now what the FUCK else do you people want?

A good Need for speed.

a fun game, its never going to happen.

saged for viral marketing

Skate 4.

There are several goods Need for Speed

No regenerating health.


What will Sup Forums do if this game turns out to be good? Like, classic Battlefront 2-tier good?

64 players multiplayer and not black girl mc

What Sup Forums always does, they will just say its shit anyway

Bitch that it's a clone of the og battlefront. Duh.

Better gunplay and maps that are not over-designed to the point that you can't see shit on them.

to play battlefront 3(not EA)

I'll play it, doesn't stop me from hating the first one and EA in general.

announcing sage isn't allowed but enjoy your ban dipshit

A female stormtrooper sex slave

For EA involvement to be removed from the game

>no season pass
>badass female protagonist
>gorgeous graphics
>amazing sound effects
>all three eras
>now this

Yep I'm pre-ordering


Oh sorry, so the stuff you chopped out of the main game as preorder fluff so players will pay you before they find out the game is shit is actually going to be IN the game now? Wow, I can't tell what's worse, that people think that this is actually progressing in the game industry or that they did it in the first place.

It's the equivalent of selling somebody a t-shirt, cutting the sleeves off, and then telling them that they get the sleeves in a week, and that they should have preordered the deluxe version of the T-shirt before they even knew what colour it was.

Also, the game is still going to be shit peddled for starwarsbux and nothing more. You know this to be true.

See: Street Fighter V

So? Who gives a shit about his personal beliefs? Hitler was a stupid vegetarian and yet he did his job pretty well

I want the game and its development to not to be associated with EA in anyway.

Except for the part about trying to take on Russia on their soil during the winter and losing the war and killing himself, I agree.

announcing reports is against the rules too, but we'll keep that between us.

That wasn't part of his job, at this point he was waaay out of his league

Show me where he said he reported that user. Show me.

So ut's going the For Honor route? Well that means it's gonna be dead much faster, even more if it's nothing but OTnigger and Nu-trilogy shit with fuck all Clone Wars content. I'm thoroughly convinced Dice will make Droidekas and Supers pick ups because how the fuck can you implement the jewish pay2win method on units with built in guns?

do you speak english?

>Oh sorry, so the stuff you chopped out of the main game as preorder fluff...
It's barely any content, just a few buffs and what not. Who really cares? If you're buying it, then congratulations, you just got scammed and support P2W in a sense. But at the end of the day, it's not doing much harm.
It's the equivalent of selling somebody a t-shirt...
No, not in the slightest. You can't compare apples and oranges dude. The bonus content is barely anything to get tilted over. It's nothing special and has been seen countless times with preorder bonus' and whatnot.
Also, the game is still going to be shit peddled for starwarsbux...
Sure, I'm not going to lie, this is just a stride EA is taking to earn more dosh, but a fair stride that most companies take.

Do you?

As Der Führer it was definitely part of his job and part of his ambition. He was pretty shit at it.

Battlefront 3 from the original devs.
Dice can just go under already.

Fuck NFS.
Give us a Proper Burnout.

So why even call it a deluxe edition?

>no season pass

Still will probably have microtransactions in a full priced game.

Because it already comes with the stuff unlocked

that's napoleon you idiot

fuck off moron

>Actually giving money to EA
Seriously fuck those cunts. I say we do what Moore encouraged us to do and boycott their products. It's not like we'll be missing anything other than disappointment and price gouging anyway. sage

You get deluxe buyer's remorse after the game is dead in three months.

>It's barely any content. Who cares?
People who want that content. Regardless, it's a principle thing- that shit is legitimately stripped from the base game. That's just how that works.

>If you're buying it, then congratulations, you just got scammed
Scamming people is normally illegal.

>it's not doing much harm.
Have you SEEN what the videogame industry has been pulling lately? Are you fucking dense? It is legitimately one of the most fucking corrupt, skeevy industries in the world.

>You can't compare apples and oranges dude
I'm comparing a product that you purchase and the amount of it's content to a product that is purchased and commenting on the amount of content being stripped away from the purchase. It IS the equivalent, and the fact it seems absurd is because the practice IS absurd in both products in the first place. You've only gotten complacent because

>It's nothing special and has been seen countless times with preorder bonus' and whatnot.


>just a stride EA is taking to earn more dosh, but a fair stride that most companies take.

All of this is bullshit that has been going on too long and any support for this shit is fucking moronic. Don't sing the praises of a scam artist who slowly tries to scam you less.

>It is legitimately one of the most fucking corrupt, skeevy industries in the world.

kek they wish

Not him but it is. What other fucking industry allows you to purchase a company, cause it to do really shitty and then liquidize it and reap the profits off the companies corpse and leave all it's employees jobless?

>People who want that content. Regardless, it's a principle thing- that shit is legitimately stripped from the base game. That's just how that works.
Content that you can still earn like the rest of us. Complaining because people paid $15 extra doesn't solve shit. You can still earn it.
>Scamming people is normally illegal.
While scamming is illegal, yes, I didn't mean it literally.
>I'm comparing a product that you purchase and the amount of it's content to a product
It's nothing alike. A shirt and a barely 'stripped' base game have no likeness. You're still getting what you're paying for, a game. If it were a shirt, you'd be paying for a tank top.
I was just making a note that it's a fairly common practice these days.
>All of this is bullshit that has been going on too long and any support for this shit is fucking moronic.
Companies need to make money. If companies didn't bring out new content, how would they survive? Stating that they're just doing it for money is true, but complaining isn't fair. Bigger corporations need to make more money to stay afloat which means milking the fuck out of shit. If you're so butthurt, there's a simple solution, don't play the game. It does not affect you in the slightest if you do or don't.

Literally all others


Honestly the way the plan to release the content without a season, a single player campaign and best of all the inclusion of all three eras, I'm actually looking forward to this game. We will have to see just how many maps will be in each era and if the gameplay is actually fun.

So who do we thank for all these changes?

Disney or EA?

This is honestly dice's last chance to redeem themselves. If this this iteration of BF2 actually turns out to be good I'll be really surprised.

If it's like Street Fighter V or For Honor, having no season pass and being able to unlock everything through gameplay won't be much better than having a season pass...

I can already predict the threads

>You can unlock everything by playing the game... it only takes 7 years to do so.

I can't give you proofs, but a couple years ago what you described happened to a guy I know at the work. It was a really shitty thing because he used to make triple that he makes now when he worked there.

to this day he misses those old times. Just imagine making 3000 dollars in a month and after a shitstorm making only a 1000

But they already redeemed themselves with BF1

The original had like 4~5 unique planets, not counting the DLC, which was TERRIBLE. I predict this one will have 8, and it will reuse at least 3 of the previous game's planets.

BF1 is terrible and has no longevity at all. No one's playing BF1 anymore.


>You can still earn it.
Well yeah, that's the topic of the thread. Point remains that it shouldn't be a positive check for EA. This is still skeevy as shit, it's just skeevy backpedaling.

>You're still getting what you're paying for, a game.
I guess this is sort of a point of contention, but what I was getting at is that there is questionable ethics behind taking content that is probably already on disk and cutting it apart to try and get people to prepurchase. The latest trend in preorders has been to rename them deluxe editions, because it brings up the argument of different degrees of luxury in a given product being at different price points, but most of the time, it is content that was set aside for the base game. It's just shitty smoke and mirrors. To go back to the shirt analogy, instead of
>you'd be paying for a tank top.
It would be more like somebody marketing a tank top for the base value of a shirt, then saying that you'll get the sleeves later, then up-selling you based on that to buy the deluxe shirt, which is just the shirt as it probably should've been in the first place, but for more. The products themselves are not similiar, but a shirt and a game are not what is being compared here, it is the nature of the sale of a product. Shirt analogy may not have been the most intuitive choice.

>Companies need to make money. If companies didn't bring out new content, how would they survive?
Well no shit, nobody is saying not to make new games, but this game, like you already acknowledged, is a cash-grab.

>Bigger corporations need to make more money to stay afloat which means milking the fuck out of shit.
Or making actually good products without dirty business tactics

> It does not affect you in the slightest if you do or don't.
Bull shit it doesn't. Where are the actually GOOD videogames where shit like this doesn't happen? The business of videogames has been strangling actual videogames for years, how can you say that it has no impact?

Buy it and enjoy the shit out of it however there's more chance of Nintendo releasing an N64 collection for Switch as well as GC VC on the same day Sony announces cross purchasing and playing across all home systems now and in the future alongside PS1 games being added to the PS4 PSN.

Yeah like that'll ever happen.

>>badass female protagonist

go home EA.

All I want to know is can you play as Clones and are they all going to be Aborigine males. The Clones are the one army you can't play identity politics with because they are all one race and one gender.

>can be unlocked by playing
What timeline are we on, bois?
>EA doing good shit
>Bethesda blacklisting mouthbreathing shitslingers
>slavs without a fucking penny having the best DLC plan of all time
>bioware dying slowly and painfully as punishment for blaming their consumers for their shit ending
>Creative Assembly realizing that the Empire/Rome2 engine is shit
>Star Wars becoming fun to watch again
A moment of silence for the cucks on the Clinton/Globalist timeline, Shadilay my fallen brothers.

I mean, as long as the game is good I don't give a shit about the Stormtroopers gender. So long as it's not a typical bland GRRRRL POWAH eye rollingly embarrassing piece of shit.

>Star Wars becoming fun to watch again

are you trying to say that EP7 is fun?

From the looks of it she's a Imperial patriot out to avenge base Palpatine. A true believer!

Are the vehicles physical entities that spawn on the map and you can enter/exit them whenever you want? You'd have me there.

why are some clone troopers niggers or women? aren't they all cloned off of one guy?

Yeah, i'm pretty sure they are, and heroes are no longer pick ups as well

Disney canon pretty much took the Clones out of the Empire by the time of the OT. Most of them retired or became officers and instructors.

We haven't seen the clones though.

no dumbass

SSX Tricky 2

>can be unlocked by playing
>What timeline are we on, bois?

Nigger this has literally bene the case since god damn Bad Company 2 at the VERY LEAST and is NOTHING SPECIAL

It's VERY simply pre-order early unlock shit they've been pulling for years with DICE games, get a brain you idiots.
You should still shit on them for selling shit to people that you unlock in a matter of minutes

>no season pass
Replaced by microtransactions for everything and a grinding mechanic so annoying it makes the player want to spend cash

>badass female protagonist
Boring. It's all Disney has done since they got SW. You should have been playing as a faceless Death Trooper or something but then that would require imagination.

>gorgeous graphics
Doesn't matter

>amazing sound effects
Doesn't matter

>all three eras
1-2 maps for Prequels, 3-4 for OT, 5 and above for Disney planets

>now this
I hope you enjoy grinding.

Nothing because that'll never happen.

She will join the rebels in the end

I mean, yeah I had fun watching it. I know a lot of it was pretty shlocky but I was able to have a good few chuckles.

See, that's the kind of Storm Trooper I want to play, a loyalist kool-aid drinker who never has that "Are we the baddies?" moment.

Only the 501st legion was cloned from the Kamino facility because of costs, the rest were conscripts.

that doesn't SUCK


Man, EA's going all out with the shilling this time, huh?

Galactic conquest with coop.

Thats Lucas/Extended canon as well. The troopers and cloning was expensive over time, the empire also found it helped the indoctrination and pacification of the empire with pulling from the populace.
Most Clones also suffered degeneration over time, which made keeping them up as a constant force not worth it.

The Senator was a good guy, the Jedi are fucking assholes and needed to die.

>badass female protagonist
Fuck off you dyke loving prick

>all three eras
See You can bet your ass that Clone Wars will have hte least amount of content and that most of the game will be rehashed shit from the first game so they can use the assets again and then spam out content easily with it

>do not discuss videogames in my videogames board!

>disney has only made female protag shit since they got the franchise

There's a difference between discussion and shilling.
If you can't tell the difference, you're probably a shill.

will /bestgirl/ be revealed at E3?

died to vader


nice joke no way the creator of the show would kill his waifu Ahsoka


How hard was Anakin dicking her?

The reason they are adding the prequels is because they underestimated how much the real fans love the era, factions, and aesthetic. If its just Darth Maul fan service that would be lame. However... they did have concept art of the Kamino cloning facility with what looked like Jango Fett.

Also the city of Theed is confirmed.... not just the power generators from the Maul fight.

anakin was too busy being emo to fuck her

He went darkside, killed younglings, and choked his jew wife after she left.

That hard.

They haven't done it for Battlefield 1, though.

Disney isn't in the business of pissing off its customers. I bet it saw what a failure the original was and told EA to fuck off and make a good game this time.

I mean, I'm a hardcore Star Wars fan who bought Battlefront for $60 and all the DLC desperately hoping it would eventually be a good game and I became so disillusioned with the game I still can't say I'll buy the sequel despite it sounding so good. I can't imagine how many casual customers EA lost if real Star Wars fans are contemplating not getting Battlefront II.

A remaster of the original battlefront 2 for modern consoles and pc

This. Fuck this new bullshit riding off the curtails of Battlefront 1 and 2.

I wouldn't want that as it would mean all the great mods wouldn't work anymore.

Mod tools/user-hosted servers.

at least for PC, especially for PC.

>server browser.