>That guy who picks female when creating a character.
That guy who picks female when creating a character
This kid will be the next Chris Chan.
>mfw the family beats up my girl character
but chris at least had one parent that loves him, Cody is just going to get beaten more now that "he caused them to lose their youtube bux"
this kid just wants to play minecraft
Can I get a quick rundown on this guy?
The parents treat him like shit a lot on their Jewtube channel and people feel sorry for him.
>Literal retards defend his parents
>Owns lots of emotional trauma
>Will bankroll the first mental asylum on Mars
>His IQ is undefined, the likes of which no mere human could know
Guy and his wife abused their nephew for youtube views. Called it "pranks."
Over time Guy and wife have quit or stopped working other jobs, relying solely on youtube bux. Guy's channel gets called out for child abuse. Media attention, yada yada, kid probably going to get abused even more.
He will be more of a psychopath
>Cody bows to DaddyofFive
>In contact with CPS
>Possess psychotic-like abilities
>Control maryland with an iron but fair fist
>Own trailers & pick up trucks globally
>Direct descendants of siblings
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Daddysburg will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of invisible ink research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be DaddyofFive pranks
>both parents said to have 60+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Appilacian monasteries & Area 69
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two rednecks who will descend upon Boston and will bring an era of prankdom and unprecedented yelling with them
>They own Carpet Replacemnt R&D labs around the world
>You likely have DaddyofCarpet inside your house right now
>DaddyofFive in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
>Cody learned fluent Sumerian in under a week
>Nation states entrust their prank reserves with DaddyofFive. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Daddy
>Cody is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.
>DaddyOFive and his fat wife upload extremely mean "pranks" to get YouTube money
>most of the pranks involve screaming at his youngest son, Cody
>they smash his Xbox and Amazon tablet in front of him (but it was just a prank, we have replacements, tee hee)
>they made a mess in his room, and started screaming and swearing at him, blaming him
>they make him think he's been abandoned in the mall
>they try to convince him that he's accidentally killed his brother
>they tell him they're putting him up for adoption because he's annoying
>they leave him at his grandparents house instead of taking him to Disneyland
>that last one isn't a prank, they actually didn't take him with them
>Phil DeFranco calls them out
>they're in trouble now
>Direct descendants of siblings
>some white trash family has an ebin "prank" channel on youtube
>most of the pranks consist of abusing their children
>this kid gets shat on constantly for youtube bux
>kids are so fucked up in the head that they accept this treatment saying "at least you don't beat us like most parents"
>even though the father literally beats this kid on camera
When he shoots up a school no one will wonder why.
Great pasta, but Boston is in Massachusetts, not Maryland.
Are people feeling bad for this kid?
When at the same time Sup Forums was treating that one channel like a hero where they would pretend to be xbox support and trick stupid kids into sticking their harddrives in the microwave and then pouring salt and butter on them and bricking their xbox ones?
Only retards think this kid will end up poorly. These kids have all the toys they want, but also aren't coddled. Its like the best of both worlds. Fuck ups in life are either completly neglected, or to protected.
This is a 7-year-old kid with already established mental issues being physically, verbally and mentally abused for money.
He will be a Rule 63 Lizzie Borden
I hope you can see the difference between laughing at a kid doing something dumb, and a kid being emotionally abused by his parents for financial gains.
>Friends bow to the owls
>In contact with ceruleans
>Rumored to be able to read
>Control Japari Park with an iron but fair fist
>Own attractions all over the park
>Direct descendants of the ancient owl blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Currygrad will be the first city)
>Own basically every Sandstar editing research facility in the park
>First designer baby friends will be Owl Babies
>Both owls said to have 200+ IQ
>Ancient human scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment, mild curry and unprecedented technological progress with them
>These are the owls
>They own Lucky Beast R&D labs around the park
>You likely have mini Lucky-sans inside you right now
>The Owls are in regular communication with the Archangels Kaban-chan and Mirai, forwarding the word of man to the park friends
>They learned fluent Japanese in under a second
>Friends entrust their Japari coin reserves with the owls. There's no coins in Ft. Japari, only Ft. Owl
>The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base friend.
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe
>The owls will guide the friends into a new age of wisdom, peace, love? and mild curry
the difference is that the channel you speak of was tricking stupid, spoiled kids whereas this kid (cody) is abused by his parents on a regular basis for youtube bux
he probably gets bullied at school for being a special needs geek and then he has to deal with his parents fucking with him mentally and emotionally on a daily basis
they literally left him at his grandparents and had a family vacation to disneyland without him
There's a very large step from being "coddled" to being constantly fucked with, and not being able to relax around your own parents.
At that point it doesn't build character, it builds mental issues.
>that last one isn't a prank, they actually didn't take him with them
>they got investigating along time ago
>got passed
really jogs my nogs on what other kids are just getting abused by their parents living the harry potter life fuggin lul
didnt take him because he smeared shit in the house.
Which is a sign of trauma in children. Lots of adopted kids do it when they're young.
They had no idea about the youtube
Yes, kinda related to when I'm still a kid. Alone playing myself because both of my parents were at work.
Nephew? It's the guy's son
Isn't this the video where Cody seems to say that he wants to kill himself, but Daddy mutes the audio so we can't hear it?
I wonder what could have lead to him doing something like that.
>your fat piece of shit mom will never ride you
It was just a prank
The team investigating didn't know about the Youtube channel. Now that they do, well... they're fucked.
If I recall correctly, they grossly exaggerated that. It was a wall in the bathroom and hardly any of it was actually on it.
Which is a common sign of abuse
If you want the indepth version where this guy went through their 200+ video and got the most hardcore vids of mental destruction
If you want the FUGGIN LUL ft. Steve-O version
I'm not one to condone prison violence, but knowing she and her husband will get the breaks beaten off them in the yard makes me feel better.
holy shit my dad held me down in the couch once and i couldn't fucking move and it was one of the scariest moments of my life
i'm glad i quickly grew so much bigger and stronger than him
he tried to literally fist fight me 2 years ago and i just grabbed his arms and he just squirmed around
steve-o is fucking great
>it's just a prank BRUH
Looks like /r9k/ found a new champion.
Yes, kid clearly aware of his shitbag parents
Why do they specifically target Cody, why not fuck with their other kids?
She aint even the kid's biological mother apparently
Nah, he'll be the next one of these
Jesus kid, you can do better
Cody's the redheaded stepchild.
because fuck Cody
He's an easy target. An already mentally unstable kid being abused gets better reactions and more views.
>tfw every time you don't smash daddofives like button they smash that kid
>be that kid
>can never be alone
>dad breaks your xbox or blames you for something you didn't do every single day
>every reaction you make is captured on camera
>there's nothing you can do to stop him
>be on the verge of a mental breakdown
>try to find a place where you can be alone and in peace
>your goofy dad comes closer and closer with his camera and a big grin on his face
This is nightmare fuel.
how could you make your child feel this way and then think you should record it and upload it onto the internet?
What's this about? I've been hearing about it, but I have no idea what this is all about
To be honest, Cody shouldn't have been a little dweep to begin with.
They 100% lied about that. They backpedaled and said they only claimed that he smeared shit on the wall so he wouldn't be embaressed that he "clogged the toilet", which was another lie because they backpeadled FURTHER and said they didn't want to take him to Disney Land because he "Might wander off and get kidnapped"
>defending parental child abuse
I miss the days when Sup Forums was chaotic good instead of taking the unpopular stance on fucking everything just to be edgy.
Watch the first five minutes of this shit.
>at least you don't beat us
that's dark but my mom guilt tripped me like that a few--
>like most parents
that's going a bit far
>even though the father literally beats this kid on camera
whoops wanted to attach pic for effect
It's just a prank bruh
jfc fucking scumbags
>choose male because male
>get halfway through game
>realize once again females have way better customization options
Every time.
Which they obviously don't really care about, because they abandoned him in the mall as a joke, and he stood calmly and asked a stranger for help.
Some folks are just shitty people. Don't try to rationalize it. Mankind has depths of depravity.
Most of this thread is rightfully calling them shitty parents and awful people. That's one retard.
Are you a nigger?
>Parents are a couple of JewTube meme cunts
>Can't tell if they're pranking you or about to beat the shit out of you for things you genuinely didn't do
>Have to parrot their outro like a machine because they own you and use you for their videos
>tfw your own dad is still an edgy teen
>tfw your mom isn't kind or endearing but some trucker bitch with the mouth of a sailor
>tfw your meme parents are too focused on their channels to care about the wellness of you and your siblings
>tfw you look away in shame, disappointment, and pain after your meme parents made you cry for JewTube bux
>tfw your dad is immature enough to say irl "it's just a prank bruh"
He will kill himself either by self-harm, death by cop after taking down some bullies at school with a hand gun, or run away from home and disappear forever. There's no saving those "parents," they should have been blown on a tissue and discarded. Now they're stuck with immature cunts that he will grow out of in his late teens to early 20's. Imagine that. Growing out of your own parents. Like you realize they're a lost cause and you're better off without them for real.
Made me appreciate my family a lot. At least I can say my father wasn't some used internet dickbag.
Oh wait, no. It was merely the toilet overflowing, and Cody was embarassed. Oh wait, no. They didn't want him running off and getting kidnapped or telling a police officer what was actually happening.
Gosh, it really is hard to keep your story straight, huh? Kind of like how they can't figure out how much of every prank is "staged".
No it isn't. It's his sister's son, aka his nephew. She lost custody due to some issues with bipolar disorder.
Cody and his sister, both of whom are ginger, are mistreated much more than shitstain Mike's actual kids.
Why are people hopping on to this now? Those videos have been up for a good year now.
You wanna know the most disgusting part of this shit? They aren't the biological parents of the kids, they fucking won custody of the kids through shady shit and the actual mother has to watch her children be fucking tormented by psychopaths
Hopefully them shutting down the channel means that authorities are gonna come down hard on these shitstains
He probably thought that he was finally free.
When WW3 begins, I bet these "parents" are gonna get fucked up by cody in midst of the chaos, he's waiting for the right moment to strike.
Philip DeFranco called them out on it and it gained traction from there.
He's the stepheaded red child, and being the youngest would be more prone to extreme outbursts.
>Woman losing custody
Honestly she's probably the second Satan.
Choose the lesser of two evils, I guess.
proof of this?
i couldn't imagine the fucking hell adopted children go through
No, you are wrong. The two youngest are his kids and the woman he had them with lost custody because she's bipolar. Pls be smart user
Everyone probably thought it was just another generic prank channel since there are hundred on Youtube already
Holy shit, that's even WORSE. If the shit-smearing was legit, that could very loosely justify not bringing him.
Most of us hadn't heard about it until now.
The only time I've ever seen a parent get off with abusing a child is when they had shit evidence.
They have sets of youtube videos loaded into the chamber and they've already been investigated. Buckle the fuck up.
>they leave him at his grandparents house instead of taking him to Disneyland
why is that the one that angers me the most LOL
There's one or two fun tidbits in here.
Stop this.
Isn't the dad their biological father? I've heard the bitch is their stepmother. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they weren't the biological parents, it would explain a lot.
It is completely OK as long as its funny
Considering the way they treat him he'd probably be better off with grandma
>we have been through this before and will have to do it again
Apples and oranges, Chris´ problems come from metal problems that were never properly dealt with, the kid fron Daddy05 is suffering from abuse, he wil most likely grow up to be a cold hearted man unable to ever show weakness and unable to ever truly make a bond with someone and always suffer alone in silence.
I know this because my dad beat the shit out of me any chance he got, and I grew up to become that.
Thats just fucking funny and also a good lesson learned. It's harmless unless the microwave catches fire.
>daddyofive is a conspiracy nut
that right fucking there is enough evidence to get his kids taken away from him
>Take Cody to Disney Land
>Hire a meth addict to kidnap him
>Wait five hours before getting him back
>h3 makes a video about daddy of five
>Sup Forums can't stop posting about it afterwards
That sounds about right
PrisonDaddyOFive looks like Eminem.
These people deserve to be beat with a crowbar
Better off until they play grandma's favorite game; "Is the gun loaded?"
>"I guess these people who believe in everything the media posts believe that 9/11 was terrorists"
You fucking what?