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Fuck off aggy daggy go back to dev
What the fuck did you hack the game?
The Square is not in motion though so it would just flop ot the portal instead of lunching out of it
A, because that's how it works in all the porn that uses portals.
fake as fuck
The square does not have a velocity therefore it wouldn't move quickly out of the other portal.
The box would obviously just slide down the slanted plane the orange portal sits on.
from the reference plane of the orange portal, the block is at a non-zero velocity
>The Square is not in motion
relative to the camera.
The box is in motion relative to the blue portal.
it's b
I refuse to believe in what is presented in this gif.
There are other forces at play here.
its a
absolute momentum doesn't exist this is a huge part of what makes einstein's theories work
Gee I dunno user, I feel like you're trying to pull the wool over my eyes. This looks like a shoop, I've seen quite a few in my days
What if you had a room where portals were just flying around randomly at great speed? What if you put a bunch of objects in there?
That was taken in GMOD. GMOD works differently than portal.
when tested in portal, the correct result happens.
Daily reminder that some autists on twitch debated this for 6 hours straight.
Modding something would have been faster.
The speed/ momentum of blue portal can not affect the speed of the box regardless of wether or not that box may or may not be in motion.
The only way if B were to happen if it move through the BP where it would have an unchanged speed on the OP
But portals are not physically supposed to exist on objects that move forward and backward only side to side as we saw in Portal 2.
So neither of these are actually supposed to happen.
It's A
Energy cannot come from nothing, therefore the box cannot be moving.
Reminder that is A
Faggos crying B probably think that fucking traps isnt gay too
Its A you fuck. If the pedestal the cube was sitting on was moving toward the blue portal, then it would be B
What is relativity?
Portals are essentially just holes. If i dropped a hula hoop from the empire state building and it fell on a cube, the cube wouldn't fucking rocket up into the sky. Nothing would happen.
Please, tell me, what is relativity?
You're trying to apply physics in a single frame of reference to what is actually a translation between two frames of reference tied together by the portals. It can't be resolved without using magic because that is what the portals are.
If that were true the box would be crushed as it can't exit the yellow portal.
okay dipshit what is going to happen if your guy stands up?
ayy lmao I made this and this asset
if this makes sense to you then the answer is B
B. Would a hoolahoop split you in two? Because that's all a portal is
Both sides of the hula hoop are moving at the same speed/direction.
I asked you first faggot.
Do you think I would be asking if I knew?
I'm still convinced all A-fags are baiting.
IF I remember correctly, spacetime warps around large objects and make stuff orbit the large thing, I'm tired and I don't really remember, I used to love astrology and physics
>Now realizing it's B after actually putting a little thought into it
I feel like a fucking dumbass
He was standing up but the momentum of the portal going up pushed his body down and squished him
The arrow is supposed to indicate movement
Seriously? A is the only one that makes any sense.
idk why but this animation gives me an erection
>Quantum Tunneling
It exists IRL and it's a pretty common occurrence and one of the main reasons we can't make smaller chips with the current materials and/or techniques. Though, you might be half right about magic needed to make matter go through a quantum tunnel.
No, it's B-fags that are baiting retards.
both ends of the portal are the same point in 3d space
obviously that's impossible but so are portals
Based on observational theory, viewing the scenario by facing the orange portal, the Cube would appear to be approaching the hole at a fast rate, making it B.
>game engine physics
good point
Portals don't stay in moving platforms.
I dunno my dude every single one of these threads more or less come down to A-fags using the same two or three "but what about energy" and "hula-hoop" memes while B-niggers explain why those cause other similar problems elsewhere.
Of course at the end of the day the correct answer is that you can't use physical models to try and predict systems that fundamentally contradict the assumptions you use in your models.
It's not simply a doorway or window
Oh so you mean cool action video game physics and not real life physics? B then.
Portals disappear on moving surfaces.
They clearly point out it is
The weight of the cube being extruded is why its B.
you wouldn't be split in two - your two 'halves' are still connected with no distance between them as usual, but the space containing each half has become separated by the motion of hte portals
>Portals don't stay in moving platforms.
this fucking argument again
also how the fuck does the portal not stay in moving platforms when the fucking earth is moving you imbecile
>part 1
what the fug
Game wasn't designed for that scenario so it's just reading how fast anything enters it, not how fast the portal's going.
Source-engine wise it's correct, but realistically (from a theoretical 'if portals existed" standpoint) it'd just slump out because energy is a physical "thing" that block wouldn't have.
No greater lie has ever been told then Destiny claiming that "this will be quick"
It's a scripted event apparently, the engine doesn't seem to know what to do with portals on moving platforms.
As long as the portals are really just a simple hole through space then it's A.
The box just feels a strong air pressure pushing down on it as it pops up. That should convince some of you B retards.
It's B. If the platform moved up it would similarly throw the box out of the orange portal. In the scenario where the portal moves, think of it like people inside a moving train. The people inside are standing still but the train is moving. If the train cam to a complete stop, the people inside would keep moving, even though they were not the ones expending energy to move. Looking through the orange portal, it would seem like the box is moving closer to the portal, that movement energy is transferred to the box.
It's really obvious if you aren't a pea brain and think for half a second.
The cube is technically gaining momentum as it's going through the portal, so it'd have to be B.
>The box just feels a strong air pressure pushing down
Where does that energy come from?
He literally restated what you said. I used to be an A fag too, but goes into it in depth. It's relative
ease in ease out motherfucker
You fucking retards, portals can NOT be attacked to moving surfaces, so any outcome is impossible. Now fuck off and kill yourselves along with all the youtube commenters who watched that video and posts their retarded made up science jargon
How is it gaining momentum? It's static
uh, the earth is moving, lol..
B tards are literally autistic
Why do people avoid reading the actual explanations? Portals are quantum tunnels, there's no such thing as relative momentum, even if the platform is moving at the speed of light it is not transfering energy to the quantum tunnel.
>Fun fact: The "Look directly at implosion" sign was added because playtesters would just walk away after setting it off, ignoring the animation that Valve worked hard on.
You think I know? It's just a game.
the cube should shoot out with momentum, everyone here thinks that the portals are just static holes. But really, they should be viewed as two universes colliding when they're moving (even when it's just one universe).
In a physical sense, I wonder if Portal portals could actually exist in a stable state if their relative position and orientation was completely immovable in a relative sense.
Like they can't move or rotate relative to each other, but as a unit they can move.
The surface that the blue portal is on is in motion.
The cube exits the orange portal with the momentum that it was forced through the blue portal.
If I add mass to an object in a specific direction extremely fast will the object move?
Imagine that you were locking through the orange portal. As the blue portal descends, it would look like the cube is rushing towards your face.
Relative to you, looking through the orange portal, the cube would be moving. That velocity wouldn't just disappear.
Just imagine looking through that orange portal, seeing the cube rushing towards you, and then having it just stop in place once it exits the portal. That wouldn't seem right or intuitive, would it?
Because we're watching that experiment from the side the relativity isn't intuitive.
But if you put yourself in the position of the orange portal, you sure be able to envision what will happen.
If it still doesn't seem natural to you, then imagine sticking your head through the orange portal. When the blue portal lowers your face would get smashed by the cube, right? That velocity of the cube which smashed your face would still exist once is cube passes through the orange portal. That's one of the rules of portals.
If it makes it easier, you could imagine that each portal is connecting to a different universe. From the perspective of the orange portals universe, the entire blue portals universe you be in motion, except for the pillar that the blue portal is on. The pillar would seem stationary, while the rest of the blue portals universe would be moving. It's that movement of the cube would continue after passing into the orange universe.
it's an impossible consequence
if you placed an indestructible plate in front of the exiting portal, the cube would be crushed yet the portals did not directly transfer energy to do that
It's A
Imagine if the portal hoop in dropped down onto you.
You wouldn't fly upwards.
Its obviously B
The cube is always experiencing force on it, when that force is redirected to a more shallow angle it moves
Is Portal 2 worth playing?
Might pick it up next steam sale.
>Static the whole time
>experiencing force on it
This picture is getting at a more subtle point. The top half of your body would be accelerating faster than your bottom half. If the portal accelerated quick enough, the top half of your body would be forced downwards.
>what is gravity
You fucking idiot! Just because it LOOKS like the cube is moving towards the portal doesn't mean that it ACTUALLY IS MOVING! The cube itself has no motion at all, just the portal. It's A! It's always going to be A as long as the portal is what is actually moving. If the cube was in motion towards the portal, it's momentum would be conserved as it exited the portal resulting in B.
it's B
A-fag can't visualize relative speed
If there's no force how does it exit the orange portal?
Hell ya, one of the best games of all time.
Summer sale is the perfect time to get it.
It wasn't forced through the blue portal. The blue portal just enveloped it. No force could be transferred.
you can't make the difference of A going to B and B going to A it's just a point of view problem
Do you understand the concept of Potential Energy?