Are you going to buy an Xbox Scorpio?

Why\Why not?

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I feel that it's redundant to own an Xbox these days, since most Xbox games are also available on PC.

no exclusives that I want.

Halo went to shit, what else is there?

nothing. atleast with ps4 i get my weeb fix.

PS4 exclusives will die very soon now that Sony wants to put PS4 games on PSNOW.

The day Bloodborne gets on PSNow will probably be the biggest shitstorm on Sup Forums.

No, because I have an old one (1tb mcc collection, non-s).

>Not falling for the 4K meme. All my stuff is 1080p.

good thing consoles are directed towards people who dont play games on their computer

Yes, cause 4k meme.

No. Because it's a dead brand.

>I have a gaming pc
>Xbox has piss poor exclusives
>I own a ps4 for exclusives

No because there's no exclusives there that tickles my fancy

Nigger if you don't own a PC along with a console for your Japanese game fix, what the fuck are you even doing here? Microsoft consoles are pretty much overpriced paperweights if you give even the slightest shit about video games. They're so fucking irrelevant nobody even cares to shitpost about them when they make the 1000th daily sonybros vs nintenbros thread.

No. I have pc, ps4 and switch. what would i use it for?


I've never bought a MS console and unless they become the new home of Sega games or some shit like that I never will.

good thing Sup Forums isnt your personal subreddit, some people enjoy videogames a different way than you, welcome to the real world kiddo

No because my PC can already make the highest quality pixels

Yes for Halo 6

Why the fuck would I want a console that cancels its best games? Fuck that.

I do own consoles. Nintendo and Sony, in fact.

I just feel that Xbox is terribly redundant.

He's got a point, at least with Xbone anyways. The OG had exclusives and decent Sega support while the 360 owned the "It's fun with friends!" audience in its heyday. I don't see the point of the Xbone.

Under no circumstances. This Scorpio makes no sense whatsoever. They release their games for the Xbox (accessible, no knowledge of specs neccesary) and the PC (high-end stuff).

The scorpio is just a non-modular PC. There is no human who has the incentive to buy a Scorpio. If they care about specs, they already have a PC. And Sony owns the only console exclusives worth playing.

No. If I'm upgrading, it will be PS4Pro or whatever subsequent version of it that comes later.

Someone need to find a parallel between Scorpio and 'cancelled'. Like how people started calling the Xbox one the "Xbone".

>I enjoy video games so much I own only one platform with the most minimal selection of games, which also happen to be some of the most shallow and overmarketed
You're the TV equivalent of a drooler who watches nothing but transformers movies and capeshit, and you're telling me to go back to some subreddit? That is rich. You have zero self awareness mate.

for me to buy an xbone scorpio it will need:

>under $500 price tag while still being as powerful as the reveal
>5 true exclusives that turn out to be spectacular
>upcoming japanese support
>even more backwards compatability

yes i'm definitely going to buy one

the questions is what you trying to achieve with your little strawpoll here?

That's steep, user.

i am saying people enjoy videogames on other platforms than you. you are the only one literally having an aneurysm trying to fit in.

If it can by some chance play many of the Xbox One games in 60FPS, it's an automatic buy for me. Plus, it'll have the best version of Red Dead Redemption 2 and Final Fantasy XV.

Project Scorpio: It's so cheap they couldn't even afford whole letters for their font.


Not him but I'm right there with him. MS had always had its audience but it's never been me.

I really hope Scorpio will be good so PC gets even more games.

Okay, and what does the xbox have to do with anything? Last I checked a platform should have games in order for it to be a gaming platform.

PSNOW is a streaming service.

Why in the world would you use it unless you're the most casual of the casual gamer who literally does not care about massive input lag and shitty video quality?

>even more backwards compatability

what do you mean?

it does have games, just because you dont like them or because you play them on your computer doesnt change that fact.

well i do need a 4k player

xbox games

I haven't switched my Xbox One on in at least 6 months, so why would I get a Scorpio?

>Japanese game fix
do not want

Where's the option for, "Maybe" or "later"?

what the fuck

LOL, no.

no because it has next to no games and my xbox one is still sitting in a corner gathering dust along with halo mcc

I might get one for the living room if other humans are in my home.

she's autistic and that guy eating triggered her.

I have a original ps4 and I didn't even buy a PS4 pro. So why would I buy this.

Have you tried it yet?
The input lag is non existent, its roughly the same as when you use remoteplay on PC with High setting. That's also while using the Wifi built into the Ps4.

I am too smart to give microsoft any money.
Fuck off with these threads already, good god, everyone can smell a microshaft shill a mile away.

>police only jump on him once he attacks her

i hate eating sounds too

>unless you're the most casual of the casual gamer who literally does not care about massive input lag and shitty video quality?
has nothing to do with being casual, it's a service available for anyone
you can play with a 25mbit connection without any lags
>Why in the world would you use it
because people can't be bothered to buy an entire ps4 pro over a game maybe? It's not like those games worth 400$+$60+$60psn you play them once and forget about them forever

Would you chimp out if someone was eating a bag of cheetos near you

So how did that end for both of them, since she got recorded going batshit?

scorpio is gonna win next-gen

screenshot this

To be fair she seems knocked out already so they only have to restrain him.

>asking the weebs on Sup Forums

this thing is going to be huge for the market that matters. Casuals.

You're deluding yourself if you think ps4 sales are because of ching chong panty quest 20

yep 100% getting one

not single Sony drone can do anything about it

gotta have that definitive RDR2 experience and not a stutter/lag fest like on the ps4 pro lmao

>sony steals his credit card
>sony charges for online
>sony gives you indy shit for being good goys
>sony flakes on psvr support
>sony flakes on pspro support
>sony flakes on psvita support

You're literally a cuck.

If every game actually target 60fps including backwards compatibility then yeah i'd buy it in a heartbeat.

No for now, can play the same games as the one.

I'd hit them if they kept doing it loudly honestly. I use to hit my sister for making stupid noises

Fuck no.

She gots the Satans in her.

He never mentioned Sony you drone



>caring what a weeb autist has to say
they can cry as much as they want with their ps4 roach system people still going to buy the Scorpio just like Nintendo switch
PS4 has absolutely no competition the Xbone sold still over 25mil units and multiplats are still the most played games on both consoles. So in the end Scorpio will be pretty huge they are just scared already and we haven't seen full E3. Microsoft back at it it's a win - win but this time with competition.

>Current Status of every single Sony nigger ITT

Because this niche community desperate fat bastards exists. They're known in popular culture as peecucks.

he didn't bought a Scorpio

lmao @ your life

No. Because the Xbox fanbase is awful. Look at Crapgamerreviews. A guy who laughed at a father who lost his kid to cancer.


Its a console with paid online
If you are into cuckolding the PS4 got a few games

Please don't tell me you actually believe that's likely.

No gamed announced yet. Probably wont either because no one i know has a xbox

besides having games worth playing and better service? truly nothing.


sony on suicide watch

He didn't! Xcucks get triggered so easily.

Sonybros btfo holy fucking shit

>better service

>having games worth playing
lmaoo I'm dying over here

My 1080Ti PC is connected to my only tv

>didn't even mention sony once
Based sonyniggas living in your head rent free


>tfw you've been on Sup Forums so long you realize all the virgins defending the Xbox are false flaggers

Even if it had HALO 39 developed by undug ressurrected bungie employee ghouls with coffee for blood i would still not give it any money, 1st: its microsoft, you know you gonna have to rebuy your games when the next xbox something™ something® 5 years after 2nd: all games being sold by microsoft hideous store, they want the store to be accepted and will litteraly force it down your throat when the time comes, if you have any experience with that store on the pc, it is worse than games for windows live, it sometimes forces you to redownload the whole game everytime it has an update.

Microsoft is worse than nintendo at this point, i would rather buy an actual switch than a fucking xbox

Of course not, i'm not idiot

>you being long time on Sup Forums somehow justifies everyone else being a false flagger
you know there is a world outside of Sup Forums too you basement dwelling faggot
keks happened

>Xbox One
>Relatively decent console
>Don't get jack shit for exclusives on it
>Don't give a god damn fuck about getting console exclusive content, letting Sony have the superior version of every multiplat
>4 years later reveal the Scorpio, something that's taken a lot of resources to develop and will have a high price point
>They let almost an entire generation go by without making the purchase worth it before moving on to the next best thing

I'm glad the console market is getting a premium product. But Microsoft royally fucked xbox buyers, even more so than what they've done in the past. At this point if you bought an xbox one you basically funded the Scorpio with no returns to show for it. You could have skipped the Xbox One entirely and bought the scorpio and not missed a SINGLE fucking thing except maybe that fucking dud GoW game.

Fuck Microsoft. I don't care if they're going to have the strongest hardware on the market, they fuck their customers into oblivion and I'm not going to support their shit.

How far down your throat is phil spencers cock at this very moment?

not as deep as my foot in your mothers gaping pussy

Every single negative post about microsoft crap will be addressed by a poster hiding behind ''Sup Forums speak'', these people are getting paid to do that.
I hope they get paid in xboxes lmao, imagine the joy of defending something you don't want then being stuck with it while witnessing every single negative point you denied.

If a console manufacturer makes a console with the most power but no games.... does it make a sale?

>Hey there m8 what did you do this weekend?
>Oh I had an orgy
>Fuck that's awesome
>Yeah bro I had my foot in this 70 year olds cunt while I was sucking this old guy's dick!
>Dude you're my fuckin hero!

1 Yuan has been placed in your PSN account

no exclusives
halo is dead
scalebound cancelled
pretty much

no. i know they are probably going to announce exclusives during e3 ,i still dont think its worth getting. i think ps4+pc+switch is best combo this gen

No, I don't have a 4k TV and American exclusives no longer interest me.