>tfw God made you live in the real world instead of here
Tfw God made you live in the real world instead of here
Be thankful you get to live faggot
You'd die in a week.
But Nirn fucking sucks. It's had at least three apocalypses, and you can't walk five feet without getting mugged or murdered by a monster.
I saw a mudcrab the other day.
>God made you live only to suffer
I wish the world functioned on ambiguous magic and not science
I wish i was an Imperial
Thats nothing to be grateful about, user.
what if we are living in Tamriel and that's the real world
The fact that we have to live in the real world instead of one of Todd Howard's masterfully created universes is just proof that there isn't a god.
i cant wait to see how we deal with the thalmor and save tamriel
At least here you won't get captured and killed by some mad cultists and sent to suffer eternally in one of the realms of oblivion
>ywn live in Calradia
Why live?
>tfw I always fantasize about living in a nuclear post apocalypse like Fallout but realize I'd probably just get wiped away by the bombs
who would canonically win a race war in tamriel? high elves?
My nigga
>Wanting to live in a world where zombies and various undead blatantly walk around in the middle of the night or in ruins
This, the economy must be absolutely FUCKED if for every one townsperson there are twenty or more bandits
>A world where everyone's a tiny part of the mentally ill comatose fratricide guy
>A world that sometimes went through several time fuckery
>A world where man and elves wage eternal conflict because of the duo-logy theme, balanced by time-travelling cyborgs
>for every one townsperson there are twenty or more bandits
i'd take the number relations with a pinch of salt lore wise. it's a videogame first in which you want human enemies
yeah but think about how comfy it would be to go to the inn and drink mead by the fire with other townspeople while outside there was a stormy night and there were all kinds of creatures deep in the woods
just go to a pub when it's raining?
you can do that in real life....
just go to a hotel with a bar...
>Implying god exists
Fuck off christfag
it's a test
You can always just play Elder ScrollsOnline
I do that nearly every weekend. You're romaticing it way too hard faggot.
Somewhere near a ghetto to get the creatures lurking in the background effect.
see also to anyone calling the Christian God sadistic, just a small reminder that in the Bible, Jesus is willingly crucified to know what the pain of being alive is like, and to show humans that God loves you to the point of being crucified needlessly in order to show his love for you
he walks the walk
Why would you want to? I mean sure you get magic but I think your chances of survival would actually be lower than if you lived in the fallout universe
So instead of just not creating the concept of pain, death and crucifixion, he lets that shit go on and does it once himself as if to say "it's not so bad you fucking pussies".
He then decides to show off by reviving himself, something he never does for anyone.
God is a raging cunt
You are not the chosen one
You are some dumbfuck who happens to be passing by when an oblivion gate opens and you get swarmed by demons
You go HURRRK and ragdoll instantly
and that is the end of you
>Believe in God entire life
>Pray every single night
>Swallow all the dogma
>Here we fucking go!
>Smuggest face possible
>Show up in the afterlife
>It's literally just the afterlife from Dragonball Z
>Get thrown into hell for being an asshole
>Hang out with buff gay demons for awhile
>Manage to climb out
>Eaten by a giant snake lady
>So instead of just not creating the concept of pain
So how do you propose life and loving God is made a meaningful choice then? As the pic in says, any amount of suffering or negativity you put into the world is still going to be proportionately negative to the people enduring it.
There is no meaning without struggle. Do you play all your video games with the invulnerability cheat on?
In fact, it's interesting that people in first world countries, where there is little struggle in their lives, actually artificially create themselves struggle by taking up political movements like SJWism, or watching movies where the protagonist struggles against something, or playing video games like Dark Souls involving struggle. Even though it causes them stress, the struggle makes it meaningful.
Struggle creates meaning.
>He then decides to show off by reviving himself, something he never does for anyone
It's called Heaven. People get revived there.
The only difference is Jesus specifically reviving on Earth (which is shit compared to Heaven anyway, wouldn't you rather be revived on Heaven than on Earth?)
Why should I believe your religion is the true one out of the thousands of them out there?
What if Islam is the real deal and I go to hell even if I convert to Christianity and vice versa?
according to christian believe you only have to acknowledge god as your savioor when directly facing him on judgement day to go to heaven, regardless how you lived your life
>Get thrown into hell for being an asshole
Well, you're ignoring the fact that part of believing in God is trying not to be an asshole.
But let me adjust that chart to show why you're still wrong even assuming someone is an asshole.
No matter what you cook up, atheism is willingly increasing your chances of being fucked over.
But you can't be a professional adventurer. You have to get jobs.
And you can't live in an exciting world full of interesting locations. Sometimes you live in Georgia.
I haven't been on Sup Forums in 6 years. When did religious faggots flood this board?
See you in 6 years
>Why should I believe your religion is the true one out of the thousands of them out there?
The first step is understanding that you are willingly fucking yourself over by being an atheist. No matter what you choose, being an atheist is the worst choice if you think there's even the slightest chance of life after death.
Because if you're an atheist and Islam is the real deal, you're fucked.
If you're an atheist and Paganism is the real deal, you're fucked.
If you're an atheist and Judaism is the real deal, you're fucked.
So you have to choose SOMETHING if you believe there's even a tiny chance religions could be right, because it's the safest, smartest path.
The next choice is picking which religion you think is the most likely to be correct, by looking at how reliable their religious texts are, and how the adherents of that religion behave.
They came in along with the flood of redditors during the GG shit.
if Calradia was real it probably wouldn't be that good. Cultures would probably be more hostile to you than in the game and you could actually die and that wouldn't be good
I bet you've been on r/atheism for a good part of those 6 years, since you must have been somewhere
Feel free to not come back
Just a fun reminder the nihilistic atheists in this thread are statistically more kiley to kill themselves than the average christian
lmao fa ms
I've been here since 09 and never been to reddit outside of following links posted here but nice try.
I could do that at a Renaissance Fair next to a trailer park, fuck Tamriel.
>user lives in the world of the gods
>the land of pleasure
>still complains
Isn't that a little sad? Just choosing a religion out of nothing pure fear for the afterlife?
I can understand the kind of people who are in a slump in their life and need something like Religion to convince them to be more optimistic and better themselves as a person, but yeesh.
>Elder Scrolls thread gets hijacked by Christian assholes
There's a special place in Hell for these niggers.
>leaving out all the millions of other religions
we all go to the same place in the end anyways so cheers lul
Reminder that Christians are disproportionately likely to be black and/or criminals.
>black and/or criminals.
how redundant
I think the primary appeal of these types of worlds is the knowledge that there is something supernatural and spiritual to believe in. Something to pin all your bad thoughts, days, etc. on. In the real world we have nobody but ourselves for those things.
>Humans must suffer because it gives faith meaning. Faith is meaningless without this counterpart.
>Oh, and in Heaven it's 100% happiness. No suffering. No, don't ask why happiness isn't therefore meaningless or else you're going to Hell
I said and/or because white Christians are more likely to commit crime than white atheists.
>Live in Tamriel
>Entire sets of skills, cities, and cultures cease to exist every 5 or 6 years because Todd keeps fucking around with the lore
>Be a spearmaker in Skyrim for years
>Just wake up one day with your shop completely barren
There is no meaning
choice is just narrowing down options to the one that your brain decides will deliver the best outcome
a computer can 'choose'
you choose to struggle because overcoming the struggle gets your brain high for a while
religious texts are entirely unreliable, there is no reason to choose one god over the other unless you're weighing them based purely on the values that you most agree with on earth
there is zero reason to pick the christian god over a god you've just made up on the spot, or even to assume that the sentient creator of the universe is benevolent, or that its morality can even be comprehended by humans
and there's no reason to assume that if there is a god, he's a big enough dick to exclude because you were born in an isolated tribe and you've never even heard of his 'religious texts'
people have been shitting all over pascal's wager for hundreds of years, you're hardly blowing my mind here with your fan fiction
Maybe if you live in a shithole like America that is literally less than 60% white
>Isn't that a little sad? Just choosing a religion out of nothing pure fear for the afterlife?
Not only fear but also promise of happiness and a bigger point to life than just being eaten by worms in your coffin.
I mean, don't you think it's a little sad on the other hand to be an atheist whose only promise is a life of pain, work and suffering, interspersed with some happy moments, until you die and everything you did was for nothing and every contribution you made to the world is forgotten within a generation?
Religion promises hope.
see Pretty much all religions in existence either say "atheists are fucked over in our afterlife", or are indifferent (in which case picking a religion is not going to inconvenience you).
In all scenarios, atheism is either nothing or lose-lose. Whereas picking any religion, your outcome is win, nothing, or lose-lose.
Then kill yourself. The choice is yours, do whatever you want with the gift of life.
>the Toddella effect
I'm a christfag and all, but does anyone find the concept of heaven just as scary as hell? In hell, it's eternal suffering, and there's no point to it, you jist keep on suffering, in Jeaven, it's eternal happiness, but no suffering leading up to it, making it seem shallow
>Casual mention of god and the entire thread stops talking about video games
>tfw God spared your life in a car accident where your older brother and his two friends died and 5 years later you still wish on a daily basis that your brother had been the one to live instead of you
Earth is the place of suffering where you prove your faith.
Heaven is the place you enjoy living with God in bliss and love after you've proven meaningful faith, which makes up for the suffering you experienced on Earth hundredfold.
I'm not contradicting myself, this is pretty easy stuff to understand.
As an example, it's like someone passing their exams, then having their qualifications for the rest of their life.
They are tough as fuck. They came from another continent and still managed to get a good portion of Tamriel. They are also resisting the Thalmor all by themselve while the Empire continues their own cucking.
>Not only fear but also promise of happiness
What happiness?
Spending all eternity on my knees praying to God in thankfulness for being polite enough to not smite my ass?
All that garbage about a magical cloud paradise where you meet all your dead pets and relatives and get to play infinite vidya or w/e is a load of shit.
>it's eternal happiness, but no suffering leading up to it, making it seem shallow
The way the Bible describes it, you can busy yourself with the sort of fulfilling work that you enjoy. Shallowness doesn't factor into it, it can be as deep or shallow as you personally want.
You are assuming that the correct answer has to lie in belief and veneration. What if God exists, and the only way to get on his good side is to be an atheist? That's an equally valid worldview as any existing religion.
Nope. Sub Saharan Africa is the most religious region on earth. Europe is the least religious. Guess which one has a bigger crime problem?
why would you want to live in such a fucking terrible game series
Forgotten Realms would be an amazing place to live...well when not in world-changing catastrophies like the death of the world tree or the spell plague...
Many different races of people to interact with..
Why even live
That sounds more like Lutheranism.
>All that garbage about a magical cloud paradise where you meet all your dead pets and relatives and get to play infinite vidya or w/e is a load of shit
Sure you can think that, and if you think there's absolutely no chance whatsoever of any religion being correct, then go ahead and defiantly enjoy your life without hope.
But if you think there's even the slightest chance of any religious text being correct, you're fucking yourself over by being an atheist.
Correlation is not causation
But there are so many religions that people have believed in over the course of history, and so many that will be invented that don't exist yet, that betting on which one is the right one only gives your marginally better chances of heaven than not believing.
>Omnipotent being
>Doesn't just create a world where one can prove themselves without suffering
Don't say it doesn't make sense, he's supposedly fucking omnipotent. He can create a world that has no suffering or trials and yet allows each person to experience faith in an equally meaningful way to one with suffering. He can easily create a world where one can prove themselves absent suffering.
Imagine how crowded heaven would be.
That would suck.
Argornians. I like lizard girls
>Christfags in denial
Go eat da poo poo.
There's a problem with this line of thinking. God is all-knowing. So what if he knows that you're believing in him only to get into the heaven club?
It's disingenuous at best.
>get home from work one day
>Entire house looted, except for the bed and table
> even the napkins, forks, empty bottles
>go to shop across the street to buy some booze to drown sorrows
>shopkeeps inventory consists of your entire house and possesions you work 20 hours a day for in the imperial ebony mines
>bought it from some khajiit stealthy archer for 138 gold
>pascal's wager meme
If God is real, he would know if deep down you only believe in him because of some game theory.
I doubt religiosity is the most important factor regarding this. non functioning governments and poverty seem like the more sensible causation
that's was I was taught in catholic religion classes
>bought it from some khajiit stealthy archer for 138 gold
>the shopkeeper even admitted most of the basic inventory was given to him for free
this, fuck this. just wanted comfy tes discussion.
Deist master race reporting in. We have the best of both worlds.
Guess I'll just take my chances then.
I can enjoy my life plenty without needing some promise of eternal paradise after death, and if there is a God out there who can't appreciate that sentiment then he can go fuck himself.
>What if God exists, and the only way to get on his good side is to be an atheist? That's an equally valid worldview as any existing religion.
It's not equally valid, because:
If you factor it into this decision making process, then you admit such a God exists. Which means you're not being an atheist (aka denying existence of deities) and as such you're not on that God's good side.
But if you don't factor that God into your decision making process on this matter, and deny he exists so that you can get into his Heaven, then you're not making a logical decision any more, are you? Which means it's not equally valid.
You can't possibly willingly choose to follow a God who only likes atheists.
Europe (and America) is the most Social Justice savvy place on the planet. Africa isn't. Guess which one is the bigger shithole?
UNDENIABLE Proof SJW's make civilizations much better places to live.
SJWs happen because of the civilization, not the other way around, you don't find any in Africa because they to busy trying not to starve to worry about social justice
>they to busy trying not to starve
so isn't that much more likely to be the cause of crime rather than religion