>Only job is to make halo games
>still manages to fuck up
How do they do it Sup Forumsros?
Only job is to make halo games
Look at the 2 heads of the company and look at their involvement in other video games, then look at how everyone lied and talked about how much they had done for halo before taking over.
Halo was actually a pretty great series before those fucks took over. I wouldn't even blame them for not being able to do as well. What sucks is how they're not even trying.
Is Frank O'Connor Halo's Inafune?
Who green lit these armor designs?
Frank O'Connor got cut down and replaced by Bonnie Ross immediately senpai. He is shit but I doubt had as much as a role in the shit story changes since bonnie was responsible for books and story deals and shit after bungie passed on halo.
Halo 6
>Master Chief focused
>Blue Team focused
>simple story
>split screen
>new writer
>Halo Wars 2 Art Director
>black undersuits
>return to Halo rings
>4K 60FPS
They're getting better.
You from the future or something?
Well since Cortana has a Halo now, I guess 6 is going I make her the enemy
Bungie thought about making Cortana evil in Halo 1 but threw the idea out because they thought it was retarded.
And here we are now.
Nah but Bonnie confirmed a lot of this at Dice Summit 2017, LateNightGaming went to 343 Industries and confirmed the HW2 Art Director is the Art Director for Halo 6, 343 talks about the black undersuits in a post on their website, Brian Reed got fired and they hired someone else, Halo Envoy mentions that the Sharquois were created by the Forerunners to combat the Flood and are scattered on many planets in the galaxy controlled by some neural interface called the Vortex. The 4K 60FPS comes from Xbox One Scorpio.
No offense but Bungie were hacks
Interesting, but I'll believe it when the game launches. A lot of dumb things can happen between here and then and this is 343i we're talking about.
They did the multiplayer for 5 extremely well though, they just need a better writer and better AI programmers.
60fps is literally nothing. I have a 120fps screen just sitting here. Shits cash in Quake Champions desu
Will Halo be the first series that contains the central plot in 7 games?
Because that's clearly the direction it's headed.
Will Chief be the MC after Halo 7?
>make the same thing over and over
i would probably neck myself.
Good for you, no one cares.
Cortana going evil isn't bad at all. It's probably where Bungie would've headed as it's perfectly Marathon-esque.
The issue isn't in core concept, but in hiring a Marvel writer to execute it.
is 6 going to be the last one or will they milk another trilogy out of this in a year or two
Bonnie ross went full fucking damage control after realizing how much people hated her fucking story and choices for halo. "halo for 30 years" turned into trying to get rid of the chief and add in random shit spartans and terrible characters in fucking 1 game.
>Good for you, no one cares.
its 2017 m8. 60fps is irrelevant, might as well be 30fps
Literally nothing happened in 5's story until the last 5 minutes. 6 actually has zero chance to end the story simply because of how much ground and plot points it'd need to cover.
It's going to be a 4 game story so that the entire set of mainline games is 7.
After that they'll obviously keep making Halo games, but no one knows the direction.
30 more years of Halo bro