People are starting to hate the game now

>People are starting to hate the game now

What went wrong?

Even Sup Forums realized it's weaboo trash.

there's not enough fucking freedom

the first fucking 12 or whatever days there's no freedom, cat constantly telling me what to do



There are always going to be lovers and haters. Don't let it change how you feel about it.

That said, I think it improved in some areas, and backtracked in others. Good game overall.

Nothing, its the natural progression of games on Sup Forums.

>they introduced the scat fetish girl too late to make her my waifu

guess I have to give it all in NG+

Generally you get two actions per day, fuck off retard

Honeymoon phase is over

you should be used to this by now

No game in the past like 5 years is above an actual 7/10. And I'm not talking about the IGN version of a 7/10 where it means its trash. There just hasn't been a truly great game for a while now and people are desperate for the game they were looking forward to to be that next legitimately great game.

Because the kids the kids in it are mentally challenged and don't thong a single through. One of them was ready to kill a man just because he didn't like him. They are mentally challenged faggots

It's just neogaf raiders. Notice how Horizon threads are reemerging for no particular reason.

They can't stand that a weeb game tackles societal issues better and shat all over their strong womyn protag who fights the patriarchy.

hey I recognize you from the last thread.
still using your tired bait?

wow a whopping 2 actions. In 24 hours I get to do 2 things that typically take at most an hour.

Sup Forums.

As always.

Only faggots hate P5.

I can understand having criticisms about the pacing or the early handholding but to hate the game one must truly have utterly shit taste.

>tackling social issues
>stealing the hearts of muh shitty adults without a single bit of nuance

P5 easily has the best RPG gameplay of the Personas, and honestly is everything a modern turn-based should be, but don't be surprised that people are calling out the trash writing

>making another bait thread as soon as the last one died

Ah yes we are in the death throes of fanboys of the previous games or vitafags now.

Applying a critical eye to something =/= hate it.

At the end of the day, it's a Persona game and I adjusted my expectations accordingly.

The aesthetic is great, the music is frequently fantastic, but there are things that I'm not willing to overlook. That's my stance on the game.

So getting rid if people who have different opinions then you is good social construct

People make these threads every time about a couple weeks after a game comes out.

>game has been getting a constant flow of threads ever since its been released
>shitposters on the move because too many people keep talking about the game and creating multiple threads at the same time
>"well it looks like people are starting to hate the game now"

nothing new here really.

theres still tons of people who like the game.
just because you read a couple negatives about the game doesnt mean that everyone is starting to hate it all of a sudden.

What would Morgana shit coffee taste like?

I think that's what's causing all the consternation. All the refinements to the combat stuff is great, but it's jarring going from well done combat to a gameplay loop and socialization aspect that feels dated as hell.

thanks for giving me a (you) this time man appreciate it

Why is it bait to you? Can you just not handle the fact that I don't think that a truly great game has come out recently? Are you that much of a pussy my dude?

Pretty much this. Most of us have finished the game now after waiting years to play and are just now starting to reflect on the experience as a whole. There is certainly some area for improvement but the game is a solid 9/10.

It's not SMT.

But my guy, don't you understand, the PT are the good guys, so it's okay

People got past the waifufaggotry and are starting to see the pacing and story for what it is: shit.

Now go to bed already.

>>At the end of the day, it's a Persona game and I adjusted my expectations accordingly.
I expected a better game than P4 and I got a better game than P4.

I can see where there would be improvements in an updated version, but I'm satisfied if a updated version never happens.

Sup Forums is a hub of contrarian view points.
Everyone who enjoyed the game have all basically said all they can about it.
Now we're back to normal affairs.

Yup, I thought I was going to get a game that crushes P4 across the board and instead got a game that is merely on par with it for numerous reasons.

Still a good game.

What makes them the good guys we litterally only get one half of the story and they go based on high schooler feelings.

>26 replies
I really hope its samefagging. You bewfags didnt actually reply to such weak bait did you, and bumped the thead at that?

I'm sure there's some kind of typical faggoty backlash but I'm also just not enjoying the game very much. People were right, the writing turned to complete dogshit three palaces in.

I don't think anyone actually hates the game unless they hate all persona games. However, while it might be goty it's like a 7-8 out of ten. The game is too easy on normal. The characters while fun have very little substance and the last stretch is really contrived. Also, everyone, not just ryuji talk about being phantom theives all the time and literally drop into the middle of shibuya without getting caught. So I have no idea why people consider it a 10/10 but it's not a bad game. I donlt regret the time I put in. I just wish it was better.

Well there's the fact that the game gets progressive ly worse as you go on, so...

At first I was ready to rate it 9-10, but now it's sitting closer to an 8 or possibly even a 7 if I'm feeling cruel. Design, combat, music are all excellent and leaps above 4 but the story and characters start getting stale after the first palace and quickly nosedive after the second.

It's just people being contrary or nostalgic for the older games.
That's really all it is.

Explain how the fucking story is good or well written then either one is fine just give an explanation

>People objectively can't talk shit about the gameplay being bad so they move on to talking shit about the story
>P4 had a better story

Sasuga, v. Bet you're the type of fags who like FMA 2003 more than Brotherhood.


The PT's are chaosfags going up against the ultimate lawfag. They're definitely on shaky grounds morally but they're better than fucking yabadabado

It's one of the things that they've been working on since P3 and haven't come close to figure out on how to improve s. links. Honestly, s.links/confidants are what fans keep coming back for, or else the series wouldve been dead at 2, but they seriously need to figure out how to write compelling characters within the larger narrative if they want to keep players interesting in the plot. Otherwise we're left with a 10/10 great dungeon crawling, and 5/10 friendship and adolescent melodrama simulator.

The literal worst that always make the world a shittier place.

well guys i shouldn't be doing this right now. im going to sleep

>maxed everyone before December and read all books with no guide

Holy shit this is easier than Golden. If this isn't your first persona and you can't max all links just end yourself.

How much is Atlus paying you to shill?

Goes in a full circle. Happened with P4, no doubtedly happening to P5. P3 only gets a pass because Sup Forums sucks its dick to no end despite its flaws.

Compared to a life under not-God's iron fist?

>MFW someone calls Persona 5 a dating sim

I'm still enjoying it

It literally is. Try playing a real SMT game like Nocturne and you'll see what a non-dating sim looks like.

skill and abilities are literally based around social links

It is in this game.

>the Zelda honeymoon phase is over, the game is actually a 7/10 at best
>the Nier Automata honeymoon phase is over, the game is actually a 7/10 at best
>the Persona 5 honeymoon phase is over, the game is actually a 7/10 at best
>the winter honeymoon phase is over, the season is actually a 7/10 at best

>real SMT game
>like Nocturne
Nocturne was shit.

He was just going to reset the world so it could start over but some high schoolers know better then an ominpotent being? Persona 5 wouldn't be bad if it didn't pretend like that the phantom troops are the heroes. they ruin the lives of countless people and companys just because of their moralfag feelings when the companys and said people have done no legal wrong. Fuck Ryu flat out wanted to kill his high school teacher because of his fucking Delusion that he broke his leg when he didn't get given any special training.

t. delusional weeb

The sad thing is P3 gets a pass because people are seriously nostalgic for it now. The English release will be 10 years old this August.

you apparently havent finished the game

>People are starting to hate X game now

when will this meme end?

all true

>personashitter calling anything shit

Explain you double nigger

See, there a your problem. You see the world in extremes and can't comprehend anything other than total chaos or total order. Persona 5 has zero nuance.

>haha, fake fans... I read the Harry Potter BOOKS!
This is what SMT fags are like

the first score is right nier is an 8 p5 is a 7.5. these are good games but 9's and 10 are overrated scores. for games with glaring flaws.

In all seriousness, the shadows spilled their guts. Sure, the average person with no way of knowing, I could understand reacting in a way demanding the other side. And I did appreciate them acknowledging with Futaba that just because you have a palace doesn't mean you're evil. Honestly, the only thing that particularly pissed me off was "WHY DOES NO ONE SEE THROUGH SHIDO REEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

Because, he has a clean public image he's painstakingly maintained by very questionable at best means and YOU'VE DONE NOTHING TO EXPOSE HIM YET. Would have made more sense for them to moan about it after the let down of a reaction

Never because Sup Forums will eventually hate everything, but we will be talking about the waifus for years until P6.

>People are starting to hate the game now

Where? I only see praise for it fucking everywhere and deservedly so.

Yadda yadda yadda

>yadda yadda

Yadda when someone plays persona they are in fact trained to play SMT

Don't forget, when Atlus makes spin offs and flanderizes all the characters, we'll go back to P5 and praise it's amazing character writing.


Are there any in-game mentions or events for Makoto's birthday today?

It's just Sup Forums going through it's inevitable predictable cycles.

its bait, and you just took it. Congradulations.

>when the companys and said people have done no legal wrong
>Kamoshida abusing and sexually harassing his students
>Shido using Akechi and the metaverse to create a conspiracy of murder and corruption and become prime minister
>Kaneshiro blackmailing teenagers to act as drug couriers
>Madarame farming his students for ideas and then crushing their ambitions and futures if they so much as make a peep against him

You can make an argument about Okumera but everyone else was a scumbag using their positions of authority and power to commit criminal acts


Maybe their formal announcement of such is a hint of things to come in Rouge?

But then, you're not even friends with Makoto yet on her birthday, and the game ends before it comes around again, so...

I think now the initial threads for it have died down it's time for shitposting threads.
Like this one.

Game is great, 9/10 at least. There were always threads like these but they were absolutely outnumbered by the threads praising it.
Now the games been out for a while and everyone's played it and beat it and the initial hype has died down, they can shitpost and make these threads and get seen.

DDS was better

Why does she have MRI images on her wall. Thats unbelievably creepy somehow.

>>Kamoshida abusing and sexually harassing his students
Literal no proof he never raped anyone the girl accepted his offer but couldn't live with the conqeuses of her action. He did literally nothing wrong everyone else you have points about but not him.

>he would reset the world
no? he quite literally was about to end the human race until the mc piqued his interest at the end
>omnipotent god
nope. he's just a powerful thing created by human desire, not a god, most certainly not omnipotent.

That's the problem, everyone was a giant piece of shit that you couldn't sympathize with at all. Not that it's necessary, but the antagonists had 0 redeeming qualities meaning we had all the more reason to cheer on the PT.

You fell for the bait user. You should never fall for it.

That's not an explanation.


He fucking admitted that he did it. If he didnt do something to Shiho he would never have said he did it, thats not how the change of heart works.

Ryuji did get his leg broken by his teacher who got away with it as self defense play the game.

you mean Sup Forums
who will hate literally anything, so long as anyone enjoyed it
P3, P4, and P5 are all fantastic games for completely different reasons, and anyone who pretends like one is shit is fucking blind

Because her mother was studying human cognition, a field which she took a vested interest following her death in a desperate attempt to alleviate her crushing guilt complex among other psychological issues?

Dude, this always happens on Sup Forums. The game is fucking great.

Stop user. You're getting on Kamoshidaposters' wild ride.

Like the people that say that Adachi did nothing wrong but worse because at least Adachi actually did nothing wrong.

Persona 5's final boss is an exact expy of Lucifer, complete with wanting to reshape the world so that he's in control. Nocturnefags really need to stop throwing around these terms so carelessly

>ask why i say its shit
>say it's because DDS is a better game

Kamoshida, most fake rape victims lack the balls or conviction to jump off a building to fuck the guy over, but I could be wrong

kys, OP

Okumera was hiring Akechi to kill rival CEO's wasn't he?

>people are starting to hate this game now
Does this mean the game will actually be in stock now?

The story was extremely predictable and most of the twists were obvious.

S.Link stories needs more character depth.

Repel Phy is literally easy mode.

Ryuji and Ann are a downgrade from Brosuke and Chie

how would you defend kamoshidas numerous sex objects including girls in gym uniforms (but topless)

Honestly, though, the majority of Sup Forums has responded to the game with overwhelming positivity