Name a better RPG

name a better RPG

you can't

the first one you tool. Obsidian has never made a good RPG, let alone a single good game.

>the first one
The first one is nice and comfy but if you think it even comes anywhere close the same level as the as the second game then you're a pleb faggot with no taste


>grimdark edgy kotor with philosophy 101 level writing

kreia alone was a reason to completely write off this games story. nonsensical bitch.

Destiny: The Taken King

KOTOR 2 with TSLRCM > KOTOR 1 > KOTOR 2 vanilla


This is so weird but i used to prefer KOTOR 2 cause of the way your robe dragged behind your character, which didn't happen in KOTOR 1

Destiny: The Dark Below

>grimdark edgy
fuck off queer

I know it's not out yet but Destiny 2. Only a retard would think otherwise, what the fuck is the matter with you?

bioware can't and dont write better than obsidian

>tfw no cool sith like Nihilus ever again

It depends on what you're looking for.
KOTOR = comfy kino
KOTOR 2 = dark kino

>This is so weird but i used to prefer KOTOR 2 cause of the way your robe dragged behind your character, which didn't happen in KOTOR 1

Yeah, I prefer the clothes in KOTOR 2 over the ones in KOTOR 1. It's one of the reasons why I wish there was a mod for KOTOR 2 that remakes/ports KOTOR 1, like Morroblivion (and for the record, I'd do it myself if I was the least bit competent at anything).

Stop samefagging


It became clear to me that KotoR II was superior when i saw a token Yoda in Kotor. Obsidian at least didn't follow the Star Wars checkbox.

In fairness the entire point of KOTOR II is to not follow Star Wars checkboxes.

Destiny: The Quest for Microtransactions

Not sure why KOTOR threads either get 10 replies or 500.

I'd prefer 500. Seems to depend on the time of day.

BG1 wasn't a writing masterpiece, but BG2 and ToB fired on all cylinders. The major problem is, I can't think of a single time Bioware have managed that since. Did key people leave after BG2?

Meanwhile, Black Isle, Troika, Obsidian, their writing was consistent. Obviously only Obsidian is still standing but Obsidian at their worst has still had better writing than any post-BG2/ToB Bioware product.

Destiny: The Mission to Collect Darth Maul's Gold.

The TSLRCM robo factory place killed my kotor2 replay. HK got fucked by the first bots I ran into and then I just couldn't be bothered.

It was all the better for it. But Star Wars "fans" producers and some fans can't stomach things that aren't pottery that rhymes.

i would reply but i cant get it running on widows 10


Dragons Dogma

it depends on if the anti-Obsidian autists or the "not muh Star Wars" autists are awake


Obsidian are good storytellers, but their games suck dick. Always clunky, buggy, and more than half are just another game with reshaded objects.

the only good parts of TSLRCM was the cut content. the droid planet itself was painfully painfully poorly done.

Destiny: George Lucas Finds a Goiter.

>Obsidian are good storytellers

is this a joke?

Why did you even bother installing the droid planet? That shit's a separate and optional install for a damned good reason.

i dunno i thought it would be good,

After playing The Witcher 3 and Mass Effect Andromeda I itch for an actual good RPG that doesn't assume i'm fucking braindead.
Any recomendations?
Already played Deus Ex btw.

Of all the cut content from the game that was still salvageable, that was the one thing they shouldn't have even bothered salvaging.

The ending made it worth it but yeah, it was fucking painful.

VtMB if you haven't played it

What's wrong with it?

You play as the worst character against boring enemies in a boring place.

There was barely any content left in the games files to recreate this level, so it's just awful.

There's no good storytellers in this industry.

ya'll are definitely talking about two different things, the HK factory and the M4-78

Well, they're both shit. The HK factory had enough content to be worth putting in though

>good storytelling isn't important in an RPG

this is why trash like Skyrim gets made

Not really, but their stories are never the "you saved the day" dribble. It always have moral ambiguity at the center, and most of characters have guiding philosophies. Might not be the best, but its a good break from the norm.

Shit, I'm the one that's confused. I dropped it on HK factory because it was shit so I assumed that was the infamous robot planet.

FONV and VtMB are the best RPGs in recent time and i'll *claim* to be willing to fight anyone to defend that statement

but i won't actually do shit because I'm a fat out of shape pussy d&d nerd

You mean New Vegas?
I played it once when it came out, but rushed it because it was full of bugs.
Any mods you recommend?

If you don't want to bother confusing yourself, just get NVEC, Project Nevada, JSawyer, and the unofficial patches. Someguy Series for some fun quest mods.


>Well, they're both shit. The HK factory had enough content to be worth putting in though

HK factory is alright if you plan for it. Make damn sure you don't fuck up leveling HK-47, give him a good blaster or two, and keep every repair kit you can find (and buy any you can afford).

kreia was the only good thing about that game. sure it was edgelord shit some of the time, but it was actually a nice change of pace in the Star Wars universe where everything is cartoonish "GOOD GUYS VS LITERALLY HITLER!!!!"

It's a massive map with lots of run to a, run to b run to a portions that takes up time from just how stupidly big it is. Then after it has destroyed your will to finish the game it introduces a bunch of puzzles that by this point you've lost your energy for puzzle solving and just want this entire section to be over. And someone getting in the way making things harder for you when they could have just talked it out from the start. Finally ending in one enjoyable scenario where you can vent all that frustration on one poor fucker that has left you little choice (Depending on what decision you want to make) and you can enjoy your Just as Keikaku reward.