How is it compared to the others?
I've only played the second and third game, was thinking of getting this on, or is it just worth replaying the second and third ones again?
How is it compared to the others?
It's actually best in the series.
-best atmosphere/music
-better story than 2
-worst combat
-in desperate need of a fast travel system, level design is not fun to sprawl through with all the invisible walls
It's the very pinnacle of a game that gets good after the first 10 hours.
before that it's an example of one of the worst designed games ever
it's pretty good, doesn't really add much to the series though, it's probably the worst overall.
The ending was great, it made up for a lot of it being a chore to do.
>outskirts of vizema level design
>there is no fast travel system
I played the 3rd one first then played the 1st. Honestly enjoyed the 1st one the most.
If you don't much care for radiant quests, open world, gameplay or graphics, TW1 is every bit as good as TW3. TW3 superseded TW1 in many ways, but TW1 actually has better atmosphere.
TW2 is the odd one out, but still great in its own unique way. It also has the best story out of the three.
2 has the worst story
>How is it compared to the others?
It's the only GOOD game in the trilogy.
Rest are overrated console trash
1 > 3 > > > 2.
TW1 is also the most replayable one of the bunch. I've already finished it 4 times, and would gladly do 5th run. Can't say the same about the sequels though, especially the 2nd one was shit.
It's the only one that isn't consolisized garbage. Take a guess
looks like the Pfats have come out to play
1 is shittier in every way to the sequels except for atmosphere
>-worst combat
Only if you play on the shitter difficulties.
I played all the games available on the hardest modes first time through, W1 by far has the shittiest combat
What makes 1 have so much replayability?
Honestly, it's probably a hit or miss thing right now
I personally found the combat really cool and satisfying, not to mention pretty to look at
Others hate it for being kinda wonky and not being very engaging for the player (I.E. You click at the enemy, Geralt starts unleashing all his moves and you only really interact by moving and dodging)
The atmosphere is great, it's a nice taste of classic RPG gaming and it helps set the groundwork for the Triss/Shani story
Give it a try if it's on sale, if you like it you'll probably like it a lot, if you dislike it then you'll probably hate it
It's your call
I don't even mainly game on the PC, you fucking retard. First one is better for the simple fact that it was made for one platform only and was a project of love and dedication instead of cashing in on the wider audience aka dudebro consoletards.
This is how I know you are lying
It's on steam for £6, which really isn't that much and I'm not too skint at the moment.
I think I might give it a go, ty
I'd rather you just pirate it then.
Yeah actually...I should shouldn't I?
If your only option is to rent it from steam then yes.
there is no way to show difficulty otherwise I'd BTFO you
not like it matters all 3 games are piss easy with the exception of the stun lockers on W1
>there is no way to show difficulty otherwise I'd BTFO you
Yeah how convenient for you
>still proceeds to post a screenshot that proves nothing.
I'm amazed you knew how to do that instead of doing it the normal way your kind does it.
What do you want me to do faggot?
I've already proved I'm not a console cuck, witcher 1 is just the shittiest
>What do you want me to do faggot?
Stop posting your worthless opinions
>I've already proved I'm not a console cuck, witcher 1 is just the shittiest
lel, you are the epitome of a consolecuck.
>admitting you're a peasant
Witcher 1 is an actual RPG game, not a hack&slash + upgrade systems combo for console tards.
The sequels ruined alchemy, turned conversation options into binary, ME style cryptic messages, and introduced godawful semi-direct control combat, which translates into endless rolling to wait your HP to regenerate, as Geralt somehow became a total beta who can't swing a sword nor drink potions.
seeI'm an idort, I just don't have a shitty contrarian opinion
>hack&slash + upgrade systems combo for console tards.
do you even know what a hack and slash is? Witcher 1 is the game with hack and slash combat, not 2 and 3. It's the most like cRPG hack and slash like diablo
No Wotcher 1 is shit because the combat is shit due to majority of shitters playing on easy settings that doesn't require any forethough or alchemy. Also, the combat in 2 and 3 is much better somehow even though it's just rolling.
>witcher 1 is an actual RPG
>ending is the same regardless of what you do, Alvin just twists your words in different ways
really made me think
Witcher 1 is the best one
>inb4 abloo da controls
>outskirts of vizema
Best casual filter ever.
>I don't know what an RPG is
go ahead and tell me how witcher 1 is more of an RPG than 2/3, I cant' wait for your retarded reasoning
I don't think you know what a casual filter is. Outskirts is just extremely tedious walking back and forth for a couple of dialogue options with horrid level design, there is no challenge
If by casual filter you mean boring enough to make people drop the game then I guess you're right.
The moment you stop posting retarded shit like this
>witcher 1 is an actual RPG
>ending is the same regardless of what you do, Alvin just twists your words in different ways
yes one of the cruxes of RPGs is having choice to role play your own game, having the same thing happen defeats that purpose now doesn't it?
now give me your reasoning or you lose
What a surprise, retarded non-idorts