Japanese 24y woman

>Japanese 24y woman

taller than me
wish this was one of my hentais so she'd dominate me

Fuck you Atlus

>tfw 167cm manlet

Will Atlus make best girl romanceable in Crimson?

>tfw 184.5cm

I want Sae to prosecute me.

>joker romances her in the interrogation room

>24y old

I have about same height and sometimes I wonder while walking the street why rest of the townsfolk is on average so tiny. Just digressing.

>1 year older than me
>Successful prosecutor with studio apartment

Unrealistic as fuck.

unless her father left her a neat inheritance (which he didn't because cops don't make that much) i can't see how she became a top prosecutor after just two years of working there. i going to law school would take you 3-6 years depending on the school and what you're studying for (consultant,lawyer,judge).

I'll buy that she's an amazon but 24 yr old for the position she is in....yeah, nah.

>cops don't make that much

>I'm the same age as Sae

Feels fucking weird man

>she will never slam your head down on the table during interrogation and peg you

I can't talk for Japan I guess, but in the US if you die on the job as a Cop/Firemen, your family gets a lot of fucking money from it.

can you convert that to first-world units

Average white woman height.

about 17 burgers

>first-world units
>the only countries using the imperial system are third world countries
Really makes you think

93 bro we are fucked

Everything about your post is incorrect.

>The only countries that have been to the moon


>tfw 188cm
Thank god.

>Japanese woman
>183 cm

Hahaha, no wonder she's so pissed, nobody will ever fuck her

18 hands my imperial using friend

>been to the Moon
>still have datacaps for bandwidth in the year of our Lord 2017

5cm shorter than me


>google is wrong

Why is it that any character straight out of high school graduation for a fraction of a second instantly evolves into anime adult archetype mode and is associated as being "old"?


The conversion for human height is a little different.

are you retarded? do you know how decimals work?

It's wrong
183cm is 6'00"

after 16 biological systems start to die

Do you come from alpha male universe 617?

wew lad


5.98 feet

not 5'9"

jesus christ

I want Sae to step on me in high heels and berate the fuck out of me.

Japan is very weird about age and how people are viewed depending on their age.

I mean the whole way people treat Kawakami throughout the game when she doesn't look older than her late 20's just seems so odd to me. I mean I guess she's supposed to be 40?

Why are Americans so stupid?

>184 cm = 182.5 cm
>5'9" = 5.98 ft
American education system everyone.

Just accept that some people just get really lucky

The way we view 40 year olds is basically how Japanese view at 25+ because by 25 you're supposed to be married and have a family, unlike the west where people don't attempt that till early 30s

im Australian actually.
>virgns getting mad

I came into the thread to laugh at you

holy shit is she the tallest woman in japan?

>actually outing yourself as a retard

>having a family

>Clamp IRL

>I mean the whole way people treat Kawakami throughout the game when she doesn't look older than her late 20's just seems so odd to me. I mean I guess she's supposed to be 40?

No, she's in her 20's, but Japan is a society where any woman who isn't married by 25 - preferably earlier - is a reject, only unmarried because there's something so deeply wrong with her that no one wanted her.

Man I'm 25 right now and I can't even think about settling down and getting married right now. So much I want to do and work on becoming more financial stable by furthering my career. A lot of people I know got married in their early 20's and I just don't fucking get it.

Japan apparently considers women over 25 too old and washed up to fuck. They seem very weird about age. The whole "muh evil adults" thing also seemed weird to me because at 16 years old I basically considered myself an adult at that point.

Australians don't use the imperial system. Nice try Ameritard.

Lol, maybe not today anyways.

yea they don't waste the next 10 years after highschool in college

even in the west you see couples who are able to have kids earlier then the woman does career later work better than the other way around

>but Japan is a society where any woman who isn't married by 25 - preferably earlier - is a reject, only unmarried because there's something so deeply wrong with her that no one wanted her.

its like this in any society.

nobody just talks about it.

generally true; see old ladies in the 30's finding anyone to take them so they don't become old maids

You're still a virgin

Western values versus Eastern values

It feels like a very ironic perspective too since asians don't seem to really age until they hit mid-life

Marrying early makes the most natural sense because the lady stays fertile (not to mention fuckable) for a good long time that way. Modern society makes people put it off into their 30s and even 40s, and at that point I don't think there's even any point in marrying since you're not going to have children at that age.

they almost never do though

No one is expected to be married by 25 in the US, male or female.

Respond to this post or you'll lose 9 inches of height in your sleep tonight.

>having a casual conversation about Makoto's trip to Hawaii.
>three sentences in to the conversation she brings up her principals "suicide"

Just not even going to ease in to it, are you Sae? Shit the last thing Makoto said to you was that she had souvenirs, could have accepted those first.

Oh man

also more birth defects/autism when female eggs start to expire

How much is that in real measurements?

>Japanese 25y woman

>thinking 5.9 feet is 5 feet 9 inches

Who the fuck came up with this stupid foot? Stupid special snowflake americunts

>kawakami hits the jackpot by getting with an insanely attractive magic 16 year old who saves her from becoming a prostitute.

I'm not sure if any woman will treat Joker better, she knows how lucky she is.

>Who the fuck came up with this stupid foot?
The British.

>Americans came up with the imperial system

>Who the fuck came up with this stupid foot?

>tfw 202 cm king of manlets

>king of manlets
Not the way it works, sonny.

I'm 105 kg, brah. Not a lanklet.

Please step on me Sae-sama

Why she is so tall and her sister so small?

>lieing on the net
Don't you have your own site Japan?

Imouto is just 18

>tfw same height and would still feel like a manlet against her

she's clearly shorter than joker

Thats with heels

Joker is an abomination, he doesn't count.

>tfw 1.69cm manlet

I'll get to 1.70cm brother, I BELIEVE!!!

but he's 175cm

Joker is 175

She's even wearing heels, wasn't Joker like 1.75cm? She's waaay below 1.84cm.

tfw 180 cm manlet

>Turn 25 today
>Same height

You're telling me

>They think they are suitable men for her

Why would anyone ever wear shoes like that?

>Wake up one day and realize most of the adult characters in Japanese games/anime are now way younger than me
>mfw I'm 8 years older than Onizuka from GTO who was way older than me when I first saw that show.

I just re-watched GTO after originally watching it when I was 15, when I realized he was a year younger than me that shit blew me away.