I love my lil flower samurai!

I love my lil flower samurai!

I'm waiting to 5 star sharena and then I'll train them as well as my recently acquired tacomeme

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Which FE girl would you pie in the face?


> +Atk/-Spd

so close.

what wouldve been better?

Now if only she had a half decent personality.

+Atk/- Anything but Speed

I never used Kazehana/Hana so I don't know if a +Spd Nature is superior to a +Atk one.

Spines don't work like that.

Beast stones fucking WHEN


Do we know next weeks arena bonus units yet?

Dude, you do NOT want her with a Speed bane. She will have a hard time on the battlefield.

If you absolutely must use that one, I wish you good luck. She's a lot of fun, and I love using her over Lucina

Fuck off, Corrin.

>Spines don't work like that.
There's literally nothing wrong with how she's posed, fatty.

>tfw pulled a 4* +speed -res Hana
>can't get feathers because no defense wins which mans I don't get the 500 feather bonus anymore

Is +Res -spd Lilina completely unsalvageable?

Lilina isn't meant for doubling, she's meant for OHKO nuking. You're fine. Give her a -blade tome and fuck shit up.


Better than smelly Azura and Ninian.

Green dancer when?

Used my last 20 orbs and pulled Reinhardt with -atk + spd. Hoping -atk on him wouldn't be as damning as it is on my Camilla.

It's pretty fucking damning. That's 12 damage per turn down the shitter between him and a +ATK one, and he WILL be doubled by literally everything if it survives.

I'm so sorry


>finally get Setsuna

And now I am complete

My nigga

Well done.

is it worth giving a +ATK effie Wings of Mercy over WF so that she can swooce in and eliminate someone from across the map?

Habla Ingles?

Good job.

That's completely a personal choice. You can't go wrong with either.

>Grabbed a 3* Raigh I pulled instead of using the free one to level up to do the cheese strat on Zephiel Lunatic
>Level him all the way up to find he's -Spd

How exactly am I gonna do this now? I've tried on my own, but the fucking blue mage never comes out from behind the armors, and I don't have anything that can one shot him on the first turn without dying and then come back to safety

She truly is best girl

Not sure what A and B to give my Nino. Wondering if I could get some thoughts.

>Death Blow with Desperation
This would give me big nukes on Player Phase, which would be cool. I could slap Ardent Sacrifice on there to trigger the Desperation without getting hit, too. I wouldn't get any boosts when countering, though, so I might put Draw Back on Eirika or something to help Nino get out of range.

>Life and Death with Vantage
Here, I would get big, safe counters against ranged units during Enemy Phase, with the permanent bump to Atk and Spd from Life and Death there to help me out during Player Phase, too. Again, I could use Ardent Sacrifice to trigger Vantage without putting Nino in danger.

Any suggestions would be welcome.

Thank you anons. You have no idea how happy I was.

You take the other Raigh and waste Stamina potions/crystals training him, dummy.

Alternative: youtube.com/watch?v=TyTFa0AneQ4

I want to trap Setsuna!


I'd advise against it personally.

Oh shit, is that the 3* Zeph you get from Hard at level 1? Wish I had seen this one earlier, saves me a shitload of time



Do you have any Snacki's?

I'm going to give her tomebreaker to my bunnylla.


>Oh shit, is that the 3* Zeph you get from Hard at level 1?
Where else would it be from, you, you, dingdong

I want to nut on her forehead

Oh lordy I wasn't ready


If Raigh's HP +3 A-skill isn't important to the strat you're talking about you can try to inherit a skill onto him that grants 3 or more speed. For example, Fir gets Speed +3 at 4*, if you have her.

I don't actually know if a 3* unit can even learn a skill that only 4*+ units normally have access to once you inherit it on to them, or if you'd have to rank them up first. Also, it probably feels dumb to waste a rarer unit on a common one, but you weren't going to use that Fir for anything, anyway.


>You finally got Reddit's girl

Congrats my dude.

The wiki recommends LaD + Desperation, although I run Fury + Desperation.
You need to be able to double in the first place to take advantage of the Desperation, as the encounter ensues as follows:
Nino > Nino (if she can double) > Enemy > Enemy (if they can double)
and 33/36/39 Spd + 4 via Rally/Hone Spd won't cut it sometimes, meaning you'll need LaD (+5) or Fury (+3).
You don't lose much DPS with LaD, and gain much more Spd compared to Fury 3, but Fury can put you closer to 75% HP (30*0.75 = 22.5 | 33*0.75 = 24.75 | 36 *0.75 = 27) with two ORKOs/one tanked ranged hit (Fury's boosted Def/Res gives her more vitality against Takumi).
Since most of Nino's strength comes from Gronnblade+ buffs and being able to OHKO/ORKO, I think she's most effective in Player Phase (since you're running Desperation) with a Dancer to wipe out 2 units in one phase.

Well, I did it. Still wasted all that time training up a shitty -Spd 3* Raigh though. Oh well, shit happens

It would help if you gave us her nature.

What do you have of Miccy?

>I don't actually know if a 3* unit can even learn a skill that only 4*+ units normally have access to
Just checked with my fucking fleet of Subaki's. You can put a Sapphire Lance on a 2*

She is timid


Ehh, not like there's anything else to do in the game now.

>-atk +spd
Scrap her, she's worthless.

Ready for another chance to get a free B Tome Breaker?

Can I get Navarre again? His inherit shit is goodI need more desesperation.

You probably won't be able to get them again.

What's HM? I dropped it a while back.

I was insane and gave her a Brave Sword and Vantage. She's super brittle and can't handle mages but she was fun as hell.

I just hope they bring back their banners, I need another Kagero.

>repeating GHBs

It seems that if you already completed the missions, you won't get a duplicate, so no. If you haven't, then you can try again.

They will also come with new quests, though we don't know what it is. Already hoarding my orbs for the new banner on wednesday.

How fucking dumb do you have to be to think they would continually give you free units with amazing skills to inherit?

At BEST they MIGHT refresh the units for all players every six months. What is to be expected, though, is they get refreshed once per year on their release dates.

>Hero Merit (HM) are points gained when completing battles for each unique hero. Duplicates of the same hero contribute to the same pool of Hero Merit. Once a certain hero has accumulated 500 HM, the player is awarded with 500 feathers when visiting the home screen. A maximum of 2000 feathers from each hero can be obtained this way.

I doubt we'll get them again if we already got them, just like the daily units. I'm curious about those special missions however and wonder if we can get any new seals from them.

She's +Atk -Def

I was skeptical about the wiki's build, but I guess I wasn't giving enough consideration the Speed I'd be missing out on by picking Death Blow. Thanks, user.

>They will also come with new quests, though we don't know what it is.

Well at least that's something. I blew 50 orbs trying to summon dragon waifu.

Ah, neat, a reward feature for favorites, huh?

I like the fact that they're adding new shit to the game, but I really can't stay the fact that Arena's the only reason to play, plus they stopped giving out free orbs and if I gotta choose, I'm picking to waste dosh on Granblue, at least they have Surprise Tickets where you can pick non-limited SSRs.

You're not getting another if you already have them, dumbass. This is for people that missed out.

Why their repeating Navarre when he's one of the more recent is completely retarded, though.

They're giving out free orbs again

Brave Sword is fine. Vantage is dumb.

Never said you're getting another but I guess I made a poor choice of words.

It was more my reading comprehension, actually. I just sorta lumped your posts with the stupid ones.

Good bitch.

How did I do? Is Frederick good?

People say he is really good for cav teams.

fuck you

Frederick is a solid unit for cavalry teams. Hinata is a free Fury 3, you might wanna promote him. Laslow has noontime, if you need it, other than that, it's an okay roll overall.

+atk or speed are great on her, shame about the shit bane user

So, useless then? Gotcha.

+Atk -Spd. It doesn't seem to have good natural Speed so I wanna guess I got lucky?

Fury, Darting Blow, and Life and Death are all good options for a +Atk Nino.

I'd personally prefer Darting Blow, since I end up coming across a lot of merge units with inflated speed that I wouldn't be able to double otherwise.

Fury is also excellent because you can actually put yourself in harm's way of Reinhardt and KO back. with LaD, you just eat it.

I tried giving her Escutcheon to kinda get around that considering she'd hit 4 times and always have it ready.

She's too fragile for it to kick in normally.

I did have a Vantage 2 Nowi at least.

i guess
maybe slap wary fighter on him?

Post em

That's absolutely perfect
Build him just like Cherche (brave axe+, death blow, draw back) and watch him slam through enemies, especially if on a cav team.

Would you accept her offer Sup Forums?

He hits pretty hard and is slow as shit, so yeah, it's fine. Give him Hone Cavalry from a 4* Gunter that you can get for free and you're pretty much set.

Can't pass Wary Figher on non-armor units.

I want Peri to shank me while I climax inside her perfect crotch

>Can't pass Wary Figher on non-armor units.
Bruh, he's literally wearing armor in his photo, wtf??? :^)

That's the penguin of doom xd

And my second roll. Now I'm out of orbs and this was a shitty roll. Oh well, time to farm again.

Hey. Shut the fuck up.

In a heartbeat.

Just got 20 orbs, I have 18 5* and no skills to give them, should I roll for skills?

what do you mean bruh, FIVE 4 STARS.

I might just be reaching, but it could be themed. FRobin and Navarre are the only GHBs so far that haven't been villains, if I'm not mistaken

Why the fuck did you roll on these banners? Or rather, why did you roll anything other than blues.