Mario Kart 8 + Puyo Puyo Tetris

Are you guys having the fun this week?

Is Puyo Puyo Tetris really worth that much though? I love tetris and I'm relatively new to puyo, but enjoying it, but it seems I can get all of the gameplay I want out of the demo, I get to play tetris, i get to play puyo, and I get to play the mode that switches between them, what extras does the full game have that make it worth that much?

So is the launch edition of Puyo Tetris the only physical release?

Why the fuck do so many games come out this week?

Probably not, but I don't have a lot of expenses, so I don't mind. Not gonna wait 6 months to a year for it to drop down by $10, plus I get kewl keychains.

bomberman will hopefully be here on tuesday, then ill have mk on the 28th, cant wait

I think so. I think it means it comes in a cardboard box with the keychains.

It's worth it if you have regular local multiplayer events like me

supposedly a limited run too

There's nothing I enjoy more than adding more games to my backlog

Fffuck. I don't give a shit about a keychain, I just wanted to wait a little bit to order the game.

Ah fuck it, I get paid on Wednesday. Not like I was buying Dragon Quest Heroes 2 this week anyway, I'm still waiting on the Switch version. I NEED THAT PORTABLE DQH1.

>games I've already played years ago

Is the PS4 Puyo Puyo Tetris also a limited physical release?

>Puyo Puyo Tetris will be releasing only in physical format on the PlayStation 4, and will cost $29.99 at retail. The Nintendo Switch version of Puyo Puyo Tetris will have a digital version for $29.99 and a special retail edition for $39.99. The Nintendo Switch retail edition will include two keychains players can use to show off their Puyo Puyo or Tetris allegiance – one keychain features a green Puyo, and the other features a purple T Tetrimino. The special launch edition of Puyo Puyo Tetris on the Nintendo Switch will only be available in quantities limited to pre-orders and first-run printings of the game in the Americas. Puyo Puyo Tetris is now available to pre-order at most major game retailers.

Is the game good if I hate Tetris but love Puyo?

So the physical edition on Switch is only the launch edition.

Goddamnit. I doubt it'll run out of print, but that's still sorta shit. Then again, Natsume's "limited edition" versions of their recent games all got reprinted fast.

The Switch version of DQH1/2 is objectively terrible.

>having the fun
Is this the average English level of all Nintendo shills based at their headquarters in Japan?

no because this porno sucks

I tried Puyo Puyo and while the game is really cool I'm just not good enough at it. Saw videos of people playing it at a high level and it just makes me want to give up right away, I can't even comprehend playing at such a speed.

Definitely hyped for MK8D though.


>enjoys buying games on release for no reason
>doesn't have Amazon Prime or Best Buy GCU for 20% off

I want my Ragnar...And the 30fps doesn't bother me at all.

It's like 2hu, it requires good reflexes, vision, and autism.

>tfw I only have Autism

I'm going to buy MK8D when I have the money for it. I've ready played it on Wii U, so, despite still being excited for it, I'm not in desperate need to play it as soon as it comes out.

best game over screen ever

>>doesn't have Amazon Prime or Best Buy GCU for 20% off
Fuckkin THIS. What r u doin?

I do have Prime, it just doesn't show the discount there for whatever reason

>30 fps

More like 20

Dualshock 4 or half joycon for Puyo Puyo Tetris guys please help me


Well, I suppose I'll just get the PS4 version down the line, I'm positive I'll find THAT launch edition. I got a Launch copy of Heroes 1 last March. Off of Amazon.

>Not glorious L-Block master race