You guys are going to buy Best Girl's new game, right?
You guys are going to buy Best Girl's new game, right?
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I don't buy MOBAs
Isn't a Moba, here is your (you)
I plan to, her spear through -> explosion is crazy op, clears entire armies.
I don't buy ASSFAGGOTs then.
Just played my first game in the beta. Feels like a god damn sluggish clusterfuck. Just doesn't feel very fun.
I don't remember Eldar looking that retarded
Soon as I get some more money. A bit tight, as is.
You shut up you double mon'keigh, Macha is a treasure.
What a fat faced girl
Why is Gamesworkshop pumping out so many sub-par W40k games? At least the Warhammer fantasy ones are doing alright, but holy shit.
GW can shit out as much as they want with how much they get from sales with Minis. EC was a shitshow for all involved though, I feel a bit bad for the current devs.
> all the old characters are really ugly now
How did we go from this...
to this?
Her ears are fucking weird.
>Implying pic related isn't one beautiful bastard
Daemon Princes, man. Guy had probably 75% of his body utterly fucked up by Kyras.
Of course. Playing the beta atm and having a blast.
Thankfully all the "lelmobacraftkek" faggots were wrong about this game.
They are too stubby to even qualify the the term "Knife-ears"
More like eldar-downie ears.
Is that a fucking rob liefeld character?
>EC was a shitshow for all involved though, I feel a bit bad for the current devs.
What happened?
All I know is the game just turned out to be Space Marine multiplayer but worse and somehow uglier. Were they rushed to finish it or something?
Yeah they are.
DoW2's farseer didn't look dopey like that.
Yeah, DoW is doomed looks like they're going for some goofy ass Warcraft 3 style. On the bright side Total War is looking pretty good, too bad it isn't 40K, still pretty excited about how they're expanding with Total War: Warhammer 2.
The death of WHFB is the best thing that could have happened for TWW.
So the first devs promised a metric ton of stuff.
>Dynamic world like Planetside 2
>New planets to conquer every month
>Free to WAAAGH!!!, which would have Orks get a numerical advantage but also be individually weaker
>Player housing
>Dynamic Tyranid attacks for PvE
>Big overarching story with big names in lore like Abaddon and Jain Zar
The devs who promised that silently quit just before the game hit pre-Alpha (With a good chunk of funding, apparently), and those that were left had virtually no experience with making big games. They really wanted the game to succeed but they can't do anything close to what was promised, and now have to fill their contract by putting together enough of a game to be put on consoles, which is already fucked over since the game went F2P.
It effectively got snubbed out the gate, and GW and Namco (Pretty sure that's the publisher) are dragging the corpse as far as they can.
Macha's forehead is huge! HUGE!
Nah. Played the beta for a bit and the game seems pretty godamn boring now. Orks are more fun that they were in the past but the overall experience seems to have taken a few hits.
But don't let my opinion stop you from enjoying it. Have fun, buddy.
wait a minute that face
>someone disagrees politely and amicably about a game
Am I really on Sup Forums ?
What a shame.
Between that and Deathwing it seems like every ambitious W40k game is just set to fail. Talk about absolute incompetence.
I'm not sure if he's being truthful, it may be a ruse. Let me check.
Hey faggot nice bait.
I've been having a lot of fun with the beta, I'm buying it for sure. My only real complaint is that 3-4 point Elites need rebalancing, more health and less damage/stunlock. It's dumb for a single elite to wipe 3-4 squads with ONE ability but it's also dumb that they can die in 4 seconds of focus fire. 7-9 point Elites feel fine for the most part.
Macha needs less damage on her W, especially when it's out on her spear. Kind of wish she was more support oriented like previous Farseers though.
Idranel > Taldeer > Macha
Macha > Flat-chested lesbian twat > That mon'keigh fucking slut of a sister
I disagree with him - I'm really enjoying DoW3.
But I was just commenting on how he was being polite. It was weird.
Any source to back up that claim?
He is posting dramatically out of date /tg/ memes
Macha and Taldeer are sluts. Their amount of smut is biblical. Idranel is pure.
Friendly units get buffed around her spear. Plus she has the massive AoE disable. She is support oriented, she just does a little too much damage as well. Kinda like Zapnoggin with less range (fuck Fist of Gork).
People are probably gonna complain that I''m linking to it but oh well.
I didn't like how restricted the "open beta" was, but for some reason I was compelled to play almost 24 hours of it so I guess I'll pencil in a "yes" to the question: will I buy it?
I'm still torn as to will I buy it on release or when the races I care more about get added.
where the fuck are
>Still fighting 'nids
>Vow of silence
Where is my game /v?
>Calderis, training Scouts
>Penitence crusading
>Unknown, maybe Calderis, might make a cameo later on
>Canonical traitor.
Even if the game shits on them
Blood Ravens will forever be me favorite chapter
I already tried league of legends and it just wasnt my thing.
and Thaddeus is with Hairgel
If there was an existence as unnecessary as the Dark Eldar, it probably never existed to begin with.
>Imperial Knight
>Blood Rehvan Heraldry
I don't think it works that way? Would it work like that for Freeblades?
>no cybernetic eye
>no calm and decisive mannerisms
No user the Blood Ravens own that knight
Female Farseers were a fucking mistake. Eldar are supposed to be badass Tolkein elves, not disgusting waifubait.
All the male eldar are all boring and edgy
>Blood Ravens get steel rain
There's a few cool ones, though not many, especially after Gathering Storm
Their male designs are pretty lacking, too. They give them all the same hideous fucking bald topknot haircut. Relic just can't design Eldar worth a shit in any of their games. Only the Warhammer Fantasy games have ever gotten it right.
Tell me, is the story fun? If so, I'll buy it in two days.
only Exodite males
Craftworld males are uptight
>Sup Forums has had better warhammer 40k threads than /tg/ has had recently
You know, we probably wont be even get any memes from DoW3 either because shitposters cant get further than one-line posts and /tg/ is literally a no-fun zone right now.
Lick dat elven midriff.
Fun yes. Groundbreaking storytelling, no.
But then, the same can be said about all the previous games and expansions.
Only when the conversation drifts from DoW3. Actually there is an RTS thread up right now so most of those nerds are probably there.
Dawn of War 3 is shit
I'm playing Supcom FA and HAAH WAAW instead
It will be another chapter in the ever increasing saga of Macha, She Who Shall Never Score.
>frontal view
Cmon there has to be something...right?
Retribution gave us something
Now that I think about it, Ronahn from Retribution / DoW3 is pretty much Illic Nightspear-lite.
>oban star racer.jpg
How did they get it? Was it a “gift”?
Coolio. Any other books I should have a shot at too? I figured Horus Rising was one.
Nope, all reviews are saying it's a glorified extremely short tutorial mode for the shitty MOBA MP mode.
Fuck everything about this horseshit game god damn I'll never not be pissed.
Okay, nigger, you didn't even play the fucking beta. Neck yourself
So apparently there's been something like three different Dobsons that did voice actin for DoW, and two of them have played Angelos.
>Create a sizeable force and decide to launch an attack
>using scouts to you know scout shit out
>make my move
>minute I step foot near an enemy stronghold
>Get 3 FUCKING ELITES dropped on my head
>I had elites in my force
>but it was just assualt terminators and the kill team
>Only one terminator and scout snipers made it out
>entire force was destroyed
I know this is 40k but holy fuck this happens to much
Is the story a continuation form any other Dawn of War games or is it its own thing?
Dont try reading the Horus Heresy stick to the classics
Ultramarines Omnibunius (inb4 Ultramarines LOLOLOLOL no fuck you its a shit /tg/ meme)
Ciaphas Cain
Gaunts Ghosts
Deathwatch Xeno Hunters
Are the Eldar the most sexualized 40k race?
I just can't get into this game.
I don't like multiplayer matches in rts games. I like to just comp stomp and kill hoards of enemies without worrying about competitive shit.
/tg/ is the definition of a fallen board
if I wanted to use Sup Forums id use Sup Forums
Tervigons would like a word with you. Literal breeders and source of all vore memes, tentacle rape memes and capillary towers are penises.
>Ultramarines Omnibunius
>>Ciaphas Cain
>Deathwatch Xeno Hunters
These right?
>The one who did Toth, Crull, and the Sanctioned Psykers in 1 was Michael, who actually did voice work for MLP just like Macha
>Paul did a fuck ton of voices, including Angelos in 1 and 2, Sturnn in WA, Eliphas in DC, and a good portion of CSM units in DoW1
>Brian, the new Angelos apparently, was also the voice of Lukas Alexander, and some Tau and Ork units
Holy fuck the Dobsons were really into the series.
i want dow3, not dow:moba.
General impressions is that the VA work is not that great. The voices are fine its just the direction is really lacking in some part. The Space Marine voices are probably the worst, no "ALIEN BEANS" and every unit seems to spout lines like robots. Nothing remotely resembling righteous fury.
I did like the lines on Lady Solara's abilities :BE ASH AND CINDER FOREVERMORE
The orks are probably the best of the lot, they're a bit high pitch but it only makes it funnier somehow. Its like an army of Kermit the frogs after 5 pints of Guiness.
"Your Emprah is FEEEBLE"
good thing dow3 is here then
>Lukas Alexander
>voiced the worst IG commander in all of the games
Are there any books where you actually find out why the human race are fighting all these aliens? Or who the Emperor is? Or anything? An origin story y'know
voices are all fine
sound design is a solid 5/10 and totally non-immersive unfortunately
The Horus Heresy
I them I think most of them are shit and are just a soap opera about a group of genetically enhanced gods who all have major daddy issues