I've never played Planescape before. Should I get the original and mod it or just play the new enhanced edition?

I've never played Planescape before. Should I get the original and mod it or just play the new enhanced edition?

pirate the EE

If you have too much retard to MOD game get EE. If no retard then MOD.

real manly patricians mod the original, pussy pleb nu-males play the new one

The original has been invalidated. Stop being a contrarian.

The EE has objective gameplay improvements that are optional if you really want to even use them. Get the EE.

shut the fuck up decline enabler

If you already have the original, don't bother paying for the EE. IIRC, most of the changes were correcting spelling errors.

EE is a direct improvement

I have no clue why people hate on the EE. I've been playing it and it works fine

Can someone tell me why you would chose modded original over EE?

cause people hate Beamdog and are old and hate the idea of re-releases or paying for them.

What does the EE even add?

>Can someone tell me why you would chose modded original over EE?

Something to do with Beamdog's earlier enhanced ports of Baldur's Gate. Apparently, people didn't like the changes made (and the DLC), so now they hate the EE of Planescape: Torment, even though IIRC, they barely changed anything, as I stated in .

Modern resolution support, tab-to-highlight, bug fixes (this alone makes it an objective improvement), optional visual clarity features like sprite dithering... smaller things. Some spelling errors corrrected and remastered music.

>supporting cancer

Yeah, I wonder the same.

EE was made for people like you, play that one.

lmaoing @ you

That doesn't seem worth the $20 they're asking.

It's worth it if you're going to buy PST at all. It's the only version you can buy too.

And a functional game makes it worth it to me, but you probably care as much about my opinion as I do of yours.

If you already have the original, don't buy the remake. If you don't, wait for a sale.

Don't give Beamdog money. They're a no talent studio making money of games better than anything they could make or write themselves, Dragonspear proved that beyond a doubt. It's sad.

Wait, they pulled PST from GOG?

>muh dev politics
a game is being sold, and its a good product, that's literally all that matters.

You can only get the EE now. The EE comes with the original though.


If you wanna spend an hour configuring shit for a game you have never played get the original

otherwise get EE, exactly the same besides some QOL improvements, it's not like Baldur's Gate where they pulled a George Lucas

Don't give money to people who don't deserve it. The people that actually worked their asses off writing and making these games aren't getting jack or shit off these little weasels reselling games other people made.

They deserve it for compiling it and adding the features that not even mods could add to the game. You think they don't deserve it, but who cares?

If it comes with shitty extras like pic related then fat fucking chance I'm getting it. How much is beamdog paying you or do you just shill for free?

it doesn't come with anything like that.....
i'm not paid to feed your dumb ignorant ass
