Since this place is so full of hate, let's concentrate all of that into the genres that deserve it the most.
What else should we add?
Since this place is so full of hate, let's concentrate all of that into the genres that deserve it the most.
What else should we add?
Everything popular
Virtual novels
Anything Japanese
Japanese "puzzle" games that are 3 minute puzzles separated by 30 minute text cutscenes for some shitty generic anime story
True but that doesn't mean we shouldn't do something about it, let's make this a reasonable list
Every single game ever made
>Anything Japanese
Too biased to be taken seriously
>Japanese "puzzle" games that are 3 minute puzzles separated by 30 minute text cutscenes for some shitty generic anime story
That could fit into Virtual Novels as well
Anything else?
Not a genre
Huh. Does Yooka-Laylee count? That was going to coast off of "We have JonTron and we're making a RareWare collect-a-thon to take advantage of your nostalgia!"
Again, not a genre. That may be true but Yooka-Laylee is a game user, open your eyes.
>implying broad terms like 'games are art' is a genre
>Hating games by genre and not by the quality of individual games
And people like OP are thee reason why Sup Forums will be Sup Forums with video games. Not giving you a (you).
Your favorite game, OP.
>What else should we add?
EA. ANYTHING by EA. It's been fifteen fucking years and I'm STILL mad about what they did to Westwood.
Every game after 2008, with four exceptions per year of what Sup Forums can consider the best of each quarter.
If we're going by Sup Forums standards that picture should just say video games
>virtual TCGs
That really depends on the game though.
Like obviously Hearthstone and crap like that is shit but games that are based of actual TCGs tend to be pretty good usually.
Also those Japanese mobile TCG that are based of anime or games are usually also really well made.
Toss MMOs on the list. You get a few gems like COH/V and EVE but everything else is pretty garbage
EA hasn't made a good game in ages.
anything with crafting.