fire this gook.
SF4 was a fluke, it was pretty shit on release. Only SF game that was legit good was SF2, and all others were either so-so or complete garbage. SF doesn't need saving, it needs to drop SF5 like hot garbage and get working on the next one and pray it's either, legit good, or another fluke.
Just make Super Street Fighter 5.
This. Work on the next and dont give the girls weird proportions.
Put Blanka in
>SF4 was a fluke
It's no mystery. SF4 and MvC3, which were both pretty good games, were designed by outside studios. SF5, which was shit, was designed in-house.
>it needs to drop SF5 like hot garbage and get working on the next one
SF5 wouldn't have been made if Sony didn't pay for it. Don't expect another one until the PS5 comes out.
That's what everyone thought Season 2 would do
>"guys the game is shit now but next year it will be good!"
>game gets even worse
>just turns into MUH E-SPOATS plus overpriced costume shilling
SFV was developed by Dimps, just like SF4. MvC:I is the first in-house developed fighting game by Capcom in YEARS.
>He doesn't know why SF girls need big hands and feet
Needs more characters and more machinics. Fix the throw range add a guard break and it'll be pretty good.
Where are the twins!?
>A sequel to the most successful fighting game in decades that singlehandedly sold the genre to a generation of shitters that had never been to an Arcade only exists because Sony said so
How delusional. Sony made Capcom an offer they couldn't refuse. Because they are jews.
The game is honestly pretty good. Don't respond to this post if you only play against bots because you don't matter.
I know about the fucking hitboxes. They still look horrible, user.
It's so porn artists can just trace them for high quality feet fetish hentai, right?
We don't. Crapcom needs to finally die.
is sony really stupid enough to waste their bribe money on another flop?
release characters people actually want
There's nothing to save. The series has always been bad.
I'm just sayin'.
Super Street Fighter V
They should have just updated USF4 with some missing features. They didn't need to start a whole game from scratch. Seriously you have SF4 there that they've been balancing for years, that competition was at its peak in, that had a roster of over 40 characters...what the hell, let's just throw all that away and start again with a game that plays differently, but not better.
ITT: scrubs talking some nonsense
Combo links are easier v-nigger is something different
I said it's different, but not better.
Shit just isn't fun to play.
I can grind out combos in GG, BB or SF4 and derive some autistic pleasure out of it, but SF5 makes me feel nothing inside.
Assuming we're given no actual restrictions
>postpone MvC:I until Spring, then get all the dev/design team working on CFN and the SFV UI for a while
>release that 2.1 patch already
>get the Season 2 characters out as quickly as humanly possible, including the following changes
>further nerf Urien, Cammy, Balrog, Laura, and Guile
>buff Alex, FANG, Ryu (not as much, but still substantially), and Juri, balance is in a very good place after that
>at Capcom Cup 2017, announce Super Street Fighter V
>including all vanilla and Season 1/2 characters with default/story/Battle Costume 1 outfits, all stages, an expanded story mode that begins to cover SF3 story, Extra Battle mode, a more in-depth Demonstrations mode for casuals trying to learn the intricacies, and a better lobby system for $60
>all the above content besides characters/stages being for free with current SFV owners, and cross play with the current version
>also include Sagat, Sakura, E. Honda, and Makoto, and give Sagat to everyone for free as a goodwill gift
>market the everloving fuck out of SSFV, not just at tournaments
>include vanilla SFV for free with every MvC:I pre-order on PS4/PC
Capcom intentionally preparing two characters plus improved netcode against its biggest competitor tekken 7 when it launches soon.
>nerf Cammy
She is in a good spot. All the other characters I totally agree.
It's sad that Capcom thinks a game that historically has near to no overlap with their playerbase is going to steal a portion of their current players that is big enough to justify pissing them off for two months.
I WANT to like tekken 7 and get into it, but the juggling is just so goddamn stupid.
A year ago I woulda said fixing SF5 is easy and just a matter of time. Boy was I wrong. Literal whos for the season pass. Ugly artstyle that only gets more noticeable with more fighting games coming. Awful balance. Better but still pretty bad input lag. Online is still garbage. Survival mode is shit, arcade mode is definitely not coming. Player 2 can't even rematch, how hard is that? A simple UI fix.
This. I hope the vampire slut is fun to keep me interested enough.
>Literal whos for the season pass
The sad thing is that one of those literal whos is probably the only fun character in the entire game, and chances are it's going to be the only one because SFV players don't like characters that can just unga bunga in front of the rival until either of them dies.
Make a good game with a new team or go back to the past and bring the 90's Capcom.
Or just give it a time and make a new FUCKING MEGAMAN/RIVAL SCHOOLS GAME.
> characters that can't* just unga bunga
SFV is made in-house
in a shit house.
Make Darkstalkers 4
>Breast expansion in HD 3D
Jedah plz
>in a good spot
>when virtually all of her normals are plus on block, braindead hit confirms (more so than usual) she has a ridiculously easy time getting in, and her mixup game between frame trap and tick throw is easily one of the best in the game
Y'all fucking crazy, son.
Wow, really makes you think.
Longer normals, less emphasis on rushdown, more emphasis on multiple playstyles including zoning, add multiple v-triggers and supers for each character.
Also I don't know what's up with the dashs but it feels like every character is Makoto with how fast dashes are. In all previous SFs I could snuff dash ins but I can't seem to consistently in this game.
By playing Third Strike
You don't. You play 3rd Strike via FightCade.
Good thing about sports is they don't fucking change, so people can get good at them over a long period of time.
Nobody needs 9000 iterations of SF
>all others were either so-so or complete garbage
>3rd Strike
Kill yourself son
You said it, not me, you 09'er dick rider.
I'm not sure there is an easy way to save the game. The best point to prove the game was worth picking up for most people would have been at release. The best they can hope for is getting the core fanbase on the game and making sure MCI is something everyone wants. Maybe they could do some Marvel cross promotion when the next season comes out
More and lewder swimsuits.
Capcom USA would get triggered and ban them though.
Release Super Street Fighter V: Mega Turbo Retard Edition with the dlc included so that retards throw their money at it and claim "they fixed it man".
release tekken x street fighter
Put it away and bring back Darkstalkers, or make a new fighting game IP.
I'd skewer those thicc meat thighs and eat 'em
Crossover with Mortal Kombat.
I dont believe youve just been playing sf2 since release, sorry.
the shitty input lag and normals make dashes a lot stronger. Sweeps and kept dashes at bay a bit better in 4. Honestly, I felt sf4 was easier to play neutral in and 4 had really janky neutral thanks to so dumb mechanics
What is there to save? Street Fighter games are going to get worse and worse as the fighting market shrinks and shrinks because no one wants to deal with fighting enthusiasts. You have many Street Fighter games now, and unless the new one is like the one you like, you wont like it. A new street fighter is essentially just a new balance patch, waiting to see how the same exact characters have been adapted. That works for a few entries but it wont constantly carry a franchise. Time for Street Fighter to die.
I bought the game planning to play against bots, and it got me into fighting games properly.
3rd strike was so bad it killed Street Fighter for 10 years.
you dont
the genre is shit anyway. its made for people think they are competitive and want to reap rewards for their effort of mashing button mindlessly.
Why is that hard to believe? I'm not him but I remember buying that shit in like 5th grade.
>more emphasis on multiple playstyles
This here is why I unironically say 4 was a great game. You wanted to play rushdown, vortex, projectile zoning, defensive/reactive, midrange poking, etc. there was a character that emphasized that style that was at least mid-tier.
And some characters could be played different ways while still being effective.
I miss the days when I could tell what pro was playing a character by the way they played them.
You don't, the community has ruined the genre beyond repair.
WTF SF4 and MvC3 were garbage. What only reason those faves were successful was cuz of the old school who kept playing it. It introduced new players. Atleast the games could provide hype and SF4 had some hard execution.
more swimsuit skins and oil/jelly/mud pit fight stages
and fightan lolis
KoF XIV is an amazing game, literally everything is perfect but it doesn't have the best graphics in the world so Sup Forums hates it.
The only good SF game that still is good today is Alpha 2.
- decrease combo damage for most characters (excluding obvious ones like Juri)
- decrease stun across the board
- decrease critical art damage across the board
- vastly decrease frame advantage on V-Trigger cancels across the board
- give every character who doesn't have it a reliable, high damage anti air
- increase poke ranges
- increase movement speeds
- give characters more normal moves
- reduce corner carry like what the fuck how can Balrog literally carry me from one corner to the next with one V-Trigger confirm what the fuck are you doing
That would be the start. Not like it's ever gonna happen when you look at the balance patches we got so far.
I mean every time you want to play a fighting game all youve played ever is one street fighter because theyre ALL shit.
Dimps made MN9 and those bad Mega Man gba games, no?
Get Combfiend away from it
They really just need to take it back to basics, take what makes SF2 so freakin amazing and follow the same guidelines. Graphics wise they are making, improvements but their character design is total crap. All the characters especially the extras in the sega SF2 were amazing and had an amazing moveset, hate to sound old but SF5 really just feels like a game that was just made to be visually appealing and online. 4 and 5 failed to be captivating, anyone would kill to have SF2 with modern day graphics so why not do it?
SF2 is unbalanced even after dozens of re-releases. Alpha 2 and 3 are superior.
>SFV made by a development team of over a hundred people with tons of funding from sony and capcom
>can only manage to make half of a bad game and after a year it's only gotten worse
>arcsys managed to make xrd with 25 people and barely any budget
capcom tried to force the ESPORTS market like league of legends. Instead of making a good game that people would want to play they dumped all their money into ESPORTS with hopes that the casuals will latch onto it. But they didn't realize that nobody gives a fuck about fighting games and they will never be able to compete
>there are clearly issues with SFV as a whole package. We all know it
>capcom tried to force the ESPORTS market like league of legends
There are superior fighting games on the market
Whatever, if they made a remastered version of any of those versions I'd blow anyone into oblivion for it.
-Tekken 7 is another heavy metal edgy meme
-The new Marvel vs Capcom is going to be at least as bad as the previous
- by the end of the year people will realize Kof is the only decent 3d fighting game
Screencap this.
SF IV sales: 8.6M
SF V sales: 1.5M
is it worth saving?
SFIV sold well because it was the first SF game since 1998 not because it was good.
>complains about SF2 being unbalanced
>then praises alpha 2 and 3
alpha series was fun but lets not pretend it a semblance of good balance
so what does that make SF V?
both SFIV and SFV were developed by incompetent people that don't care about games. You idiots are still expecting a patch 1 year later that will never arrive.
Literally the only way at this point is to just bite the bullet and make a Super SFV with everything included.
It don't matter if the vanilla players who already bought all the season passes and costumes get left behind (lul), they'll still buy it anyways.
The truth no one wants to talk about is that after the failure of SF III Capcom decided not to make another SF game ever but autists kept spamming them so they decided to make a game "back to its roots" similar to Mem7evil
that was kind of my point. i don't think sfv is worth saving.
capcom really fucked it up good this time.
so we just need a first-person vr street fighter with jump scares?
don't give Capcom ideas because they might add a VR DLC in the future
Tekken 7 is another heavy metal edgy meme
What even?
A good start would be to make stages free.
Or finish the game first. Im not even that mad at Tekken 7 taking this long, they have addedd so much content to it, that it is worth it.
If they released the game at this state right now the game would have sold much more.
Also no more nerfs just make the weaker characters stronger. Dealing with Urien and Laura isn't that bad anymore but Balrog is still ridiculous