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Come on ZDawners! We've taken a hit from NintendoGAF in the past few days on Metacritic. Do your part to keep the start of this franchise above 90% where it belongs!
Discussion Topic of the Day: NDP Rankings are outdated. VGChartz has become more reliable in recent years. Is the only safe way to assess rankings based on publisher numbers? We need to plan a consistent strategy that speaks to the average Joe/Joanne moving forward. We can't let people game the sales data to dissuade potential ZDawners from joining in the fun!
"Horizon: Zero Dawn" Discussion Thread
I don't know what you meant to achieve with this thread.
Just go to /vg/, this is a shitendo containment board, you won't have any luck here.
>literally TORtanic-tier blunder
>Alright guys, I wanna have a nice contained thread with as minimum cancer as possible, BUT FIRST, LETS TALK CONSOLE WARS
You're a special kind of retard, OP you know that?
Bumping blatant false flagging because why not? Sup Forums is fucking garbage after all
Hi, welcome to /hzd/! Please consult the action items in the OP for more info. They update regularly, so check back often!
>le goldface
>le movie posting
>le pure nintendo posting
You love this shit don't you OP? I doubt anyone would make HZD thread on Sup Forums and not want console war posting.
I actually liked this game when I thought I wouldn't. Combat was better than expected, and it has flaws with open world elements and the like.
I just liked it because the main story was solid scifi and was a fully contained AAA title with all the answers given. Seems similar games leave it out.
I'd probably say overall about an 8/10
These consistent shill threads are annoying. Do you seriously get paid enough for this? Please feel disgust for yourself.
Hi! Just curious - Did you follow up on the deeper elements of the story through some of the game's collectibles? Very deep lore....
Are the rumors that this game ONLY sold 600 K true?
Hi, please consult the Discussion Topic of the Day prior to posting unsubstantiated nonsense. There's really no place for this kind of talk. Many reputable sources like Kotaku and Polygon reported Sony's assertion that it sold an estimated 2.6M copies. Sony is a major corporation with its reputation on the line; we should assume these numbers are the most correct at this time. Thanks for the question! Please research more in the future.
why is sony even funding shills, the 15 minutes or this game have been over for awhile.
To try and make losing out to BOTW less embarrassing.
I can't imagine being this paranoid! I bet you think the moonlanding was faked too. What a nutjob LOL.
Not him but the one guy dedicating his life to making all these threads and responding to everyone in them is a bigger nutcase than anyone on this board.
Whatever you say mr. Marketeer.
Marketeers getting transparent these days.
They don't hesitate to bring out the delusion or paranoia retort.
I really enjoyed this game even though there's nothing special about it. Is that weird? Maybe it's just that it's a streamlined edition of all the usual boring shit games do now.
I loved this game and would have actually liked to talk about it, but I know you're just a false-flagging faggot who's pretending like the game so you can portray HZD fans of being more annoying/desperate than they actually are. Stop tricking people into hating the game for bullshit reasons.
Why do you care so much is this game is a commercial success? How does it effect you in any way? Let it go you pathetic cunt.
Same, user
I don't even know how many levels of false flagging this thread is in.
I love what this game does for DIVERSITY and WOMEN in video games. Us WOMEN are 52 PERCENT of the gaming culture . About time we break from this BOYSCLUB.
Bump for the late crowd! Great discussion tonight, guys and gals! I bet a lot of us ZDawners are busy clocking triple digit gaming hours! Ha ha!
is this game worth buying? i am worried it will not hold up to the witcher 3's almost impossible standards.
I can't believe you faggots convinced me to waste $60 on this dry-ass game.
Buyers remorse sucks!
If you like witcher 3 you'll love this.
>Expecting anything less when the most exciting thing was the robo-dinos.
Post web movies fellow gaffers.
How do I watch my video clips on PS4 before uploading them?
webm of her ass when?
>We need to plan a consistent strategy that speaks to the average Joe/Joanne moving forward. We can't let people game the sales data to dissuade potential ZDawners from joining in the fun!
What in the holy fuck is this marketing bullshit.