This character can kill you from across the map in a single hit, regardless of what class you are playing. How do you beat this without playing as a Sniper yourself? TF2 thread
This character can kill you from across the map in a single hit, regardless of what class you are playing...
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The game is dead. Leave it alone.
Sniper was right about everything
t. shitter
play scout
Go invisible as a spy he cant see you
You aint a Scout main unless you taunt after every kill
You DO taunt after every kill, right?
>Play scout
>Sniper bodyshots you
>You die
Go spy you fucking freak.
Close the gap in a horde of meaty human shields like Soldiers and Heavies, then let loose where he's weak and most other characters are strong, or buy enough time to cut a path for the Scouts to go in and break the enemy backbone.
11/10 loadout, well done, user
Learn how to rotate you fucking hack
If only Spy had some sort of gun
Discern where the sniper is located, then move towards him while hidden by buildings, tunnels, etc.
post loadouts
>Shoot sniper once
>Sniper turns 360° and headshots you
If you can't hit a relatively still target two or three times before he has time to turn around you should play another class
keep shilling your meme
>tfw class crown is worth dog shit
>Implying this game is anywhere near as competitive as Overwatch is
Nice dead game teamcucks
Noice meme
Fitting, it looks dog shit, too.
Deet deet
B-but I like it
>dressing like a fucking christmas tree
How come there is no ninja in TF2, Sup Forums?
still one of the most played games on steam
get outta here with your liberal gender equality game
Punk rocker moon stomper
What the fuck is this even for? What's stopping the Spy from just shooting you? Only thing I can see it useful for is against YER spies.
>who is an infiltrator
>and also a assassin
Snipe from a sentry nest
That's nice honey I'll put your grade on the fridge.
>tfw strange gunslingers are expensive as shit
That's fucking hilarious
oops, there was a thread up already, fuck
Man, I fucked up that spoiler placement too.
>playing med in a pub
I hear you need a pocket
>playing against shitters that can't snipe scouts
shitter detected
Shit, i actually replied to your thread
Welcome to the disappointing world of medicine
Name a better gun
>that kid that spams overwatch in a tf2 thread in a desperate bid for (You)s
can't we just all get along
i've just filtered "overwatch".
>kritz a soldier on frontier defense in the chokepoint after the initial RED spawn
>he somehow misses every single shot and fails to get any kills
>have to leave him to die as a demoman, scout, and soldier all advance once the kritz ends
stock bat
>Pay to jump
>Outclassed by every other melee weapon
Try again sweetie
Will there ever be a game with gameplay as deep as TF2?
Dwarf Fortress
Play as a Spy with the ambassador and snipe him from across the map
>not kritzing the demo
>Dwarf Fortress
>losing 15 health and a pistol for a stupid combo
>play soldier
>meet enemy pyro in a linear corridor
>shoot crit rocket
>he reflects it
>hop over the crit rocket and frag him
This is the kind of shit that got me hooked to this game
>Dwarfs going on break when I need them to build
What is the meaning of this bullshit?
>63 favorites
According to 63 things, the thing on top can code.
Same voice actor.
The fuck was she trying to do? I doubt she has any knowledge on coding language
>He can't consistently stun+Cleave people for instant KOs on everyone but heavy
C'mon, son
For some reason, the majority of random demos I meet seem to be particularly braindead, I've just resorted to soldiers in pubs unless I notice the demo can actually aim or is scoring well. You have to be absolutely horrible to miss with crockets at least.
Stop eating shit u filthy casul
I think he was trying to block negative criticisms and gg no re.
I don't think it will work.
Best narration ever
Why not play as the DPS that doesn't miss then?
Dump the Reddit-boy for a Level 3 Chin
that's because demo actually does take the most skill to play
That's a weird way to spell Heavy Weapons Guy
>no jetpack
Come on now
Why does nobody play Engineer in competitive TF2?
Retarded ahead
Demoknight is fun on casual pubs
I'm starting to warm up to how they reworked the persuader, as long as you get hits, you're in and out for days
just play a rhythm game where you click to the beat faggot
It would be fitting with the detonator jumping huh, 2bh I just want a pair of googly eyes but cant justify spending money on TF2 cosmetics and I dont have buds or anything worth trading
nothing more satisfying than rocket jumping into a sniper nest and killing everyone
because in reality engineer is just a worse demoman which every team already has so engineer is only good on last if there are particularly annoying scouts/cow mangler soldier
not even as a joke
because he's boring as fuck
>setup in meta spot
>hold with wrangler/rr for as long as you can
>teleport out when they uber
>setup at next meta spot
but i already have a loadout with that
It's because the whole point of engineer is to slow down the game.
No one's gonna wait for him to build a nest at competitive level.
worthless when they uber
it's only viable in casual because no one plays medic
*blocks your path*
What is the most impressive play that you have ever seen in TF2?
What would your player name be if you ever became a competitive TF2 player, Sup Forums?
anyone with half a brain can destroy a sentry and kill an engy uber or not. demomen and soldiers especially but even scouts can just run circles around the turret, off the engy then bat the turret to death in less than a sixth of the time it took to build the sentry. He's still useful at certain chokepoints I believe as a last resort surprise but in general he's trash.
Ahh look at these fucking pansies playing dress up!
I liked this crown however.
>tfw shitters crawling at the bottom of the scoreboard kills hoovies
It's always the fags bad at the game killing friendlies. I wish I could go on to the other team and form a hoovy bodyguard squad or something.
Let's go Sup Forums.
Why does every compettitive player has a name that is just a random word written in all lowercase letters?
which region
>Mid-air headshot when launched by Demo
I-I'm sorry, but what
I regularly hat-trick on CTF, usually pulling through for a shit team and I gun down friendlies whenever I can.
You faggots need to get the fuck out of matchmaking and piss off to idle servers