This game was delayed by two years and it still has heaps of unfinished shit. So let's make fun of it

This game was delayed by two years and it still has heaps of unfinished shit. So let's make fun of it.
I'll start with an easy one.
>Game has sidequest to buy a house
>When you get it that's it and you can't do anything with it

What the fuck are you talking about? You can fully furnish it.

I know right? Nintendo promised a detailed landlord simulator back at E3 2015 and they just cut that out without even an apology.

Nigga, did you expect to pimp out your house like the SIMS?

Not exactly unfinished, but Mount Agaat really bugs me. It's named on the map, but you can't even climb it. You can peek around the top using Revali's Gale, but there's not even anything of note.

>OP doesn't finish game
>"Game is unfinished"
Really something the somethings


I wonder if any other exclusive has ever spawned so many dedicated shitposters here. You could pretend that Bloodborne caused a shitstorm but nobody actually cared enough about Bloodborne to shitpost this hard about it, most of the thread OPs were started by falseflaggers just to get the never evers rolling.

That picture reminds me that this game really gives me Mega Man Legends 1 vibe

I wish the shrines were interconnected by an underground maze...

>>When you get it that's it and you can't do anything with it

Except use it to unlock the best sidequest in the history of Zelda games.

You can sleep and store weapons in the house, what the hell did you expect? I do think the house should've had some sort of secret like in WW but I wouldn't say the house quest feels unfinished

What do people love so much about Tarrey Town, anyhow? It's a neat little sidequest and it's cool watching a small town built from nothing, but it can't touch the Anju/Kafei quest.

its a great and addictive open-world game but its a trash zelda game

Nothing in Zelda can't touch the Anju and Kafei quest, but that doesn't mean every sidequest in every other zelda game is bad, is just doesn't has the same impact as that one.

That's not totally true, you can waste a bunch of money adding stuff to it, but none of it is customizable, and there's very little reason to actually revisit your house once it's all said and done. Honestly I think they had the quests backwards, you should have had to build Tarrey Town first and then get your own house to go along with it. Tarrey Town is actually occasionally useful.

That's an exaggeration, the wood requirement alone knocks it down a few points.

>You can sleep and store weapons in the house, what the hell did you expect?
The ability to invite one of those countless waifus in the game.

>What is weapon storage, free health regen?

>weapon storage

A handful of mounts is not worth the trouble, if it was a chest you could store a lot of equipment in maybe.

>free health regen

Cooking is too OP for that to ever be useful.

You only need like 100 wood bundles total.

Just because a game is delayed doesn't mean a second continent is going to materialize.

[lonely simmering]

Overall, I thought this was a pretty generic fetch quest, BUT Tarrey Town is the best hub in the game and it looks great. I also liked the naming convention rule, but by the time I had gotten to this questline I knew where all the vendors were.


And unless you know how the quest works out ahead of time, you're gonna have to go out and chop wood 4(?) separate times. It's dumb busywork.

>Not collecting every resource you can just in case

I mean, if you're legitimately brain damaged, maybe. Once he tells you he needs wood to build houses and you need to bring people from certain races, you know you'll need more.

The game actively encourages you to avoid combat.

Why did they do this? Why even bother trying to create dishes when you can get max hearts or stamina, and then some, just by cooking one easy to find ingredient?

Because they weren't really thinking that hard when they made the game.

I thought it was an amazing game but I still have heavy criticisms
>Enemy type variety is just sad for such a huge game, same goes for the number of bosses.
>You have all these amazing varied landscapes but you know all you'll find are shrines and different variations of the same enemies and bosses.
>Healing and defense mechanics are super broken, it's really poorly balanced.

I wish everyone could be this objective

That's not fair the Anju/Kafei sidequest is one of the best sidequests in all videogames

I don't think the usual criticism I read is any less objective

I think the problem is that criticism itself is a rarity and gets a bad rap. Many people seem to adhere to the belief that criticism is always meant as an insult and that if you love it, you can't possible criticize it.