Can you imagine how good this game is gonna be?

Norman Reedus
Mads Mikkelsen
Decima Engine
MGS4 team and other ex-konami devs
Single Platform Focus
ICE Team tech

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Norman Reedus looks like a human cigarette

Wow! Look at all those actors! What a good movie this will be!

Kojima is on notice every since MGSV was a dramatic failure

>inb4 muh Konami

Kojima had more to do with MGSVs faults than Konami ever did, they didnt design that shitty game, just rushed it along

If we don't get some REAL shit by E3 it is almost confirmed garbage.

Yeah, good 'kojima' movie

You don't even know what kind of game is going to can you be this excited??

Like it will ever get released

>Decima Engine
Implying that means it will be great

>Single Platform Focus
Except that's wrong

>ICE Team tech
Literally WHO?

You could also be completely shit

Normus Reedus has passed his time, if it was released 3 years ago it would've been a good mood

I remember the times before MGSV. The days of light and hope. Man hasn't even finished the script for his latest 'opus' and he's touting it at every convention because "ZOMG KONAMI WILL NOT INTEREFERE! ROOK AT MY BIG NAME ACTORS! ALSO DEL TORO LUL!"

He doesn't even know what it is. He can only speak broadly and indistinct about the thing. He's being mysterious because the game is still a mystery to him. Nothing to be excited about yet. And even after gameplay finally rolls around by 2018 I will refuse to be excited for anything the way i was for MGSV. Not because MGSV was terrible. But because it was so painfully average with hints of greatness. Nothing more frustrating than that.

I'm expecting 50% MGS inspired but with a huge coop/multiplayer. This will benefit even Guerrilla Games, which will be working directly with DS team. So I think Horizon 2 will have a significant improvement in AI.

How is this wrong? "Single Platform Focus"

This might just be the best thing Kojima has ever done.

Looking forward to the YouTube port.

reminder that kojima is a hack

And plus: Kojima is happy and free to do whatever he wants #fuckkonami

God damn it.... Meryl will always be best girl. ;_;

>written by Kojima

neck yourself contrawank

you are hyping a game purely based on paper.
This approach of sensationalism is always extremely healthy like cocaine to your heart.

>*remembers metal gear psp games, to mgs4 to mgs5*

Why did I have to be born smarter than anyone else, it's annoying to already know that this game is gonna have issues based on kojimas current track record


you guys really need to rein in the hype before you hurt yourselves

This is true.
Thanks for making MGSV so bad I'll never even pirate you pretentious faggot!
Should have scaled back and made another Snatcher for 3DS or something instead of blowing five billion YEN on western whores, you shit.

meryl was so fucking stupid and annoying in mgs1. i was sad when she didn't die from being shot. Fucking retarded cunt.

>You don't even know what kind of game is going to can you be this excited??

Kojimbo is really good at cutting trailers.

Seriously though, anybody who gets hyped for this game before we see some actual gameplay is a moron.

That's actually a pretty apt description

yeah i'm really excited for the new Silent Hill. i can't wait for them to reveal it's Silent Hill and show off the nightmare world.

It's heavily inspired by GYO so expect shitty ending and good atmosphere.

if sony pictures can't produce a good movie.

What makes you think this gook can?

>Can you imagine how good this game is gonna be?
>First thing he lists are 2 D-List actors

Kojimdrones, ladies and gentlemen

How in the fuck is Mads D-list?

how many oscars does he have? how many nominations?

Gameplay or gtfo

he doesn't appear in political artfilms about gay niggers from outer space, that's why he's so great

Because he's a fucking literal who
>B-but he was the bad guy in this one movie sone time ago!!

I guarantee if I walked up to 20 random people and asked who Mads Mikkleson was nobody would. Maybe 1 or 2 at best

What's up with all the C-List celebrities in this game?

But where's the game, senpai?

the game is trying to stay alive after you call kojima out on his shit and a thousand kojimadrones descend on your house

Why doesn't Kojima just direct a fucking movie?

Listen to the trips. Until there's some gameplay shown it's not worth getting invested in this.

God knows I fucking hate him and konami for canceling ZOE3 because the shitty remaster sold poorly.

Functionally speaking, MGSV was really good in the gameplay department, the only issue was a shit openworld, but he was likely pressured to do openworld as it was the in-thing. Storywise, the game is dogshit, though it is missing probably 3 chapters and an epilogue, due to Konami rushing it.

This game might as well not exist

Kojima should be embarrassed that the only things his studio has actually produced so far have been shitty merch

i am movie buff and never even heard of him

Yeah, this is what I'm most interested in. It's going to be on the same engine as Horizon Zero Dawn which was actually pretty good. Like a testing phase or something

>not doing both
>wanting to work with cinema shitters all day
It's the literal fucking dream.

It means he's a cheap whore looking for any sdort of remaining limelight after Hannibal got cancelled so Kojima only has to waste thousands getting him on board instead of millions

>> joosten cause kojima is banging her

Into the trash where it belongs

It's weird. I have 0 hype for this. I guess MGSV really fucked me up more than I thought it did.

>best girl
pic related

I will never understand why hiring actors for a fucking vidya is good idea. Computer generated basically means we can literally "make" actors that don't need royalties, never going on strikes, shittalking you in twitter, and taking half of the game budget.

>Single Platform Focus

why does the woman in OP's post have USB Jumpdrives hanging around her neck? the dummy doesn't know you put them on a keyring.


>not keeping your usb by your keycard

No, I can't. It's going to be a weird as fuck 100 million dollars game with amazing graphics, overpaid actors, empty open world and more scenes than all the Metal Gear series.

I'm reserving judgement until I see some gameplay. If it actually looks decent I also hope the thing about it being on PC too is true but considering the Sony involvement I don't think that's likely.

i like to get mine nice and warm, then place them close to my peenus weenus as quick as i can. it feel nice.

i used to like to do that with jeans right out of the drier until one day i burnt my peenus weenus on the zipper, going commando

>implying oscars mean anything

Im honestly not even looking forward to it. It looks like some try hard psychological bullshit with some bullshit hidden meaning behind whatever the fuck it is.

Kojima said in the game "you won't use guns or sticks, but ropes"... What the fuck does that even mean? Are players just gonna go around controlling npcs from a distance like the second trailer? Are you gonna use the ropes to control vehicles?

Man fuck all that shit, he's trying too hard

If we ignore MGSV im sure it will be technically very impressive

idk the ruse cruise isn't over, canavero still hasnt gone through with the operation, but the date is nearing.

I'm still waiting for this to turn out to be a secret trailer for MGS6.


I legit don't give a fuck about it otherwise.

Norman reedus is a shitty actor and quite possibly the ugliest fuck in hollywood

I'd give less of a fuck about it if it was another fucking MGS game and not Kojima actually being able to do something different for a change.

I kind of doubt it's "videogame" status desu. Not even memeing, I think kojima literally will just make a movie videogame with less interaction than a VN.

Just some cuck thinking it will come to PC even after Sony made a huge deal with Kojima's partnership.

Since when do we care more about Kojima than MGS?

MGS is the reason Kojima is anything. All of his other games are cult hits at best (ZoE was overrated as fuck and Snatcher was legitimaely boring).

Because there's nowhere to go with MGS. Milking it even more is pointless. And I like the contents of the trailers we have and don't want it ruined by MGS bullshit. Just let the series die already.

Does that mean MGS survive is going to be GOAT with Kojima gone?

>he thinks the quality of something is measured by how many people know about it

Just shut up, you are retarded.

norman reedus holding a feetus

Can't wait for next The evil Within.

Kojima is past it
the only way this will be good is if he got a good co-writer/co-director

you think kojima can't write?

>you won't use guns or sticks, but ropes

He never said that, he said the game will have guns, weapons for some melee shit and something related to "ropes" in the gameplay.

>having any expectations until actual gameplay is shown

you think he can?


Post-Fukushima the series went off rails.

you think he can't?

What is with Sup Forums and shitty conclusions like this that were never implied? Every end is mutually exclusive with you faggots.


>I have full freedom to develop MGSV however I want!
>Piss away millions
>Commission songs and don't use them
>Continuously shift direction and never finish anything
>Get fired
>Team dismantled
>Name scrubbed from the company's history
>I have full freedom to develop Death Stranding however I want!

I can't wait to see what happens next!

>yfw Kojima bankrupts Sony

Kenji Yano is one of the best writers in Japan.

Except that despite the great gameplay, Ghost Babel has a shit story. Plus Fukushima cowrote Metal Gear Acid, which also had a garbage story. Kojima wrote Policenauts, which had a fantastic story. I'm not gonna deny that Kojima probably needs someone to tame his dumber ideas, but trying to give Fukushima all the credit for the great stories of the earlier games is obviously wrong

>A whole lot of money going to not-gameplay

It's going to me a memorable 4/10 walking sim, nothing more.

>no gameplay released
>claims it won't have gameplay

My rule of thumb is the bigger the budget that goes to VA's, celeb cameos, music studios, mocap gimmicks, publishing, art, etc, the less money that is going to programming and gameplay.

is it even going to be a game?
or is it going to have 10 hours of cutscenes and then maybe 2 hours of "game"?

I love how people complained so much about MGSV having barely any cutscenes and then go on complaining about Death Stranding being a movie.

I wouldn't know, I never played MGSV