Would there be any downside to removing this shitlord from the game...

Would there be any downside to removing this shitlord from the game? Besides all the autists who main him switching to Geni of course

There would be no downside to removing every asian character from the game, in fact it would make the game more tolerable.

Downside would be that there would be less variety user.

t. butthurt silver shitter

>Being assmad that you got raped by a good Hanzo
Cry harder, bitch.

>Literally easiest hero to play in the game
>wants to remove him

A widow can be much better and faster too. Although hanzo does have better mobility, widow is far better. Although again, he can shoot arrows from cover if he aims well enough.

He's not that hard to counter unless he's really really fucking good at aiming

Can we ban this piece of shit in here already? Seriously, it's Widow/Hanzo/Sombra level of cancer. I don't remember winning a single game everytime the faggot shows up in my team.


Hanjo arrows are so huge there is no reazon not to land a headshot every time you shoot an arrow

But he had gold damage, he was clearly carrying you and only lost because everyone else including you sucks.

Where are these good Hanzos? Certainly not on my team. My team only has useless pieces of shit that cant hit a fucking wall

>Removing Zarya would make the game better

She isn't asian, retard.

I've heard every single variation of "remove this piece of shit" for literally every single hero in Overwatch.
Try harder.


The only heroes that should be removed are Genji and Pharah

Just as much of a downside as removing Widowmaker, which is to say none at all

All Hanzo and Widowmaker exist to do is discourage someone from contributing to the team.

>they're trying to pretend that OP wants him gone because he's good
OP wants him gone because 90% of hanzo players aren't going to contribute to the team, they're just going to stand in the back and spam arrows.

Then why you say something about how little they're doing, they scream about their gold medals and how you're not allowed to talk down to him because of them.

Widow is even worse because she has a scope, making it even easier to be a useless fuck.
>b-b-b-but I make the enemies dead!
And you're not there in the fight, meaning the enemy team as a much easier time beating your than yours does theirs.
Why you ask? Because they have less to focus on, it's easier for them to take control of the objective when their enemy is always missing a player.

She's eurasian you dumb fuck. It's not even remotely the same thing.


EurASIAN is still Asian.

Jesus, you were dropped on your head as a baby, weren't you?

>enemy healers are dead
>enemy tanks are dead
>our whole team just ignoring their pharah, including our soldier, mcree, and ana
>but it's my fault we lost because I'm playing a
"defense" hero on attack

Resorting to insults after making yourself out to be the fool, huh?

> (OP)
>Just as much of a downside as removing Widowmaker, which is to say none at all
Lmao u wot?

>All Hanzo and Widowmaker exist to do is discourage someone from contributing to the team.
Sounds like you get bad players on your team
> (You)
>>they're trying to pretend that OP wants him gone because he's good
>OP wants him gone because 90% of hanzo players aren't going to contribute to the team, they're just going to stand in the back and spam arrows.

What is a defence hero?

>Then why you say something about how little they're doing, they scream about their gold medals and how you're not allowed to talk down to him because of them.

>gold medals
>how little theyre doing

>Widow is even worse because she has a scope, making it even easier to be a useless fuck.
>>b-b-b-but I make the enemies dead!
>And you're not there in the fight, meaning the enemy team as a much easier time beating your than yours does theirs.

>what is a defence hero?

I had to uninstall Overwatch, because there just too many times I'd start a game, and the first two picks on my team are Genji and Hanzo, and I already knew it was a lost cause.

That's no way to live, especially for recreation.

What a pathetic shit community. Nearly everyone in-game complains switch to other champion than Hanzo because- Hanzo is weak!, Hanzo is trash!, switch to a useful hero!

Meanwhile on the Overwatch forums- Please nerf Hanzo (100 upboats), Please nerf scatterarrow (200 upboats), anyone feel Hanzo is too op and safe? (150 upboats).

Kill yourselves.

>Genji, Hanzo, Widow, Symmetra, and Sombra
>Why did you pick Soldier when we need a healer, user?

>implying junkrat will ever kill a tank who is being healed properly
>implying junkrat will ever kill a healer who is being properly defended
>implying you shouldn't immediately swap off Junkrat to a more suitable DPS if Pharah is on the enemy team instead of blaming your hitscan DPS
>implying your team comp isn't complete trash if you have both 3 DPS heroes with no flanker at all and your team is only forced to play that because your trash ass won't switch
>implying I wouldn't be okay with defense heroes on attack in general
>implying Junkrat isn't only a hero who lets scrubs who don't know how to aim climb up to gold because they only play against shit players who don't know how to fight him then make their team lose every game once they mistakenly get matched with any group of players who have half a brain

You're cute.

Hanzo is just a horrible, horrible game design choice. They got the bow from tf2 and actually made it the main weapon for a character. When they realized it was limited as fuck and to balance it they gave him a hitkill skill for any flanker.

He is a trainwreck, nothing better than play flawless as tracer and die because hanzo was shooting arrows at random until he got a headshot.

I was playing paladins to break out the rotine and I can't fucking believe that they made a hanzo clone there too. WHY THE FUCK.

Also, I can't fucking believe shitters compare hanzo to widowmaker. Try shooting at random until you get a HS as a widow to see how many seconds you stay alive.

>Be Tracer
>Junkrat kills you accidentally while shooting blindly from across the map

rofl hanzo is a shit hero and you're trash if you have problems dealing with him

literally he's dead once any hero gets in close to him, he has no escape options

I've always felt like snipers in any team based shooter kind of fuck the game up in all honesty, you want to have these closer quarter engagements capping points, etc, and the flow of the battle just kind of gets broken up constantly because some faggot you couldn't even see just popped out from behind cover way back behind the front lines and popped you in the head.

you're stupid

you need at least two shots to die as tracer to junk you shitter

hit E immediately if you get hit by a bomb, they only do 120 damage so they can't one hit you.

Nice quoting

>Sounds like you get bad players on your team
99.99% of Widows/Hanzos are those kinds of players
>What is a defence hero?
People play them on both attack and defense, but that's not the biggest problem here, the biggest problem is Widow/Hanzo will be standing there watching the enemy team cap the point, trying to kill them, instead of stopping them from capping the point.
Medals are just based on numbers

If the enemy team is sailing through the map on the payload and you kill one or two of them on the way to the next checkpoint, the payload isn't going to shoot back a few feet, they're still winning and you've done nothing to stop them.

>just people below 4270 SR things

All Hanzos ive played with lately are good

>What are headshots?
>what is mercys dmg stream?

not him, but I've killed plenty of tracers by accident

The sight arrow is neat but otherwise a piece of shit.
>Hurr bloat damage because of the skill required to land hits
>Another cheap ult

maybe if you weren't a toxic faggot and actually let them play the hero before you immediately got mad at them

Stop being a monkey you retard, no one has problems dealing with him. He is just a complete horrible hero. It rewards shooting shit at random at no expenses. Hanzo can kill people instantaneously without even being aware of it. Just randoming shooting until it HS something.

No other hero is that braindead.

She's from Moscow, making her fully European.

junkrat doesn't do more damage on "headshots"


Yes, but they were not full health. If you aren't full health and are still dashing around as the fucking smaller healthpool of the game you should probably kill yourself or get a medkit.

Good b8 m8

>It rewards shooting shit at random at no expense

>be Hanzo
>shoot arrow at approaching Reaper
>get killed immediately because there's not enough time to fire another arrow


>Enemy anything hits you once for 30 damage
>Back off for one second
>Here comes the bombs

>>implying junkrat will ever kill a tank who is being healed properly
Works in theory, not in practice
>implying junkrat will ever kill a healer who is being properly defended
Works in theory, not in practice
>Implying you shouldn't immediately swap off Junkrat to a more suitable DPS if Pharah is on the enemy team instead of blaming your hitscan DPS
Both my options are already taken as previously mentioned.
>implying your team comp isn't complete trash if you have both 3 DPS heroes with no flanker-
News flash dipshit, your meta isn't the gold standard, teams do not need two tanks and healers.
>b-b-but I posted a reaction image! you can't refute me!
Yes I can.

there are 2 types of Hanzos
ones that are destructive in the front line and ones that stand back and shit on themselves all day.
the former are all already in the higher tiers since Hanzo is the most easiest character to learn how to carry with. None of you faggots have played with/played a good hanzo before since you're low tier shit eating losers

At least learn how to bait you shitter, you reek of new.

>maybe if you weren't a toxic faggot and actually let them play the hero before you immediately got mad at them
Assumptions make an ass out of you and me, user.

I never complain about the useless fuck on our team until they've proven to be a useless fuck after the game is lost.

There's always that 1% that actually knows how to play the game and is a useful addition to the team.

> (You)
>Nice quoting
>>Sounds like you get bad players on your team
>99.99% of Widows/Hanzos are those kinds of players
For u
>>What is a defence hero?
>People play them on both attack and defense, but that's not the biggest problem here, the biggest problem is Widow/Hanzo will be standing there watching the enemy team cap the point, trying to kill them, instead of stopping them from capping the point.
Sounds like you get bad Widow/Hanzo players

>Medals are just based on numbers
>12 eliminations-gold
>6 objective kills-gold
>that doesnt mean anything
>yell at him for picking a non meta hero even though he doing well

>If the enemy team is sailing through the map on the payload and you kill one or two of them on the way to the next checkpoint, the payload isn't going to shoot back a few feet, they're still winning and you've done nothing to stop them.

Maps aren't covered in medkits, tracer isn't going to always be able to heal, and there are plenty of fights to be had.

For example lets say Tracer is currently fucking up your healer and someone shoots her, she goes to press E but junkrat kills her by accident when trying to shoot someone else.


That's why tracer is a bad choice for most maps that have chokepoints. This is a flaw of the map design, if you have more paths you could get away from those hits without having to take chances putting you face on the check or hiding behind rein;

The problem isn't Hanzo. The problem is trash Hanzos who refuse to switch...which is 99% of them.

>Works in theory, not in practice
Obviously it won't work like that 100% of the time but the point is Junkrat shouldn't be able to consistently kill anyone, consistently is the keyword here, no consistency=bad

>Both my options are already taken as previously mentioned.
No you fucking retard, hitscan isn't the only way to deal with Pharah, the best way around her is a change in playstyle as well as hitscan. Besides that tons of other heroes do well enough at defending against her or killing her without needing to be super super hard counters, namely roadhog, widowmaker, zarya, genji... but not fucking Junkrat, who literally cannot touch even chip damage her or her mercy no matter what he does.

>News flash dipshit, your meta isn't the gold standard, teams do not need two tanks and healers
Didn't say that at all fuckass, try actually reading what I said. 3DPS is not bad but having 3 stationary, defensively-oriented DPS on one team is bad because you're missing important roles in there. You don't have to play the meta but you at least have to have a toddler's understanding of how team comp building works faggot.

>Yes I can
Not well apparently

So she was in front of junks attack point/view before attacking the healer? As a 150hp hero you should only appear when you are already glued to you target.

I would say the blame is still hers. A fucking good tracer works like a ghost with a scattergun, but there very little maps that let her to be played like that.

>Hi, Blizzard here
>We've decided to remove the character Hanzo and all things related to this character from the game, including maps
>This is because we received a message from an Anonymous persons declaring Hanzo to be a "shitlord"
>We apologize for the inconvenience and hope you will continue to support us in the future

What's wrong babby, so shit at the game you have to resort to ad hominem when you get proven wrong?

>Sounds like you get bad Widow/Hanzo players
See >12 eliminations-gold
>6 objective kills-gold
>that doesnt mean anything
>yell at him for picking a non meta hero even though he doing well
You're assuming I'm an asshole like this user did and you quoted why you're wrong

"If the enemy team is sailing through the map on the payload and you kill one or two of them on the way to the next checkpoint, the payload isn't going to shoot back a few feet, they're still winning and you've done nothing to stop them."

> This is a flaw of the map design

This ten million fucking times. I still play the game sometimes and enjoy it but the map design is fucking awful in comparison to say, TF2's original maps which are perfectly designed in almost every case. It's laughable how much they fucked up with the maps but not many people seem to notice or care.

Anyone in the game besides symmetra really is capable of taking down Pharah. If you catch her in a small room, she's fucked. If you're a tank and she can't escape in close range, she's fucked. If you can accurately and reliably out DPS her or even stun her for a second, she's fucked.


>le shitter maymay fujobait man
Won't it make more sense to get mad at you sucking rather than people who play as Hanzo in general?

he is a fucking defensive character, literally the game tell you that, so please, use with that in mind.


Yes. It might get the retarded people who actually enjoy shit like Overwatch to quit and infect other games.

>going in a small room

>getting in close range enough vs a tank to lose all her health

U fucking wot? What garbage ass pharahs are you playing against?

also when I talk about Pharah I'm more referring to Pharah+Mercy since she's significantly weaker without a mercy supporting her and most people run her with mercy.

if a pharah goes anywhere near a enclosed space without backup she's not a very smart pharah, stop using quickplay and your silver level com play as any kind of standard

>everyone calling crying
>throwing shit

Its not that Hanzo is overpowered, he isn't. Its the dickwads that play him. Every map, every set of characters, every time, always him, never swapping.

People seem to do this with Hanzo, Genji, and Mercy.

Mercy its not so bad because hey someone willing to heal all the time for you. Genji is dead weight a lot of the times, but sometimes you get some miracle insanely good Genji that wipes the floor with people. And sometimes you get a good Hanzo even, but most often you get a name calling ass clown that contributes nothing more than taking a slot better filled by something else.

they desperately need to gender swap hanzo and lucio

>removing best girl

You are human garbage, dispose yourself.

I love how hanzo mains think this is the case but it is in fact the opposite.

People hate you fucks because you're all garbage and we're tired of being on your team and losing because of you.

>the point is Junkrat shouldn't be able to consistently kill anyone
In truth, no hero in the game can consistently kill anyone, but that's what player skill is for.
You can get good with killing people consistently as Junkrat, the direction he fires in is not random.
>No you fucking retard, hitscan isn't the only way to deal with Pharah
I already stated that
>Besides that tons of other heroes do well enough at defending against her or killing her without needing to be super super hard counters
>namely roadhog, widowmaker, zarya, genji
They'd have to be braindead to die to zarya, genji, or roadhog.
And You have to be braindead to pick widowmaker.
>3DPS is not bad but having 3 stationary, defensively-oriented DPS on one team-
The only one on that team is junkrat

every online FPS would be improved tenfold if snipers were removed, no exception

Mercy changes.

>Caduceus Staff's healing and damage boost combined into one beam on M1
>Caduceus Blaster on M2
>Guardian Angel remains the same
>New Ability: Cleanse, removes all status and crowd-control effects from a single target, 8-second cooldown

I don't play Hanzo but is there any character you OW fucks don't complain about besides Winston? It's like everyone in the game has a major flaw that makes you niggas complain about trivial shit.


hanzo is fine, you guys are fucking baddies

I keep saying this not to shitpost about blizzard but their maps are the most simple shit I ever saw. You cannot get lost on that. It's not made for someone that played TF2 or quake, doom or any game that had something to be learned about it.

It's made for people who don't have any previous knowledge about gaming. Blizzard knows how to sell games, and most of their costumers are just not the person who play lot of FPS.


obviously but for her to do any kind of meaningful damage she still has to be at medium range or closer. There's some maps which are enclosed where she needs to be "trapped" to cap the point so to speak. One example being Shanghai. It's a small conditional window but even good pharahs can get caught with their pants down IF their concussion blast is on cooldown.

Ok good point. I struggle against Pharmercy too as a Pharah main. Sometimes you can stuff Pharah in the face with a rocket and hit her again with another one immediately before mercy heals her back up to where it wouldn't kill. Otherwise you obviously gotta focus mercy.

I think D.va as crazy as that sounds would disrupt them very well. My friends never believed me when i told them the pharah-D.va matchup is basically even.

How is that broken?

fuck off ethan. the point of maining mccree is to be good with him

How would you change Hanzo?

Buff his ult? Give him a secondary weapon, or another ability? I don't know.

>obviously but for her to do any kind of meaningful damage she still has to be at medium range or closer
what the fuck are you talking about pharah rockets don't have damage fall off in fact nothing you said is true, smart pharas don't even need to be on the point on tower to fuck you, seems like the pharas you go up against should play junk rat because they're pretty brain dead

Shh, kids don't understand that russia is part of asia.

>In truth, no hero in the game can consistently kill anyone, but that's what player skill is for. You can get good with killing people consistently as Junkrat, the direction he fires in is not random.
People can literally move out of the direction of his bombs on reaction, the only way he should get kills is if people are stuck in a tight corridor and thats extremely map-dependent, do you literally not understand how competitive games work?
>I already stated that
You don't understand it then
nice argument fagtron you sure wowed me with those hot opinions
>They'd have to be braindead to die to zarya, genji, or roadhog. And You have to be braindead to pick widowmaker.
LOL this is the low ELO shitlord mentality that's killing the game. "It's fine if I pick off-meta heroes but not if YOU pick off-meta heroes"

Except that widowmaker is actually very useful currently for dealing with PharMercy or getting picks on offense, but of course somebody in bronze like you wouldn't know that because they've never seen any widow who can aim.

>3DPS is not bad but having 3 stationary, defensively-oriented DPS on one team-
Mccree has literally no movement.
Soldier has movement but is burst damage so he struggles to pick people off.
Junkrat is a combination of both of those flaws.

Your team has no DPS who actually has the mobility to confirm kills so its fucking trash. You are actually autistic if you think McCree and Soldier aren't more defensive DPS heroes.

Well I am clearly better than you regardless of how many laughing anime girls I post given your complete lack of understanding of this game. I hope I never get matched up with you and lose ELO.


Remove headshots at distances, he has to be close for headshots

nigga if you're at long range those bitches can react with 2 seconds and you won't hit jack shit. Not to mention you're a prime fucking target for hitscans at that range. Long range lazy spamming will get you nowhere real fast

I just started playing Overwatch 2 months ago and the only hero that really stands out to me as being OP is genji.

Overwatch Snipers ranked:

4. Widowmaker
3. Hanzo
2. Ana
1. Zenyatta

rofl you're fucking trash if you can't hook a pharah with roadhog.

Genji can actually dash up to her and kill her a lot of the time. Zarya can't really kill her but I think he meant defending against her because her barriers are good against Pharah.

No, there are very few characters that people complain about.

Hanzo, Sombra, junkrat. It's a very short list really. You can play MOST heroes without throwing. People will complain when you make a bad pick though. Pretty much any character can be bad in certain situations and against certain comps, besides like reinhardt. When people tell you to switch you should switch instead of being a literal child and thinking what you WANT is more important than trying your best and getting your team the win.

What's with Hanzo's weird noodle legs? Is he a cyborg, too?

you only think that because you're garbage, play more.