Pic related is the ultimate sign of someone with zero taste

Pic related is the ultimate sign of someone with zero taste.

Almost every poor taste gamer I've met would rank this company as the #1 developer of all time.

They. Make. Garbage. Tier. Games. Functional but devoid of originality. Made to be addictive, mindless, and accessible above all else.

Fans of said company tend to stick with their versions of actually good games.

Baby's first TCG. Typically played by people who haven't ever played a real one and won't ever.

At its core, a Dune ripoff.

>World of Warcraft
Plagaized Ultima and Phantasy Star

The dumbest fucking game I've ever seen.

They're the ultimate vidya meme.


Originality is overrated

I'd rather have a smooth, polished game that ripped something off than a indie piece of shit that's """""original"""""

If you take what others do and do it better, you win.

I've never played a Blizzard game.

I still have hope for Starcraft in the future, but otherwise I completely agree.

>The dumbest fucking game I've ever seen.

Wow, what an opinion. I better stop playing Overwatch right now due to this scathing. in depth critique

I omitted Starcraft for a reason.

>At its core, a Dune ripoff.
Just like how every fps is at its core wolfenstein ripoff
Oh wait no thats retarded

Please keep playing. I'm thankful to Blozzard that Overwatch contains you all in one place for the most part.

Blizzard fan? :^)

I agree I played Diablo 3 when it was released and found it to be garbage, almost unplayable with the auction house.
When Legion launched I gave it a shot with the free lvl 100 character and had 6 whole abilities to use. People always say that WoW's combat is fastr than FFXIV but I had more downtime during every fight in WoW with less abilities to use. Not a fun game in the slightest.

>The dumbest fucking game I've ever seen.
now that's a sign of intelligence, incredible level of detail

I can't ever imagine hating a video game company this much. Autism is one hell of a drug.



Someone's salty... You must be so fun at parties.

Yeah I couldn't get into overwatch, not sure why. Feels like a kids game.

>playing wow
>raiding casually with friends
>cleared the latest raid on heroic, a big achievement for us
>op is instead shitposting about games he doesn't play on Sup Forums instead of playing a game he enjoys

If you play a game that has a majority normalfag population ur a faget

Autism is a prerequisite for posting on this board. You're not fooling anyone, it's welling up inside of you just thinking about my post.

>implying anyone on Sup Forums goes to parties
>using reddit-tier roasting material

hahahahahaha, you're joking right?
there's a reason why they're one of the most successful American video game developers of all time
you're deluding yourself if you believe they and their employees aren't the toppest tier of developers

>reddit-tier roasting material
>implying I autistically catalogue insults by websites.

*Yawn*... Soooooo much fun at parties, clearly.

>>implying I autistically catalogue insults by websites.
>outing yourself

I don't know how warriors are now, but I remember getting on the ptr after the first culling in WoD and whirlwind seemingly being the rage dump

How do you feel about Diablo 1 and 2? Were they also omitted for a reason?

PLEASE be a shitpost and not serious for the love of fucking god

>I'm thankful to Blozzard that Overwatch contains you all in one place for the most part.
I bet you must have autism.
>think that People can only play one game and can't change to other game, as if it's a cult or something
>create a thread/blogpost specifically just to complain about others enjoying something you don't
>assblast mad when somebody don't care about your opinion, because they are meaningless personal view instead of constructed and fair criticism
this isn't something worth to be mad / complain about.
Instead of complaining about blizzard polishing old game ideas,
why don't you complain about people that couldn't even polish games to be passable? like ME:A.
or company that freeze their games in the storage and never let them see the light again?
like Capcom.

get a life, kid

Size and success don't dictate good taste, user. The reason they're successful is because they're all business. They know who to target and how to target them to make the most money possible. They are VERY talented, but they're games are pure mediocrity and they don't push the fold in any regard. They're clean, tight games, and they're a nothing wrong with that, but they're vanilla. They're bland. They're tasteless.

It doesn't change my assertion that being a Blizzard FAN is a telltale sign of a poor taste Sup Forumsirgin.

I wish I was in your situation. Seeing the content, regardless of difficulty, was all I really ever wanted. But even when I played, any guild I raided with was all "no, we gotta wipe on this boss for hours. We're competing for realm 18th."

I really enjoyed 2.

This a mog thread?

>At its core, a Dune ripoff
By this metric every single RTS is a Dune ripoff

a dress/10

Blizzard North which was shut down for making good games and diablo 3 was made to drag the plot of the first two through the mud.

You know what I never understand? Sup Forums's reaction to Overwatch with 'it's the easiest fucking game'.

I came to Overwatch from CS:GO for a more relaxing gaming experience, and yes it is mechanically an easier game, but half the time when I see Sup Forums complaining it's from people in gold and platinum. If people are going to complain 'it's just too easy' when they're barely breaking even on the average it just seems sort of pathetic.

>I came to Overwatch from CS:GO
Normalfaggin it up.

It's just a game. Calm down bro.

Diablo 2?


>no mention of starcraft or diablo
fucking abandoned

>dune ripoff
What the fuck are you on about?

That's what I'm saying. I don't take Overwatch seriously. Sup Forums seems to take it extremely seriously and still can't play above gold.

I cant speak for hearthstone or warcraft but WoW is like you said "addictive, mindless and acessible to everyone"

Overwatch is okay, I don't find myself playing it a lot on my own but I do enjoy playing it with friends and for $40 I can't really complain

>the dumbest fucking game I've ever seen

Really great articulation of your thoughts OP.

I'd rather have a pile of Turkish wonks like Mount & Blade.


Yeah Sup Forums can be a bunch of faggots but I wouldn't let it piss you off

Overwatch is great. It helps keep normalfags from other games. Blizzard is doing a great service.


What in the actual fuck? I have NEVER seen anybody make this comparison before. You know, it could also be a """Warhammer Fantasy""" ripoff as it originally is...

>Ultima and Phnatasy Star

Jesus, where are you getting these comparisons? Holy fuck are you retarded. WoW plays NOTHING like Ultima, it's a clear indicator of a Everquest clone. Fuck the guy who was the Creative Director for the WoW, Alex Afrasiabi, even said that he was a huge fan of Everquest even was part of one of the biggest guilds for the game, and based much of WoW upon it.

itt overwatch fags not realizing their game is boring as fuck and just as shallow

video games are hobby, and if you are wasting time with shallow shit like this you are just wasting your time having "FUN"


You must be so much fun at parties.

>war craft
Literally warhammer

Literally warhammer 40k

Literally tf2.

When I saw the fucking medic have a tethered heal beam on an ally I knew 99.9% of the players would be too fucking stupid to see they're just playing a tf2 clone.

>going to parties
Get a load of this guy

>a tf2 clone.

Why give opinions on games you haven't played?

>>I agree the game is easier, but I don't understand why people say it's easy

Literally fuck off.

Also I forgot
Literally a Gauntlet clone.

Blizzard has not once made an original idea. The entire cast of Overwatch is nothing more than a collection of the biggest design cliches of all time.

>Le gritty Cowboy
>Le Cyborg Raided clone
>Le floating Yoga man
>Le fat fuck hook Pudge clone
>le brazilian jet grind radio defect
>Le bubblegum mech warrior

>the class based clone isn't a clone because my toons have a special ability cool down when pushing the payload

>These games are the same despite playing differently.

This. Although I think Overwatch looks like a lot of fun so I'll definitely try playing it one day. And Hearthstone interests me. Otherwise, I have utterly no interest in Blizzard's games.

Blizzard is just absolutely utterly mediocre with some good qualities here and there.

Bethesda is a better fit for an "ultimate sign" of zero taste.

There are plenty of guilds out there like that my dude. Just gotta keep looking.

So the reason they aren't the #1 developer of all time is because they lack originality?

Diablo, when it was conceived was considered original, and it has been copy-pasted by other devs into oblivion. So it's at least original, but it is also mindless and addictive and accessible.

Starcraft - considered pretty much a pinnacle of it's genre by many, and generally not considered "mindless" nor "accessible" but perhaps addictive.

Their games are made to be;
Addictive - what's wrong with that?
Mindless - what's wrong with that?
Accessible - what's wrong with that?

So what would you, OP, say is the #1 developer of all time?

PS: why don't you like having fun?

I have 600 hours in OW. Ask me anything.

Play the Lost Vikings. It's their best work.

He's saying there are other games out there that you could be playing instead of rewarding Activision-Blizzard for their lower quality counterfeits.

Blizzard is probably one of the most brilliant shyster companies on the fucking planet, absolutely fucking brilliant. Not brilliant in terms of content, but the fact that they literally make MILLIONS on ripping original ideas/content/concepts from original creators and then simply doing it better.

>"Oh I see Games Workshop has this amazing franchise called Warhammer and Warhammer 40K and are not capitalizing on the current boom of the vidya industry. Since these fucks are not willing to make a game, I'll be the FIRST, take their idea and make some minor tweaks and then steal the resources out of those fucks."

>"Oh, Everquest is doing phenomenally well. It's one of the biggest MMOs right making a lot of money for SOE. I know what I'll do! I'll take my already unoriginal franchise Warcraft make it an MMO and basically do what Everquest did to a T but better and give people what they want! Endless questing, no downtime of confusion, and easy access to raiding. This will be fucking genius!

>"ERRRR someone has taken a good idea out of my franchise called DOTA 2 and is now making a shitload of money out of it and I'M not capitalizing on it! I will rewrite some trademark agreements so that ANYTHING inspired or taken from us is theft so this does not happen again! I hate content thieves! except me of course."

You are so dull, no wonder you like Blizzard garbage.

Wow, what a comeback.