Instead of Vietnam we get this absolute fuckfest for the 12th time

>instead of Vietnam we get this absolute fuckfest for the 12th time
Baka shiggidy-doo

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>12th time
user, how old are you? isnt it time to....move on from video games?

Vietnam was an anti PC war, you'll never get a game based on it

A World War II FPS is a breath of fresh air at this point.

>instead of Korea we get this absolute fuckfest for the 12th time

>Vietnam was an anti PC war, you'll never get a game based on it
battlefield.. vietnam?
rising storm 2?

Vietnam game would be just Americans losing and whatever developer cramming bloated patriotism tragedy down your throat.

>user how old are you? Isn't it time to... move on from books?

We need a 1:1 remake of Heart of the Reich for this game

Wasn't Black Ops set around the Vietnam war?

Activision attempts to confuse normies that enjoyed BattleFiend1 while EA is busy with Battlefront2

Vietnam is a bigger meme war that WW2 at this point.

>meme war

>it ain't me starts playing

Nobody gives a fuck about Koreans or Korean war

OP is a faggot.

Sledgehammer are the only good CoD devs left, please KYS OP

OP is actually a pretty cool guy.

Ya messed up :^)

Back to roots, faggot

>it aint me starts playing

>genre: fantasy

he obviously meant from NOW on you stupid fuckface

Nothing will beat the absolute grim atmosphere of World at War

Don't think I'll be buying this

1. For shit tier pandering
2. For WWII for the 100th time

>we're going to get a propaganda,generic campaign that glorifes war instead of a PTSD ridden and vicseral campaign

Smh at least let us play as the good guys for once (Nazis)

rising storm 2

Vietnam is now too problematic for games to based on it

Developers would get blasted with criricism regardless of how they approached it

Would SJW support or bash Vietnam war based game today?


At least it doesn't have niggers.

>Do not listen to the poster above me, WWII sucks
>WWII sucks
>Literally no info on the game has been released

I don't see what's so great about shooting fleeing rice farmers from a helicopter then getting blown the fuck out by a gook that's been squatting in a tree for 20 hours waiting for you. Vietnam fucking sucked but people glorify it because of shitty music video montages.

We already had Veitnam and it's era of weaponry.
God forbid we go back to FAMAS, AK74u, Dragonuv and the latter.

literally the same fucking weapons you dipshit

I think you mean treyarch

is that Chris Evans?

>game for high end PCs and not a multiplatform

Wow that really sells

No it's that guy that played the Amazing Spiderman.

see how long you can keep a conversation going about a book versus a game with someone, user

are there any ww2 games where the Germans aren't just a bunch of one dimensional MUAHAHA saturday morning villains and they actually are human?

toby maguire?

This is probably the most generic title for a video game since the atari era. I mean really they couldn't think of anything other than CoD:WWII? But hey if the game is good then it's a win I suppose.

As sad and stupid as it may sound i refuse to buy another CoD/AC/Far Cry, games are made with the only purpose of making money, and i know every game aims to sell a lot and be successful, but this franchises in particular keep making this souless expensive games with tons of DLC and Season Passes it's an insult

Company of Heroes has an expansion with two German stories that are pretty good.

Aside from that, I can't really think of any.

No, a certain group of people have a tight grasp on this industry moreso than books and even film. AAA games are doomed to never be extreme or push thought provoking perspectives.

no Andrew Garfield

IDK strangely most multiplayer games seem to portray ww2 alot better than the others.

You fucking idiots who are begging developers for remakes and remasters are the cancer that is killing video games.

CoD world at war was my favorite call of duty so i really hope it is good.

red orchestra 2 campaign?

Why would you want that? If you're making a game based on real events might as well depict them accurately.

"Campaign". In reality it was nothing more than multiplayer bot-mode with minor story clips. Total garbage but the multiplayer is the best in the industry.

>sledgehammer games

FUCK to the NO

>be me
>be playing the opening mission of the new CALL OF DUTY WORLD WAR II
>storming the beach in Normandy
>mortars explode all along me as I move up 5 metres to each new checkpoint
>gruff marine yelling
>I hold b to prone under some razor wire
>sergeant next to me dies in the razor wires while he grabs my hand and gives me a 2 minute interactive cutscene
>character gets angry, and as I press b to stand up, faint music starts playing
>music intensifies as I get closer to the bunkers and cliff
>mortar drops right in front of me, blinding the character and the bass drops
>dubstep starts playing with the mortar fire synced to the beat
>finally get in the bunker
>nazi with a pink bubblegum camo shoves his mg40 in my face
>reznov shoots him in the head from off screen
>reznov enters the bunker and does a dab
>character takes off virtual reality headset and walks out of the secret CIA testing facility
>mission complete


If you're gunna put burgers in the spotlight, at least focus the game on the pacific theater.

>we are going to be bad guys
for fucks sake


What's the flat thing on the side of MG-42, though?

Hey, this art copies our art from the past! Just pointing that out, how funny!

I'm tried of seeing these fucking posts over and over, do you fucking retards seriously not know of Black Ops and Black Ops 2?

>What's the flat thing on the side of MG-42, though?
this is an 18+ website

Yeah that and I believe the cuban missile crisis.

> Wehraboos

you have to be more specific, there are a lot of flat parts on that gun

You know, you can be older than 18 and still miss serving in Wehrmacht.

It seems like it's roughly above the pistol grip, but it doesn't look like a pistol grip because it's on the side and there's no trigger. And I've never seen it on MG-42s and MG-3s.


Do it again bomber harris

>Invade nuetral Belgium
>start war
>Invade nuetral Poland
>start war
>still pretends to be innocent to this day

Germany should have been wiped off the map after WWII

It was nice to see a war game that didn't suck the Soviet Union's and the US's dick and pretend they did nothing wrong.

>Japan should have been wiped off the map after WWII

Its just a handle grip to hold with your lefthand to help aim and reduce recoil, the image is actually reversed so its on the right hand side and looks weird.

There's dozens and dozens of commonly known WW2 small arms

The Vietnam War has like the M16, the M14, and the M60

N-n-no it was B-britian and France for declaring war on Germany after Germany attacked an ally, after being told they'd be attacked if they declared war

Oy vey what you goyim don't understand is you need a WW2 shooter or else you'll forget the Holocaust!

the past has been done to death, the present has been done to death, the future has been done to death. where can we even go now?

Remember the 6 gorillian goy.

then they could just create a ton of shitty decals for the weapons or yourself if customization means that much to you


You anti-semantic bastard, please delete this post.

Black Ops 3 was so fucking bad, also optimization was terrible on PC.

Advanced Warfare > BLOPS 3

Alternative pasts.

I just wish it was Treyarch doing the new ww2 game and not sledgehammer.
Hopefully Treyarch does another black ops that takes place in the spy era, with more focus on Vietnam and the Afghan (soviet) wars.

>where can we even go now
or even further into the past with the Romans n shit

The further, further future.

>There's going to be a mission where you liberate a concentration camp and you hand the malnourished jews firearms and they start shooting nazis down while you clap

You have horrible taste
Fortunately you are part of an overly loud and outspoken minority that means we won't go back to the shitshow of AW's 3DM

shut the fuck up mosley nobody likes you

Parts of it were (all flashbacks). They were the best parts of the game.

>the image is actually reversed
Ohhh, I was trying to imagine using it to steady the gun and it felt wrong, but if you consider it's reversed it does make more sense.

even worse, we wont get to play as nazis.

Advanced Warfare was way better, the campaign and the MP.

BlOps3 was pure garbage with boring ass robots and Titanfall-copy MP

i would actually like to see more of this, like a game set in an alternate 1980s where everything is futury and shit because of some major innovation in the mid 20th century that didnt happen in our timeline or something

It was basically Vietnam + Cold War thriller.

>tfw WaW was half burning Japs and half sniping Germans with naught a concentration camp in sight

>france and britain
>attacking germany

HAHAHA you cowards didnt do shit until daddy amerifat came to help

and now London is 60% non-british with a Pakistani mayor.

>white people will never wake up!

oh, believe you me, we will.

you will in multiplayer :^)

Ya honestly at this point CoD just needs to die. This bullshit stopped being fun after MW2.

cod did vietnam already black ops 1 and 2