Has a video game character ever stolen your heart, Sup Forums?
Has a video game character ever stolen your heart, Sup Forums?
At least actually put in the work to play the game and actually get your heart stolen. P1 won the match.
Fuuka has taken my heart and made it stronger than ever before!
I'm going to impregnate Futaba!
of course
Welp, pack it up folks, we're done here.
no, because i'm not a stupid faggot
I'm going to marry Freya!
She most certainly did.
I want to spend the rest of my life with a girl like this
Don't be like that, user.
p5 arena better take place 3 years after
Makoto is a good onee-san to Futaba.
>implying 15 isn't a ripe, perfect age
>Expect Futaba to
>Makoto does instead
I never saw it coming
Please leave underage child.
>expect Makoto to
>Futaba does instead
Like poetry.
Plenty of examples have.
I thought this was happening until I actually got to Futaba, but now there is not a doubt in my mind that I absolutely MUST protect Futaba.
Yes but I took it back
Still don't know with what girls to go.
I still have the entirety of Futaba's confidant left, as well as Haru and a bit of kawakami. Already friendzoned Tae.
I originally wanted to go with Makoto, but her Confidant has been the most boring shit so far, completely focusing on that Eiko and her pimp's shitty subplot that I don't give a fuck and giving me very little about Makoto herself. I hope the others are better.
At this point, even Ann's was better.
I can't choose between Makoto and Futaba so I'm saving Futaba for NG+.
Why are they both so perfect?
I want to marry Ann!
I did the exact same thing.
Are you me?
haru's is just very cute altogether, i wouldnt miss it. Futaba's as well.
I art thou, thou art I.
Good taste user
Am I autistic or why can't I give a single shit about these characters? What do people mean with "steal your heart"? None of these characters come even close to making me REALLY give a shit about them.
I feel like I'm in a zoo and have to decide on one girl I want to romance for the sake of it, but they all feel very forced and bland all together.
Let me ask this: Why do people decide to like Makoto? Because she stalks you in school in a very obvious way that makes her cuter than she looks? Because of her hips? Her personality is in my opinion one of the most boring ones in the game, I just can't understand what there is about these characters that you can get your "heart stolen" from.
Do people here just settle for looks and first impressions and don't give a shit about their uninteresting personalities?
>tfw saving makoto for NG+ and Tae for a third run
this game has too many best girls
I love Reisen!
>strong personality
>confident (mostly)
nigga, you have shit taste in women.
The only thing on that list that really shows after the Bank palace is the 2nd one. Her personality (or what they were going for) really falls off after that.
Nijima-senpai has done exactly that
>tfw no unstable insecure bf to take out his frustration on you
>You'll get yours....
My nig comrade
I love Zelda! She's the cutest and the best! The best ever! A cute princess Zelda! Yes! She's very cute and very feminine! She sounds like a proper lady and a proper princess! Very cute! She even knows how to cry! Cries like a princess in english! Not a robot! Doesn't cry like a baby! Ladylike! Dresses like a princess! Very modest! Cute turtleneck! Cutie patootie! Cute hairclips! Knows how to accessorize! Fashionable! Fingerless gloves for warmth and dexterity! Plans ahead! Not short sighted! Spent 11 years praying! Dedicated! Likes to research! Curious! Not autistic! Has prayed on Mt. Lanayru! Only the wise are permitted a place upon the mountain! Smartypants! Yes! Cute with brains! Brains behind her forehead! Cute forehead! Cute eyebrows! Pointy ears! Cute pointy ears! Cute golden hair! Cute hairstyle! She is very lovely! I love her!!!!!
If VNs count, Sonozaki Mion Shion
Would you fly her friendly skies?
I started P5 expecting Makoto to be best girl because so many people where shit posting her so hard on how great she is. She ended up being so boring.
Then I saw posts about Hifumi being a shogi dork and I was excited but she had no content and her shogi scenes were almost non existent
Then I played for a few hours and was digging Ann but I knew she was being forced in my face and I held out for other girl then entered Futaba and Haru
Sadly Haru was too late in the game, she is top tier though. Same for Futaba but she wasnt that late in the game.
Honorable mention goes to Kawakami but for purely fetish purposes
no because i'm not an autistic faggot whose only emotional connections are made with imaginary people
Best girl. Glad its getting a remake so it gets more exposure.
You're missing out
That's some assumption, user.
Who is the most popular P5 girl in Japan?
Jap tastes are usually garbage so it's a good benchmark to know who to avoid.
best cat
>Same for Futaba but she wasnt that late in the game.
Oh god, she's not late game? But I'm already 79 hours in and I just got to her...
a Korra is fine too
You are like 60% into the game. You still have 2 or 3 palaces before the final one
>this is my laptop background
>boot up laptop for the first time in a while at my moms place
>o-oh oh no
Was you caught?
probably. its one of those things a mother will pretend to ignore but silently judge you for. also happened at an ex's place
>browsing laptop
>ex's mother sits down across from me to watch TV
>she asks "Looking at any interesting porn?"
You do know it's a multiplayer game... right?
Why does splatoon girl have real hair?
>stolen your heart
>posts Futaba
Fuck me, I just got OP's joke
Old spinster past her prime
I got her English VA's signature at a con today. She's very sweet.
I want to kid the squid!