Why haven't they been able to surpass this Link design?

Why haven't they been able to surpass this Link design?

well probably cause there weren't even that many attempts since then,

you have the TP, the SS and the BOTW link. the latter two looking pretty similar and the former looking a bit gay. it's also not a design that is easily surpassed.

They tried to make him look lame on purpose IIRC, but he still looks cool as fuck.

I unironically want OoT Link's single ear piercing

Too bad I can never get a piercing without becoming even more of gay bait than I currently am

Who pierced his ears while he was in stasis?

they did though

The BotW descriptions joke that the outfit itself is magical and it did the outfit change by itself.
So his tunic pierced his ears.


I like BOTW Link better. I've always hated Oot Link's Hair. Also Link Between Worlds Link is god tier.

>eyebrows over hair

not an argument desu

Because it's literally perfect.

>Bright, solid colors
>tunic isn't cluttered with a whole bunch of tacked on shit

no nose


Because Disney hasn't given them a new movie they can steal from

I'm led to beleive that X stitching on the neckline is considered to be an important part of the tunic design which is why its on most of them.

>Disney invited tunics


because n64 zeldas have god tier shading

It's only a design a small minority of them

eyes are all pupil, no iris

>inferior gene, dark eyes and black eyebrows link
>cel shaded
>shitty chibi drawing concept taken too seriously
is this the part where you tell us you're joking?

Invited them where?

But BotW Link already surpassed him

replace the tights with actual pants and we'll talk.

What is skyward sword's design?

Shitty lips

It's really only missing in 1, Kid version of OoT/MM, SS and Toon

pretty sure its from the ww manga
shit taste desu senpaitachi

>medieval design

Get out of here.

It's the manlinest coolest link. The other ones tend to be a bit cuter which is fine too.

People remember the lips, but they always forget to mention Skyward Sword's crow's feet.

Twilight Princess was better.

It doesn't have the stupid shirt collar and tights.

both his ears are pierced, user

There is actually a funny story about that stitching. Miyamoto is actually really attached to that part of the design. When Toon Link was designed, Miyamoto kept asking them to put the stitching on him, but the designers decided to ignore him.

How's that? It's basically the exact same undershirt collar and tights, just expressed in a grittier more realistic artstyle.

They also decided to ignore good color contrast

>those awful neon green sleeves on a costume already drowning in grown

his clothing is better but his face ruins it

>ching chong HAAAA

Hyrule Warriors deisng is better.

I love BotW Link.
Blue > Green

He doesnt even look like this in game they fucked up his legs proportions due the WindWaker engine.

>medieval design
Twilight Princess had pants. Skyward Sword had pants. Zelda II had pants, etc.
OoT's design would be infinitely better if the tights were replaced with pants. Same with the undershirt. Take out the tights, replace with normal shirt.

It works well within the game user.

TP Link isn't wearing tights, those are clearly pants.

That way they recolor better for four swords.

>It's basically the exact same undershirt collar and tights
You're either blind or retarded. In one he has this retarded dress shit style collar and hideous bright white tights, in the other he was a nice medieval looking collar and actual pants. Both are major improvements to his look.

I do like the Twilight Princess design when it has the Smash 4 art-style. I especially like the chain-mail beneath the armor rather than it looking like he's wearing a polo shirt and skirt.

He has his own tunic though.

Pants are just gritty realistic tights.

why did they make the master sword so long after OoT? it's fucking massive afterwards, like twice the length of link's arm

Someone post BotW Link wearing OoT cap and tunic + TP pants

get that ass banned.


Blue is the color for those scrubs that have not got the green.

And it's so ugly most prefer to ignore it exist.

BOTW Link is shit. He looks like prepubescent kid, not even a cute one.

Damn that looks fucking garbage.

Lets be fair, in-game OoT link looks far more terrible with his huge head and stubby body.

>dying Zora Tunic and Shiekah garb green

>just your size
>sleeves way too short
>leggings way too short

I disagree with that statement, officer.

What is with Aonuma's fetish for stubby legs? Wind Waker was ruined by it, Twilight Princess, Mipha and the BotW Rito...

Yeah, but very tight pants.
Moreso than any other take on the Tunic, the Twilight Princess outfit is clearly trying to be a grittier take on the OoT one.
It's Skyward Sword that goes in a completely new direction with the open collar and super baggy actual pants.

Truly the best link.

He's the most masculine looking. OoTAdult has much broader shoulders than other Links (especially in model) and a stronger stance. He's eyes are smaller and more focused. The Master Sword is shorter so he looks relatively bigger. Also, the in game model always has Link holding his sword and shield at the ready when drawn, he even in an idle stance. pic related.
All this are nice on their own, but they were also juxtaposed with how small Young Link was. The system works really well and sells that growing up power fantasy


Or at least the best Master Sword's scabbard.
That cloth wrap gives it a lot of character.


Now throw the OoT3D model in there

Me, too. It's such a nice change after all the green.

Whoever decided to give the tunic that collar and those tights should be shot.

God that design looks like shit.


It's hardly unique to OoT. Wind Waker had that cloth wrap as well.
I think Twilight Princess also had it, but I could be wrong on that one.

which is best link?

heh hes not grown at all

Oh yeah, the 3DS model looks terrible. Just another small reason why I prefer the original over the 3DS. Some of the problems with the original model (the large head for example) tend to not be very noticeable in the blocky n64 graphics but became very odd looking as graphic fidelity is increased

They started wasting Based Koizumi's talents on Mario instead.

Seriously the guy shits out iconic character designs and he's stuck with the single most static video game mascot that has ever existed.

The one time he sneaks an actual character by Miyamoto and she becomes one of the most popular characters in the franchise.

NES, Hyrule Warriors close second.

Thus Hyrule Warriors in NES clothes is best Link of all time.

>implying Outset Clothes HW Link isn't the best

TP doesn't have the wrap, but it does have a triforce design.


>Majora's Mask
>iconic character designs
>it's literally an OoT romhack
>when she's just shoehorned into everything for no reason


ijust can't get enough of this meme

muh heart

SCII's version of the OoT design looks alright until you compare him with anyone else in that game.

I don't know what you call is going on with the Toon Master Sword Scabbard.
I think it's trying to have the coloration as if it had a cloth wrap on it, except built into the design.

Still the same song after all this time?

das gay

Who are you quoting?

The SCII design definitely looks to flat compared to the SCII characters. In fact, it was this design that drove nintendo to come up with the TP design

Having said that, the OoT design still looks good with the right artstyle and lighting. It looks great in BotW

epic meme, bro

>you won't be sleeping for the next few nights


It looks totally out of place in BoTW, easily one of the worst looking link outfits on him in that game. Those tights just clash with everything.


>letting them hang free
Still the best


No, most out of place and worst looking is this garbage one.

You're a moron

yeah so dont put him in these gay nostagia clothes retard

how do i get these? amiibos?