Underappreciated Games

ITT state your favourite, most underappreciated game belonging to any platform and just talk about it.

My choice would be happystreet, a freemium mobile app game featuring small animal characters where you essentially build the settlement of your dreams. Compared to other cartoony city builders I personally find this one to be the best because unlike most other city games this one has a cast of main characters each with their own unique personality and back story that you find out through quests. Quests aren't done traditionally like "build X just because i say so" quests are built almost like episodic cartoons where characters interact with each other in funny ways and have a permanent effect on their relationship with others (example if one character makes another mad they will remember the misdeed for several quests later and interact differently with each other until they make amends). There are even multi part quest that form their story arc and the game even has its own over arching plot with character development.

Its freemium so yeah some of the buildings and stuff are behind a paywall but they are pretty generous with how you can gain Flooz(in game currency that requires real money) to buy those buildings. I've only spent 20$ on the game but since you can watch unlimited ads every day as well as get Free flooz from buildings, friends etc I have hundreds of dollars worth of purchasable buildings.

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Nice advertisement shill

Downloading anyway because this looks like furry fun

not advertising sorry if it came off like that but i rly do like

Gigantic needs some love, too bad its on the shitty microsoft store

I downloaded this game back then when the ipad craze was at its finest. Pretty good. I'll return to it

Why do boy animal people not wear pants and girl animal people wear pants?

Tbh when i was looking for a city building game with animals I scrolled pass this so many times because the first impression i got from the screen shots were that it was some cheap chinese game. I regret not downloading it first

No one can stop me domino is too good for this world

No one is wearing pants. Check your eyes

no one in the game wheres pants though. Zoe (cat girl) is pantless

m8 that just looks like Not Animal Crossing.

I'll check it out anyways.


theres a game i downloaded before this that was pretty much 2d animal crossing for the ipad but worse, looking for it

Requesting a picture of that fox getting fucked

there's literally only 1 pic on e621, goes to show how no one knows about it :(

This is just sad

Downloading it now. Hope a drawfag will start drawing here.

found it, this game is basically animal crossing but worse and a lot less depth

wildstar. feels like a single game experience at this point

Pretty good. Really needs r34

Level up!

Max level is 100 but you unlock everything by 50 pic related is my street after months of work I'm lv 45

Now that the weather is finally better I can replay this shit. Truly one of the most interesting blends of stealth, action and RPG elements on a handheld outside of possibly the Metal Gear Ac!d games (also underappreciated).

is it basically 2d animal crossing?

>9 posters
a bit more subtlety please

mmm maybe to an extent. you cant make a character or anything like that, cant enter buildings and there's no collectables ingame besides cards that you use to buy a few special buildings. Its really just an cartoon city building game with story and good characters

how much can you interact with characters and how unique are their personalities?

Fuckin hell that's a lot of stuff. Can I visit your village?

holy shit I remember this game. I accidentally got a girl I liked at my work into it just as I was quitting. She got annoyed with me

Want to fuck the fox and the wolf but not anyone else

there are 5 main characters Billy ( an orange fox), Pepin ( a wolf form ireland), Zoe (a white cat), Dahlia (purple rabbit) and Nyok ( a yellow dog). and 3 support characters Darthy (a mole), Sopica (a...thing?) and Sunny (a platipus) It would be easier for me to give you the wiki link for the character personality but the problem is since the game has a continuing storyline and character dev the wiki only gives a very basic description of them. I can tell you what I know if you want though other wise here's the link happystreet.wikia.com/wiki/Characters

Also the only possible player-character interaction with them is the ability to change their clothes to special set (special meaning its just a change of clothing no stats or anything) the games strong point is how they interact with eachother.

sure just ad me on game center, TriniNutshack

what bonuses can i get from having friends?
can i add you as a friend?

My first villager.

my advice is to get as many friends as possible. you get 3 flooz daily from visiting and clicking on 3 buildings of 3 different friends. every friend you visit from then on would give you coin which increases based on your level (and you love to have more coin in later levels)

Friends can also shorten construction time on buildings by 1 hour the max construction time for one of the highest level buildings in the game is 2 days (which is leagues better than clash of clans who go beyond 7 days) every time, open the app, you visit a friend or they visit you the game would put them and you in the center of of street, so if you want your friends to shorten building time put the building near the center where they can see it. This can lead to buildings going from 2 days to complete to just 4 hours if your friends show up.

Lastly you need friends to give you crystals which are a special gemstones you cant buy that are used to level up special unique buildings (the effeil tower, museum and statue of liberty) that give you loads of money (like thousands to hundreds of thousands based on level) when your friends visit them.

also friends give you "helping hands" which are needed to upgrade those special unique buildings. They give it to you threw facebook OR you can spend 78 flooz, I dont use facebook since its aids so i just watch ads and spend it

Also i noticed this turned from a post your favourite underappreciated game thread to a happy street thread. I wouldn't be surprised if people start thinking i'm just ad shilling and accuse samefagging

the game tells me you can add people through game center without needing facebook

Don't worry user. I've made many posts in this thread. And yeah even if you're a shill, Happy Streets looks great

yeah, facebook is just for (helping hands) you need those to upgrade the special buildings, you can add people normally through gamecenter.

Also heres a website where people just spam friend codes to add them for happystreet its where i got my friends i have like 30 of them now


bump for porn

>that blatant shilling
Come on, dude.

We really need some. Got bored of Animal Crossing porn


i'd say sly cooper deserves a spot I just don't know if 4 sold enough for them to make the final installment

But Sly is well known game

The question is did it do good enough to make a sequel? These days depending on the company who makes the game even if the game generates sizeable profit, if it isn't making as many sales as the firm wants then chances are they'll choose to drop it. Only sly fans tend to really buy sly games it took 8 years for them to make sly 4. The hole rave right now is over triple A games and first person shooters not cartoon platformers.

Sly cooper might be a classic and 'well known' title but publishers are gonna ask themselves this, would people want to buy this over say cod? battlefield? or other triple A games? do we make a sly 5? or do we jump into the Triple A moshpit?

But can you fuck the animals?

n-no user, sorry :(
