay
>compact world that's interesting to explore
>looks good
The only thing that's bad about Fallout 4 is the shitty story and quest design. But that's equally horrible in the previous two games.
NV > 4, haven't played 3 yet.
4 has the best game mechanics and framework of all of the modern Fallouts to date. The settlement system was pretty nice on PC, mods can make it tickle my autism in just the right way so that I feel compelled to make distinct settlements that have different styles from the last ones. However, everything else is really lacking. It feels like FO4 could have been the definitive modern Fallout game if Bethesda had better writing and thought the plot out a lot more, and added more narrative changes to the world that occur with quests or settlements.
NV's gameplay showcases the "Oblivion with guns" feeling that a lot of people cited with FO3. However, the world and narrative is well-written enough so that you can power through the mechanical flaws.
>>the dumb subway system that nobody likes
Speaking for everyone, eh? I fucking love the Metro tunnels. It was an innovative way to include "dungeons" in an otherwise dungeonless context without it feeling shoe-horned. It was also a refreshing way of "gating" without just stopping you at a door, and then loading a new world cell, like the Vegas Strip.
As for the incoming accusation that they are unnavigable, there are fucking signs on the walls telling you where you are and where you can go, and that's if you're ignoring the damn map markers that everyone complains about.
>new vegas story design was horrible
>4's world was interesting to explore
There are aussies getting off to this right now. It's not just a shitpost, it's almost art at this point
Alpha Protocol may play like a poor man's Splinter Cell, but it remembers everything that you did.
>Beginning of the game your boss asks you why you joined.
>End of the game the bad guy asks again and then plays back security footage of your original answer.
>Try to go non lethal through the embassy by karate chopping the fuck out of the guards.
>Accidentally do a finishing move and throat stomp one of them
>Bad guy reminds me of this later in the game
>Can talk your way out of almost every boss fight depending on your previous actions and if you actually collected and read the intel on them.
>Fallout doesn't work in 3D
How do you figure?
t. nostalgia glasses
>people actually prefer 3 over 4
Is this some weird kind of nostalgia? 4 at least had all right gun play and a world with shit in it, 3 was just all out fucking horrible
NV >>>>>>>>>>> 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4
3 has juvenile Bethesda writing, some dialogue lines are particularly ridiculous but the ambience is good, and the setting is ideal to be baby's first Fallout. While the game is too generous with skill points, it allows the player to plan ahead or specialize at low levels to be efficient, and while the perks are unbalanced, it was also the case with the isometric Fallouts and NV.
4 on the other hand is just a fucking circus full of "experimental features" nobody asked for.
oddly enough, i couldn't fuck up Russia enough to actually ever fight Champion, every time I've circumvented it even if I tried to trigger him and I know you can fight that fucker
How exactly do you git gud at shitty design decisions?
I don't think you quite understand.
It wasn't worth gittin gud at too me.
The juice wasn't worth the squeeze.
You don't have to eat a turd just because it is on your plate.
Believe me it was difficult.
I wanted to finish it at least once but in the end I realized I was not the target audience at all.
Unpopular opinion headed your way OP.
4 is my favorite. I know the story was lame, the voiced protag killed the roleplaying (sucked in general too) and that the new skills/level up system was a step backwards. On the flip side, the exploration was far better than 3 and NV- which has always been my favorite part of open world games. Tons of cool shit to discover, loads of easter eggs, situational lore and just lore in general. Also while I was unsure of how I felt about settlement building at first I grew to love it after a few decent mods opened the possiblities. I have spent a stupid amount of time trying to build each settlement into little communities or specifically purposed areas. Whats more, after playing fallout 4 I found it incredibly difficult to go back to 3 and New Vegas.
After 4, New Vegas. I have so many hours and so many playthroughs logged on that. I love the game despite bugs.
After that 3. Still a great game that I got a couple hundred hours of enjoyment out of, just not quite as good as the other two.
All that being said, Oblivion>
>people unironically defending settlement cancer and "muh shooting mechanics"
>why do you hate fun so much user hurrr fun things are fun
3 will always be better than 4 because at least it resembles a Fallout game.
which is why if you play FO3 you play with TTW
New Vegas > 2 > 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4 > 3
post couriers
lone wanderfags need not apply
You were going great until 4 > 3
I have some mods installed...
Point Lookout > Mothership Zeta > Lonesome Road > The Pitt > Old World Blues > Broken Steel > Honest Hearts > Dead Money > Operation Anchorage
Never played Fallout 4 DLC, I waited over a year for a GOTY edition and it never happened. I doubt I'll ever buy the season pass since Fallout DLC in general sucks.
>project nevada
I genuinely like all of them. I think New Vegas is probably my favorite and Fallout 3/4 are pretty much tied. Fallout 3 has better side quests and atmosphere but Fallout 4 has better combat and visuals.
3 makes even less sense than 4 if you think about it
and 4 has at least a better envirorment and some cool gameplay going on for it