ITT Games that people pretend to dislike even though they never fucking played it

ITT Games that people pretend to dislike even though they never fucking played it.

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Do you want me to show you the disc? at least the MP was sorta entertaining with how fucking broken silver was

Any Zelda game

Thanks, AVGN.

I hate how everyone parrots his reviews. A lot of them are exaggerated.

My choice is Daikatana


I played that game all the way through twice because I liked the story.
I have the autism bad.

This was actually the first Xbox 360 game I played, shortly after it came out. I played it at my brother's friend's house for about an hour before deciding it was utter shit. It really doesn't take long to notice.

My mom bought it for me with my 360 back in christmas 2007. It was always fucking dreadful.


tfw sonic and the prinny kiss and 12 autismo year old me gets a semi chub{/spoiler]

Fuck off, I played this, I was so fucking excited, I grew up with the sega megadrive and played sonic every fucking day. I was friends with the black kids that like dragonball z and sonic back then, I was the first one to get this fucking piece of shit. I had everyone over so we could play it together. This piece of fucking shit lost me my friends group back then.

Don't you dare say I didn't play this fucking piece of shit, I fucking suffered for this shit, when I went back to school everything just felt off, they didn't wanna talk to me much anymore, 2 years of fucking friendship, they fucking blamed ME for sonic going to shit. I had to make new friends, ones that played call of duty and listened to heavy metal, I had to hang with those fucking twats because of this game. This fucking piece of utter shit changed my childhood, we used to hang out every day after school and play fighting games, do you know what my new friends did they played the same fucking map on call of duty, snipers only, no hard scoping, every single day, every single fucking day, the last kill always had to be a trick shot. I had to buy a playstation 3 and get cod on that so I could play with them, now I own a fucking playstation 4 because of this fucking game. One of the black guys from back in the day was working in town and came round to say hi, it was so fucking awkward. We were just sitting there, we hadn't spoken for fucking years. He fucking brought this game up "do you remember how shit sonic 06 was? You used to love that game, what the fuck was wrong with you" I DIDN'T FUCKING LOVE THIS GAME.

Fuck you.

People just copy what some other guy said with this game, and it's painfully obvious.

Add the Sonic Boom games to the list.

> I will never unsee that fucking giraffe

>This piece of fucking shit lost me my friends group back then.

>people are now unironically defending Sonic 06

I first played it when it came out. It was shit then, and it is shit now.

NOthing wrong with that. Elise is pretty fuckable.

The game really is that horrible, though.

>nonsense story when Sonic doesn't need more than "Eggman did a bad thing, go after him."
>broken gameplay mechanics
>complete lack of QA testing that even Bethesda would be ashamed of
>have to play every stage 3 times over and repeat multiple bosses to unlock the true ending
>final episode is a rehash of previous stages with gravity wells added and a shitty final boss

Honestly? Was this the best Mass Effect game?
Was it a pretty alright game overall that got shit on for minor flaws?

It was so bad even Game Grumps couldn't finish it.

>implying gamegrumps are good at games

Arin literally lost to Spark Mandrill with Shotgun Ice.

You can fucking stun lock Spark Mandrill.

I played that game and it was crap.

I have the PSN trophies to prove it:

it was a disappointment of a rental

>Arin literally lost to Spark Mandrill with Shotgun Ice.

I don't believe you. No one can be that shit.

Every once in a while I'll get into an argument here with a shitlord who thinks in Shadow the Hedgehog that you can kill the president. Last one was 2/19/2017.

Holy shit, thank you user. I needed a good laugh today.

>only played chris and 3 chapters of leon's campaign
You didn't even finish the 3 main campaigns so your opinion is invalid


The Last of Us

That was me until I actually played it. Shit game, but it was more enjoyable than most games I've ever played. Seriously. There's something entertaining about how hilariously bad it is, and it honestly plays better than most modern Sanic games.

That's just because Aaron sucks at video games


because the game was that bad so I quit the rental in disgust

Fuck you. I worked my ass off for the $60 to spend on this without seeing anything but that original tech demo trailer. It disillusioned me to the existence of terrible games.

Webm related is within the first 20 seconds of the first level. There are so many things wrong with it that it would probably take an entire essay to explain. And it only gets worse.

>honestly plays better than most modern Sanic

It does not

Absolutely do not give this game any credit. It deserves none.

It's annoying how people like OP think it's possible for a game to be universally shit on and not be a shit game. I'm not talking like "IGN gave God Hand a 3/10 so it's bad" logic. Sonic 06 was panned by everyone. It's a shit game. Playing it is not necessary.

Oh hey Sonic thread.
What games are shown in this webm?

something something fallacy something something not an argument something something earth flat

Reminder that if you dislike Sonic 06, you agree with mainstream media and you should go back to plebbit. Sonic is /ourguy/.

But I do like Sonic06, OP. I don't think it's a good game at all, but I do think it's pretty fun considering I can avoid the glitches.

The game is really that bad. Hell, I'll do a livestream right now just to shut you up.

Here's one that people pretend to like despite not playing it.

I played the demo. it was enough.

What was bad about it? Can't say 'Zombies used guns' as they weren't really zombies, they were just more intelligent plaga, tripping is in issue in Leon's plane chapter and I think one other chapter, and every other problem was also in 4 and 5.

The first 2D game is Sonic 1. Sonic Lost World is the 3D one. Sonic 2 is the last 2D game shown.

I don't like this meme. A demo is just that, it's like a beta, you wouldn't judge a game on an unfinished version. Go buy it, poorfag, and return it if you don't like it.

I put that one down sometime after I beat the boss out in the middle of that place with the machinegun nest.

how do I git gud?

Reminder that Dave Halverson of Play gave the game a 9.0 citing minor bugs as a flaw.

And everyone at the magazine fucking hated him for it. He also siphoned their checks to get a life sized Sonic statue once.


It's weird since JRPG fans do tend to play JRPGs they hate all the way till the end. The JRPG fanbase is just autistic like that.

>tfw you will never be autistic enough to make seven 30-minute videos about why a game is bad

Abyssal controls
nauseous camera
Skills are useless
QTEs out of the fucking ass
Kept on being magnetically attracted to cover
Special zombies (like the fat fuckers) were just sacks of HP that took FOREVER to kill
Stamina was unecessary

The demo was actually of a more advanced build than what was released. Months prior to launch.

I guess that means no one can possibly judge Sonic 06 then :^)

playing this game after the other PS3 Neptuina games were a treat.

How the fuck did that mess get so any sequels and an anime?

That game is garbage lol. Hoping it doesn't have a sequel. Unfinished, unbalanced trash at its finest.

JRPGs are long enough that i hope they can get better, but yeah i'll admit its autistic as fuck

I like how many different types of loops there are in the game.
There's ones where they work correctly and movement is automated while on the loop
There's ones where you'll make it to the top but because the camera changes suddenly the direction you're pointing just throws you off the loop to make sure you're paying attention.
There's ones that you can just fly off at random even though the game has you on rails, it just automatically throws you off to your death at worst and sometimes throws you off back to the start of the loop.
And then there's ones that you make it through only for there to be some bullshit obstacle in your way you have to run into because if you try to avoid it you'll probably run off the stage.
Truly a game of unimaginable variation and scope.

Oh no you fucking don't.
Anyone that actually got this thinking it would be somewhat decent like battle adventure 2 was ended up being annoyed as fuck by this game.

The glitches are hilarious, but there comes a point where it will some times prevent you from making any sort of progress, and you end up just clipping through walls and dying to bullshit over and over

>abyssal controls
Literally the same except you can dive and walk while shooting/reloading
>nauseous camera
In the prologue, yes
>qtes out of the fucking ass
Legit complaint, but was also in 4 and 5 where they were worse because they were in the cutscenes as well
>kept on being magically attracted to cover
Never encountered this issue, as the only was to get in cover is to be aiming while walking into a wall
>special zombies were just sacks of hp that took forever to kill
You can just run past most of them
>stamina was unecessary
True, but I think you can upgrade it. Not sure on that, as I only upgraded my ability to knife shit to death so I can save ammo

The recent AVGN video is actually the first time I've seen the gameplay and how horribly glitchy it is, and apparently he just scratched the tip of the iceberg too. Before this all I knew was the awkward interaction between Sonic and the human girl and how it was just "bad".

I actually liked Sonic's stages and have replayed them a couple times, ignoring the shitty physics and other garbage the game through at me

The funny thing is that except for the QA bit, I can't tell if you're talking about Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, or Sonic Adventure 3 (06).

>Literally the same except you can dive and walk while shooting/reloading

then it's not literally the same. Why should I care about the rest of your post when you start with bait like this?


Game was made by a closet furry.

>then it's not the same
Except it is. All they did was add fairly useful gameplay mechanics if you're like me and like to feel like you're racking up style points

>fairly useful

they weren't useful.

They were though. The walking while reloading made it easier to get away from enemies as there are a lot of dangerous enemies in the game, and the sliding made it easier to knife enemies without them hitting you

Actually played that one and it is a mess.

Truer words were never spoken.


I tried sliding and I swear to god I kept on being knocked out of the slides.

100%ed it.

The glitches are a feature, just another hazard to avoid.

So much this.

>There are people who legit grew up with Sonic '06 and unironically love it

The first one on DS was better.


Whooooaaaa there buddy. That was one of my first 360 games.
I realised it was shit at silver's boss fight. I knew something was wrong with that implied romance between a human and a cartoon hedgehog.
It's a bad game sonic fag

Maybe you're just shit, because that never happened to me and I did it in all 4 campaigns at least once per chapter

It and it's 3D ilk are also responsible for having an entire generation think that Sonic games were ALWAYS bad.

Terrible writing in a game like mass effect it's not a minor flag.

Listen here fag.
Mass effects 1 story boils down to
>An ancient evil awakens
With plenty of cringe writing in it.
Mass effect 2 boils down to.
>daddy issues the game
It's over arching plot was utterly pointless, like they were just trying to fill in the gaps
And if I have to explain where 3s writing was shit I'm going to be more pissed.
This "space opera" meme needs to end. Mass effect has always had shit tier writing with a few sections that aren't as bad. Anyone who says otherwise is only parroting opinions. I don't think anyone on this board has played this series more than me. I love these games. But they a ripe with shitty plotholes and marysues.
Cliches and tropes. Do not play for they story, play for the atmosphere


I played Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on an actual NES and beat it with no problems. It's a fairly average game. Believe it or not, James Rolfe just sucks at video games.


Does anyone need to??

His show has been on the decline in quality for a while now and this episode really shows it


yep, finished. no real hate for the game, no angry memories, just repeating what we've heard because we want to hear james say it.

HDN1 is fucking shit

Haha, yeah. It's funny, fun and challenging while simultaneously being a good singleplayer, competitive multiplayer and coop game. The playerbase is dedicated and is growing every day. It's also a steal at just $30.

Yeah, I didn't really care for the green screen scenes, and that sponsored tidbit rubbed me the wrong way.

They were

was there anything in the episode, it thought it was just some text in the title

are we supposed to be impressed or surprised that some e-celebs who aren't that good at games and particularly dislike sonic didn't want to finish a sonic game?

How the hell did they manage to fuck up Sonic so bad? Even 3D Blast is nowhere as bad as it was a decade after it came out. The only problem with that game was trying to align Sonic with either landing on an enemy with a jump or them being in your path with a spin dash, now just going through a loop is a chore with the camera switching on you and shifting your direction rather than going with the one you were originally pushing towards.

It's not cool dude. I grew up with Sonic, and the Sonic Team decides to make it an arduous task to even control.

They wanted to finish it, but they couldn't, Jon fucked Suzy

i can't enjoy sonic 06 because you can't play with japanese voices and english text

I got the game because I thought it really can't be THAT shitty.
Oh boy, was I wrong.