what is the first red pilled video game you played?
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what is the first red pilled video game you played?
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escapism is pretty healthy though. we even dream at night to escape from the darkness
what the FUCK did he mean by this?
Tactics ogre was fantastic
what the FUCK game is this and why haven't I heard of it before?
>Realizes Ivalice isn't real
>Doesn't realize his 'real world' isn't real either
user, no breaking the 4th wall
Persona 2
Dreams are for cucks
Persona 2.
I'm currently mental health transitioning to autism, gotta get those sweet autism bucks
we dream at night because our brain is rebooting and all the information that wasn't important enough to remember from that day is getting flushed into the abyss.
explain lucid dreams then
it's pure escapism
if you lucid dream, your chance is getting nightmares increase exponentially. careful with unlocking that pandora's box
dreaming =/= 24,000 hours of 1 MMORPG/video game
This world isn't real and I and I want to return too reality.
seem pretty clear to me.
>and I and I
robot confirmed
Deus Ex
Why is that?
I lucid dream pretty regularly and I don't remember the last time I got a nightmare
Not really. Once you become lucid you know everything's a dream, even nightmares. So you retain calmness and control until you wake up.
Fact is the plural of anecdotes
your sample size is too lacking for you to make a statement that falls under the p value of .05
Marche is just a globalist shill. Fags like him want people like Newt to tolerate evil beings like the bullies who put rocks in the snowballs.
Here's your sample size
*unzips dick*
>*unzips dick*
>not zipper
Is there any other videogame with such a shitty protagonist?
No wonder none of his friends join his party.
>we need to come back to reality
>you can keep playing postgame
Tjhis fucking game is a farce.
>tfw I never dream and the rare occasions I do dream it is a nightmare.
outed yourself as a newcomer to these boards
I guess that's just the life of worst girl.
If world could be twisted so easily by a single book it doesn't deserve to be called reality.
Everyone dreams, not every dream is remembered upon waking though.
roommate is like this, basically learned to lucid dream just because all they ever saw at night were terrible nightmares
Are you making a meta joke about the Torah/Bible/Qu'ran?
as a kid, I didn't really get it. I was just beating the bad guy and saving the world as far as I knew.
anyway, the first one that hit me pretty hard when I was old enough to get it was MGS 3's ending. the idea that a government could betray its greatest patriot...fuck. I was in legit tears
you only remember dreams if you wake during REM sleep
>guy claims to understand one of the most mysterious and ill understood aspects of the human psyche
>accuses other people of using anecdotal evidence
hello newfag
Well well well, what the fuck do we have here?
fresh off the boat from reddit, kid?
n-no I've been here for a long tiem