Other urls found in this thread:
>they pussed out on Jack being her father
how did you think she conceived pharah?
No shit she had a child user you dumbfuck. It's literally implied in the game if you didn't read the lore.
Your mom got fucked to have you too, user
Too whitey to reproduce in 2070.
Is this the designated /r9k/ thread? Can I dump my pepes.
No you idiots that's Fareeha with a kid, not Ana holding Fareeha
Anyone who thought Jack or Reinhardt was the father is a retard. If you've even seen a mixed kid, between a brown and a white person, the kid is lighter than the brown parent 99% of the times, sometimes even as pale as the white parent. Pharah is brown as fuck, like Ana. No way was she mixed.
i-i-i-its just her brother
Both of your parents fucked so you come from a family of sluts
wrong, pharah's tattoo is on her other eye and it's different
No it's not retard. Look at the eye tattoo. Ana's tattoo is on the right, Pharah's is on the left.
Now stop being autistic.
scratch that I'm an idiot, the tattoo is on the other side (which is stupid because it only goes one way)
>overwatch shit
take it to /vg/
I want Rein to be her father!
Fuckk you Blizzard, you faggots cant even into good story!
>Pharahs dad is shown
>now I cant imagine myself as him
>two people of the same color
I mean, it's 2017. Where's the race mixing?
i get the hardest boner whenever somebody is so sure they're right when they're actually fucking retarded
>video games
take it to /vg/
She is mixed, though. The dad is a Canadian native.
I was talking specifically about white + brown mixed kids.
What was /vg/'s reaction to this anyways? I don't go there, but I hear they're huge shipfags/waifufag shitters, so this must have triggered them.
Source or bullshitting
That guy sure as fuck is not Canadian.
He's First Nations.
He's more Canadian than you cumskin. Also gamble at casinos more.
>the original canadians aren't canadians
come on son
>Pharah has a totem bird skin because her dad is First Nations
The original Canadians sure as fuck aren't human either faggot.
wow the character whos defining feature is being a mother, had sex once? wow
Jack already has a kid & it's White
You can see a picture of his kid in the comic
Obviously Jack x Gabriel were a thing but then Jack gave Gabriel the cold shoulder to spend more time commanding Overwatch.
Gabriel got revenge angry and that's why he's in Talon now
OW is not a video game, it's a skinner box
>being this much of a fucking leaf
if you have such a problem with them why don't you move back to your own home country, assuming you have one and aren't just a mixed-race mongrel
God fucking sauce man
Sorry, user, I know your father and I have been bad dads for putting off "the talk" but it's time we explain where babies come from.
Yo mama is a skinner box.
>I'd betray my race
>acting like your race would give a shit about a loser like you
Go back and stay in Sup Forums.
REEE shut up dirty nigger
No wonder you post on Sup Forums
>home country
They're a British colony m8
Basically this, but I don't give a fuck about "le race purism." Arab chicks are hot
People who care about that shit are virgins. If a chick makes my dick hard and she wants to fuck, I'm down.
her uncle, maybe?
>the kid is lighter than the brown parent 99% of the time
wtf I love racemixing now!
It's safe to say anyone who cares about race purity is underage
>New hero is revealed at E3
>Pharrah's dad is talked about in trailer
>Crowd goes silent
Post yfw.
I wonder (((who))) is behind this post.
>look at me, i'm an apathic hedonist, this makes me more mature than you
>not legal online tendy
im dissapointed
Apathy isn't an issue here, neither does hedonism. Stop throwing around big words to look smart.
He looks native so he's more canadian than you
Canada is an Anglo/French nation, you dumb fuck. He's not Canadian, and he probably lives within a First Nation anyway.
>We actually have a chance at having a Canadian
>He's just John fucking Redcorn and not a proper Canadian
>All chances lost of having him being a beer swilling prairie dweller or mush-mouth maritimer
>He'll probably be from Hongcouver or Little America
>playing non-japanese games
Is that Louis CK? lol
so what, she's not real anyway
It astonishes me how many people think you can assault someone and nothing will come of it due to some "guy code" they envisioned existing from watching TV and movies.
A native is far more interesting than what equates to the same shitty culture as America and the UK and Australia.
Just looked it up. It's staged and it's not even Louis CK. It's someone who looks like him it seems.
You genuinely have no idea what Natives are like, do you?
No one cares about their modern society, m8. Whatever shit you'd get in overwatch would be based off romanticized native american culture, which is far more interesting than retarded european shit.
Some of us find Europe boring as fuck. It's the vanilla ice cream of Earth.
Jokes on you I got cloned
Makes me not want to play her anymore even though she has my favorite play style. What a dumb cunt. Why does Blizzard fuck everything up so hard? It's like they are incapable of making good decisions.
Multiculturalism sells and is a good theme for a game with lots of characters. It's also not new at all.
You say that because you're used to it, faggot. Grow up and actually look at the fucking world around you.
No, I say that because I am 30 and have preferences and opinions. I also don't live in Europe, retard.
christ who raised you. fucking idiots.
The same guy but older.
Sorry I couldn't grow up in a trailer park in Alabama, or a gated community in the midwest
>I also don't live in Europe, retard.
That means nothing because Europeans built what you know as civilization. You're surrounded by their cultural influence even if you don't live there.
why would a spray for Ana only be about farah
It's her dad 30 odd years later.
I thought Thresh killed Lucian's wife
>That means nothing because Europeans built what you know as civilization.
Lol, even the fucking Congo looked good before Europeans came.
>Supposed to be Native American
>Has gray hair and shaved his long hair
my dad has the same thing.
>he thinks there was civilization in the Congo before Europeans came
>Anime avatar
the real egyptians are black. not arab. arabs are manlets while acient egyptians are tall
Hawaii is my favorite European place. King Kamehameha? One of my favorite European rulers.
Aloha? European as fuck word.
Honolulu sounds like a European capital.
There was. They built a big ass city. It was neat.
>Game with enjoyable core gameplay (even if the competitive community atmosphere it lends to is cancer)
Who does this remind you of? Who did we all demonize for years because they got unreasonably upset? when games didn't cater to them politically regardless of the game's content?
It's a real think-twister.
nononono you all get this wrong
Phara IS Jacks daughter, that indian guy just didn't know and raised her as his own
yes, he got literally cucked by Morrison
The dude shes fucking. You look at your dad like that?
Are you retarded and somehow unaware that America has owned Hawaii for a long, long time and filled it with their cultural influence?
Was this confirmed? I kind of suspected it, but I was never certain. It would be perfect for fucked up drama and the native american dude was pretty clearly thrown in so Pharah could wear the one costume without complaints.
Unless Pharah tans, it would make no sense. When people racemix the baby is halfway between in colour. Ana + Jack would not produce a daughter with the same skin tone as the mum
There are already 3 yanks don't need a fourth since Canada is identical. But a native is cool as they have unique culture
fetish fags getting desperate.
>People think pharah has the same skin tone as Ana
She doesn't. Pharah is much lighter.
A bad ass Indian brave could be an awesome hero. Turn into a spirit wolf for his ult.