Toukiden 2

I didn't expect much, but I was honestly surprised how good the single player experience was.

This whole game is pure unadulterated fun.

beware because Sup Forums hates this game. We used to have comfy threads at /vg/ free of MH shills

What are you talking about? There were tons of threads daily for weeks, just like when the previous Toukiden came out, and God Eater 2 last year.

I liked the first for a while but found it got a bit boring.
Is it worth it? Improved?

Professor a CUTE

I wonder how much bigger Dynasty Warriors 9 will be if they also plan on doing open world for that one.

Much more improved.
You can spend hours upon hours just exploring and running around in free roam.
The added Mitama slots and skills give more depth to the way you build your character.
And multiplayer is great as always, especially with a friend.

Lads whats the highest DPS weapon? Bow and SnS seem good so far. Any others?

Needed a longer story and more character interaction, nothing left to keep me from going back to MH once the main story finished.

Any tips on how to get good with it?

Build for reduced charge time and literally spam charged shot. Dunno if that's optimal but it seems good so far

I love how permanently destroying limbs on some Oni actually makes them harder to kill.

It was really good and the story was great.

It's the exact opposite for me.

I didn't expect much, but I was still surprised how dogshit the single player experience was.

I remenber Sup Forums shit on GE2 though, but not this game

I think fists are the best weapons. You can block everything for just a sliver of health, each punch feels so meaty, and then it has that ora-ora mode that just pounds everything into dust. The jump attack feels really good even if it's impossible to hit anything with it. And while the big damage feels really good there are a couple bosses now that are almost impossible for me to hit since I'm stuck at ground level.

I want to use DEF mitama because the sumo dude makes my barrage faster and stronger and the defense meter is OP, but CON skills are way more fun to play with.

Usually I hate Monster Hunter games but this one is very good so far. I think the single player story is pretty interesting and then you can go out into the free roam to hunt cool new oni that don't show up in the mission select. It's not all that big but I really love how you can explore the whole world freely and pick up more teammates from joint missions.

I love that some of them transform into harder monsters with different moves. Like if you cut off the 4 armed guy's legs after he's in his 2nd form he constantly pounds at you like some long leg spider. Or Jollux goes into pac-man form permanently. And if you cut away the viper lady's snake arms she just sits there and cries until you kill her.

>Removing Succubus' wings cripples her so hard she barely even attacks anymore
>Removing Mace guy's legs turns him into an industrial hammer on legs

I think that shit is the coolest. The first game hyped up limb breaking but then they just fight with the phantom limb like normal.

Some of the hyper modes are super cool too. Like I just fought the angler fish who turns into that crazy long ass balloon that's longer than the whole area and there's that fire bird who gets up on its back legs and turns its forewings into giant scythes.

the fact they didnt skimp out on the vita version is great. Ive been wanting a handheld game thats an actual fucking game and not a watered down version of another game for years

>Mitama that restores focus on precision hits
>Mitama that increases chance of precision hits
>equip dual blades and becomes a death blender

The solo-play was great indeed.
How ironic it was meant to be MH clone but turned out that co-op was shit.

Co-op is best enjoyed with a single friend.
Any more and it becomes way too easy for it to be fun.

Exploration on the other hand is great solo with your Tenko.

Why are the medium sized Oni in this game so fucking nauseating to fight? The two dog and crab variation Oni are the most unfun and cancerous piles of garbage in the entire game.

I didn't expect much out of the single player, but I enjoyed it. Didn't really expect to get hit with feels but that part with Tokitsugu visiting Saika's gave really hit me for some reason.

They don't have any weakness so the only thing you can do is wail on them. Dog is gay because he has tornado mode and loves hopping around. Crab wouldn't be terrible but sometimes he makes you chase him all the way across the arena into more enemies. I think they should have way less health but do more damage so you can get them out of the way in a reasonable amount of time.

Well Sup Forums? What is the best weapon?

Sword and board for me. I love how versatile it is.
Though I would like to give bows a try as well.

They're both just so frustrating to fight. Shit hitboxes, high damage, erratic attack patterns on top of pretty high health. The dog fuckers don't even get knocked down from Demon Hand interrupts "wow bro you stopped my spinny tornado move that does 40% of your life and causes Stun, but too bad you don't get any punishes off it". The crab assholes are even more annoying with their retarded movement patterns. I'm having great fun fighting large Oni, but as soon as I have to fight one of these fucks my fun goes from 10 to fucking 0 instantly.

I tried to like Sword and Board but aerial combat feels way too important in this game.

I want to give guns a try myself but I'm just concerned that it'll be too slow to have engaging gameplay. Like, just sit there and pull the trigger seems a little boring compared to DMC flying-though-the-air combos.

Can someone buy this game for me so I can play it with a buddy
On ps4 btw

I actually go out of my way to avoid anything with aerial combos. I just prefer good old ground combat.

I'm really glad you can repeat missions, so if you're looking for a monster piece you don't have to run across the map for hours finding one to kill.

I wish i didn't have to go online for the later chapters.

It was certainly fun but its way too easy, and the online is pretty bad. This feels like a knock off Dragons Dogma than a knock of Monster Hunter. If this game had a western aesthetic it wouldve been a hit, the jap setting looks very indistinct to people who arent Japanese, and the monsters are kindof lame, a contradiction to the incredibly fun combat.

is the multiplayer possible to play if you pirate it?
i've heard some murmurs about some kind of steam emulator or something

Yeah, I would rather never purify anything ever again but the only thing worse than dealing with those shitters is running out of stamina every 2 seconds.

Also what the hell is going on with these amulets? You need a ton of them before it's worth sending out robots for minimal gains but I've never found a single one. As far as I know you can only get them from the ruins but fighting the same 3 enemies for 10 floors is so boring and terrible and you only get 2 amulets.

Can we all agree Benizuki is best girl and waifu of 2017

My guess is fists/dual swords for damage and naginatas for limb breaking. My favorite is just the single sword, it's not that flashy but I just enjoy it very much, I just wish there were more normal looking ones.

Well I just beat the big scorpion guy in the village and so far she's definitely best girl.

Just get later into the story. Pretty sure you eventually get to just buy them from the store.

I rather the professor or Gwen. She let me die once and I never forgot it.

I kind of hate how some of the armors don't really reflect the monsters like MH does. On top of that, I dislike that even with max weight slider, your dude will pretty much always have the body of a fuccboi. Like, why can't we make someone as swole as Raizo?

try google, retard.

Sup Forums had great GE2 threads for a month after it came out. The games just don't last very long so people who enjoyed it moved on.

Me too, it makes getting those horns a pain but it feels very good to play it like that, also those quick demon hand grapples are pretty cool to do.

this whole post is "pure unadulterated" shit shilling

fuck off

>pure unadultered

ema skye was pretty cute

>those quick demon hand grapples are pretty cool to do
Especially when you manage to stop their charge right as they're about to slam you.

So, what's your party?

Mine is:


And just me and Gwen if I'm trying to get boss materials.

Raizo, Gwen, and Kamuna

I loved it until I hit endgame. The reforging system needs to be useful the entire game not just the end. And fuck ??? names with extremely vague info on where to find them.

Otherwise the game kicks ass. Only other complaint is that half the fun is trying different mitama builds, and you don't really have enough to go crazy the first 2/3 of the game.
Don't regret paying full price at all.

Pretty much the same as you, sometimes I would switch one out and take Tsubaka instead.

I change my party up a lot, but I find myself going with Benizuki, Professor, and Raizo more often than the others.


>tfw no Benizuki to raise a family with

Tsubaki or Gwen
Naginata for me, i tried the sword but didn't like it so much.
Unrelated to Toukiden but maybe someone here knows about god eater, is there a way to get the pre order dlc costumes for God eater 2 now?

game is a fucking clone of MH. Why not just play MH?

So ? Does MH have pc port other than mmo version ?

>using knives
>wrong/experimental mitama
Holy shit that mission duo Anomalos and Marcabella kick me and team like a thrash

stop being such a poorfag and get a 3ds already.

I know lady looks surprisingly similar to Hakase in my real life...
Which make me feel really complicated during the playthrough.

Why should I waste to shekels on 3ds just for one game ?

You can use the most basic of mitamas and win with Knives. For most of the game, I was using the first Mitama they give you because I couldn't get attack ones to drop. Anything that gives you crits on precision coupled with carnage and luminescence is the way to go

there are three G-rank games and you can even easily get those for free if you're that much of a poorfag.

I feel like the damage output of the knives is way higher than the other weapons. Like the club can be 2x stronger than the knives per hit but by the time you've swung it twice you've 6 times with the knives.

Wah Ha Ha

How are the fist weapons?

Circle mode while spamming tripple triangles next to an enemy.
With increased crit rate and focus recovery for every crit made you'll never have to stop unless you need to dodge.

The dog things I don't mind but fuck the crabs. Also fuck tengu. They made the small oni in this game annoying little pricks. Also those worm things that use that move that draws you towards them.

dont forget the flying bat assholes that stun you

everything that isn't straight up large Oni are fucking nauseating.

There were good emotional parts in this game for sure. Tokitsugu's crying was A+ from his seiyuu. I'm also surprised at how Kamuna turned out okay. At first I thought he was just going to be some stoic faggot but he was actually pretty cool. Fighting Quad-whatever the first time definitely got the fiery fuck-yeah kind of spirit going. This game did that well in my opinion.

I think medium oni are weak to sky if I remember correctly. That's like all sky is strong against except for that one large oni that has a bunch of weapons.

just look in your encyclopedia and it will tell you every single weakness.

I basically do that and then change into whatever element weapon i have that the oni is weak to before starting the mission.

Just Tsubaki and Hatsuho. Professor if I feel like I need a third. Of course I made my character a little girl as well.

After I beat the story I had no interest in continuing.

what is this monster hunter for weebs?

the crabs are legitimately the most frustrating enemy in the game and are more of a pain in the ass to fight than any large Oni. i have no idea why they made medium Oni so fucking insufferable.

>the crabs are legitimately the most frustrating enemy in the game

This. If I had a choice to fight 2 crabs at once or 10 giant oni, I'd pick the giant oni.