

But why? Even if it got ported you'd be playing a weaker version of a game that deserves better.

Fuck sake man you can afford a Switch you can afford a PS4. Stop begging for good games on a shit system.

If I had a switch, I'd pick it up. Only really played DeS and BB

>literally begging for games

You get what you paid for, and you bought shit

let the man want some portable dark souls
nothing wrong with more people being able to experience the series
soulsfags are the fucking worst

FROM said they were doing something for Switch, so I hope so, or some type of Switch exclusive game(Cyberpunk Souls please). Probably won't hear anything until E3 though.

Dark Souls 3 couldn't possible run on switch, but a DS 1 port with dlc would be neat.

Can someone contact From and ask them to do this? Thanks.

dark souls sucks

That would be really nice but I don't see it happening.

DS3 has framerate issues even on the PS4, and DS3 still sells for $60, and DS2 still sells for $40.

Won't fit on a switch disk roflz

not until PC gets bloodborne

>nintendorks are begging now
You and the PetitionChilds go hand in hand.

>i'll just play BotW forever i don't want to play dark souls sonybros should just kill themselves

>PC gets bloodborne

Reminder that PCbros ruined the Souls fanbase

no son we fixed it

We just don't want you guys to experience it at it's worst.

And let the nintentokiddies know what a good modern Zelda plays like instead of their shitty open world game?



shit bundle would not buy.

>I'm a jaded millennial who can't enjoy anything because I'm too afraid of admitting to liking something on my Chinese cartoon forum.

set up a GoFundMe for dis game and see how many contribs go to it